A traitor in Baghdad, a traitor in Kabul

By Khalid Amayreh

Traitors, irrespective of time and place, are enemies of their own peoples and motherlands. They are also enemies of the most fundamental human morality.

One, of course, should not worship his country. A morally enlightened citizen should refrain from supporting his own country, or more correctly his government if it chooses to do wrong and adopt policies that are manifestly immoral.

The notorious Israeli oppression of the Palestinians and the genocidal American imperialism in Iraq and Afghanistan are two classical examples of criminal policies that good men and women of conscience ought to strongly reject and resist.

Indeed, opposing such policies is the ultimate expression of true patriotism, whereas supporting one’s country -right or wrong- reflects mindless jingoism and moral bankruptcy. This factor ultimately draws the line of distinction between civility and savagery and between enlightenment and primitiveness.

However, moral depravity occurs when citizens of a given country collaborates with foreign invaders to effect goals that are decidedly criminal and evil. Such is the case of the Iraqi government.

Nuri al Maliki, the Prime Minister of Iraq, might think that he is serving the interests of his country by allowing American imperialism to gain a permanent foothold in Iraq.

He might be tempted to argue that many countries around the world are hosting American military bases without having their respective national sovereignty compromised.

He is wrong.

First of all, Iraq is not Japan or even South Korea. The American military presence in Iraq is not designed to help the Iraqis achieve true independence, stability and prosperity.

The American occupation forces are in Iraq in order to destroy Iraq, which they have done to a large extent, torment Iraqis, and transform the land of Harun al Rashid into a virtual Zionist colony serving “ global Jewish-Zionist interests.”

Moreover, the Americans seem hell-bent on arrogating Iraqi oil by turning Iraq into a banana republic, a mere cheap market for American products.

Another important reason behind the American occupation of Iraq is to forestall the potential of Iraq becoming a threat to Zionist military supremacy once again. Otherwise, why would Mossad agents scour Iraq from north to south and from east to west to assassinate top Iraqi scientists, probably in collusion with American, Kurdish and (Iraqi) intelligence services.

In short, the United States wants to destroy or neutralize Iraq on Israel’s behalf. Wasn’t that the main factor behind the American invasion, occupation and virtual destruction of the ancient land of Mesopotamia ?

In truth, the current Iraqi leadership seems to have lost any sense of national honor and dignity. This is obvious from the shocking complacency displayed toward the very country that murdered or caused the death of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis…all “ because if it is good for America it is worth it,” as the evil-minded Madeline Albright put it several years ago.

Today, the traitor of Baghdad, the Ibn al-Alqami of our time ( Ibn Al-‘Alqami was the vizier of the last Abbasid caliph in Baghdad, Al- Musta’sim, who is accused of opening the gates of Baghdad to the armies of Hulago) is effectively allowing the US to maintain a number of military and air-bases on Iraqi soil which would be used against fellow Arab and Muslim countries, or at least to maintain America’s hegemony over oil fields in the region.

Equally obscene is the Iraqi leader’s initial consent to granting American soldiers who murder and rape Iraqis a virtual immunity from prosecution by Iraqi courts.

What happened to the honor of Iraq and the Iraqi people? Is it being trampled upon, not only by the Zionist-American invaders, but also by Iraq’s own quisling government and its so-called prime minister who doesn’t stop claiming to be serving the national interests of his country and people?

Would any honorable Iraqi, Sunni or Shiite, Arab or non-Arab, Christian or Muslim, accept such humiliating “agreements” that would grant the rapists of our daughters and murderers of our children immunity from prosecution by Iraqi judges?

Are Americans a special breed of people to whom the laws of man and God don’t apply? Would the American Congress and government ever agree to grant a foreigner living in the U.S. immunity from prosecution by American courts in the event he or she committed a felony, or even a misdemeanor, on American soil?

Or is Iraq becoming just another “Palestinian Authority” whereby Nazi-like Israeli soldiers are given a caret blanch to violate Palestinian population centers around-the-clock while thousands of American-trained Palestinian “soldiers” and “officers “are confined to their coops…because the agreements say so!!

And now the traitor of Kabul, Hamid Karzi, the so-called “President of Afghanistan” who represents even a cheaper and more pornographic type of quislings than the traitor of Baghdad.

What else can one speak of a man who probably enjoys watching American and NATO pilots rain death and wreak havoc on innocent Afghani men, women and children sleeping in their mud huts in the Afghan countryside?

Persons, let alone leaders, who behave as such are really scum, vermin and dirty animals that ought to be eradicated.

Well, this is the age of American democracy in the Muslim world. Salam, Shalom, Peace…and the American way!!!


  1. Gerry said,

    October 19, 2008 at 18:45

    Word of advice for Nouri Al-Maliki and Hamid Karzai: avoid walking under tall trees for one day you will be hanging from them.

    You will go the way of the Shah of Iran. And sooner then you may think.

  2. Cadavre said,

    October 19, 2008 at 18:50

    I liked the article – I just wish is was as provincial and testosterone saturated simple as the article implies:

    The American occupation forces are in Iraq in order to destroy Iraq, which they have done to a large extent, torment Iraqis, and transform the land of Harun al Rashid into a virtual Zionist colony serving “ global Jewish-Zionist interests.”

    The American occupation forces are in Iraq for the benefit of the Global War and Oil Exchange, of which Zionism and the US Military are “bit” players. The US Military and Zionist are just sock puppets for the War and Oil Exchange. The goal was never anything more than a ruse to defraud citizen stakeholders of their treasure through tax backed borrowing and “risk” priced margins on commodities to fund the Exchange operations, like United Defense, Boeing, KBR/Haliburton, Bechtel, Black Water, Exxon, UNOCAL, the oil brokerage and trading houses, Carlyle and the family members and spouses of elected government officials in the US, UK and Israel. Many in the know even regard the Saudi’s as Zionists.

    The war gave cover to the fraud underlying the so called “global economic collapse”. That fraud may have been the real reason for the ruse of the “war on terror” and the theater of /11.

    Google “Dov Zacheim”

    Let’s not forget heroine. The Taliban had ended opium production. Think about it. Think about a ruse within a ruse (“Dune”). No Afghanis on any /11 flight. Afghanis are not even Arabs – yet the /11 lie lubricates the pockets of the War and Oil Exchange. Ahh – but then we’re not fooled – Afghanistan – becomes about oil – a pipeline – and a UNOCAL puppet serving as Mayor of Kabul. Think again – a barrel of oil is worth maybe 40 – 70 bucks – when a barrel of refined opium is worth millions! Black Market Cash is a mighty attractive to the War and Oil Exchanges’s banking operations.

    Finally – it’s not the disappearing middle class that should be worrying us – it’s the disappearing merchant class that we should fear – pretty soon – one exchange will own everything – and any business not part of the exchange will not be able to do business.

    Think “Big Box Store”.

    I wish it was only as simple as traitors and the pathetic dominion heretics collectively labeled Zionists – but they are like the rest of us – stooges for the War and Oil (and Dope) Exchange.

  3. Quantum Disruptor said,

    October 19, 2008 at 21:14

    Americans seem to have a hard time realizing they are going in the history books as the most easily fooled braindead peoples ever to be overthrown by a zionist dictatorship, and controlled the same way Hitler had done. America is now on a free-for-all to kill men/women and children in other places. That no courts will stop them from doing so ,this has not ever been seen by the world since the old soviet republic. “Stooge” is not the term I would use, as it leans towards being a victim of pranks.

    The term I would use in describing America is ‘laughing satans imps’.
    Americans christians have now handed over their souls to the devil and it’s NWO of greed, materialisms and selfishness and they haven’t even realized it yet. Americans love their beers and bibles, only they think they can get away with it because they worship jews as Gods self elected “chosen people”.

    But are American’s starting to realize they are being setup? From the looks of things, I’d say, NO.
    But the signs are there they want more help from satan. Just look at the major time it takes up working the self-denial part of the brain “lesser of two evils” and turn a blind eye to it’s own governments mass murder of innocent people. People who’s only crime is not being born an American. It takes alot of work to run one’s own morals into the ground. Americans are the best damn pretenders the world will ever read about.

    But GOD has plans for you America. Jesus himself stated many would make the claim they are his children, that they are christians, right in his face! But, they didn’t behave or even live as christians, which is why Jesus will send them to the lowest regions of hell. I pray America ends up in Hades, all of it.
    Sink you bitch, sink like your devils triangle ended in the abyss. And take all of your defenders of justice with you. I know America will not be put on trial for it’s mass murders, but God will give you true justice in the next life. And there is no way in hell you can hide from yourselves there.
    Then you will have to finally face yourselves for what you truly are.

    The only peoples standing in the way of lucifers NWO union are the Muslims.

  4. nota said,

    October 20, 2008 at 04:17

    I wish you’d continued:

  5. Zahra said,

    October 20, 2008 at 06:01

    and all caused by the traitor of Americans in the white house gwb and his co-hort dick cheney and the other bunch of cowards who with israel’s mossad – netanyahu in particular began the whole affair with his “plan for the new world order”
    The war in Iraq was begun at Israeli urging but even if Americans make the case it was for big business and corporations worldwide – it is still 95% zionist so it is invested in israel in the end anyway and israel’s goal is to enslave all Muslims (to begin with).
    Thank God Putin put an end to Israel’s plans for using South Ossettia as a staging point for its aircraft in order to attack Iran from the North a couple of months ago.
    We (as an international body need to insist that our countries hold a vote in the General Assembly of the United Nations where there can be no VETO and hold a vote on Israel. “Israel can remain as a state within the 1948 borders as a neutral entity. (unarmed)”
    In return it would return all land taken in 1967 and at any other time and give up rights to any natural resources belonging to Palestinians. Israel would recognize the right of return of Palestinians ethnically cleansed in 1947/48. Jerusalem would be returned to the Palestinians.

  6. tisatashar said,

    October 20, 2008 at 09:48

    With regards to Iraq, Maliki & Amerika, maybe u should address your ‘barrage” at those responsible……

    The Sahwah – The Sunni Awakening Councils.

    As for Afghanistan (& Iraq for that matter), those in the “chairs” are shia. Why would they be sad?

  7. October 21, 2008 at 22:26

    Zahra, I agree with you that the world needs to speak out and demand that the Jewish state give back land. I’m ashamed of the way this country has helped the Zionist state ethnically cleanse the Palestine and then claim this country is fair in it’s treatment of the Palestinian people. It has never been fair!
    Quantum Disruptor, there are some Americans that see through the lies. I do see signs that Americans are waking up. I don’t know if it will be a large enough awakening or if it will come soon enough.
    When your enemy controls the media, he has control of the flow of information. Here is an example of what I am talking about.
    Who Put Hate In My Sunday Paper?
    Uncovering The Israeli-Republican-Evangelical Networks
    Behind The “Obsession” DVD
    Something strange has been showing up inside the Sunday newspapers of millions of Americans the past few weeks. The material being included alongside comics, coupons, and advertisements for local stores is a controversial DVD called “Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against The West.” Some 28 million copies of this DVD have been distributed for free so far in this fashion. In some ways the scale of this campaign, and its ideological venom, are unprecedented: many newspapers state that they had never previously distributed free DVDs as inserts, certainly nothing with such a charged content. The copies were distributed not randomly across the country, but in the “swing states” (Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Colorado, etc.) that are seen as a toss-up in the November Presidential elections between McCain and Obama. Obviously, someone is trying to influence the American electorate by playing on fear-mongering and hate-mongering themes. But who? Who is behind the massive, multi-million dollar campaign?

    Answering that question proved harder than one might think, as the groups behind this DVD have worked hard to hide their tracks. The connections, which are partially concealed in the DVD and the distribution campaign, take one from groups in Israel, to pro-Israel lobby organizations in the United States, to Christian evangelical groups, and to Neoconservative think-tanks.

    There is more to this article but this will give people an idea about what it covers. You can find the rest here.
    h t t p://w w w.uruknet.de/?p=m48073&hd=&size=1&1=e

    This Is just a small sample of how they manipulate Americans, through their control of the media. Some see through it, but most don’t.