Upon arrival …

Three friends from Colombia visited me this week. Upon their arrival at Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv they were completely body searched. It seems that it is assumed by many that all Colombians are smuggling drugs into whatever country they are visiting.

After about a two hour search and interrogation (and not finding any non existent drugs) they were finally allowed to leave the airport….


Some Background on the three

One of them spent a few years here earlier. The other two were visiting for the first time. They wanted to see as much of Israel as possible in their short (1 week) visit. They also wanted to visit Bethlehem and Nazareth. Being Christians, it seemed natural to visit the birthplace and home of their Lord.

This apparently is one big NO NO as far as the Israeli Authorities are concerned.

Leaving for home …

Not as easy as you might think! When they presented their passports to the Airport Security people they were immediately taken out of line and sent to what is commonly called ‘the bad room’.

The following questions and answers …

Security …. Do you have any Palestinian friends?

Answer … We have Palestinian friends and Jewish friends.

Big Brother is following you on your visit

Security …. We saw on your FaceBook Page and in other places (Click on link) photos of you visiting Palestine, is this a fact?

Answer … Yes it is a fact. We went to visit the Church of Nativity where Jesus was born. We also visited Nazareth where He spent most of His short life.

Security … Did any of your Palestinian friends give you gifts or put anything in your baggage?

Answer … No

At this point they were all forced to strip and full body scans were performed. Everything in their baggage was removed and checked carefully. Nothing suspicious was found as there wasn’t anything to find.

The procedure, except for the body scan, was repeated by other personnel two more times taking three hours in total.

One of the three had a laptop with him. Security confiscated it as well as his Smartphone. They told him it would be sent to his home in Colombia within a few days.

They were finally allowed to leave the room and head towards the gate to catch their plane (which they almost missed).

So why all the fuss?

So, suddenly there IS a Palestine. Go figure!

Bottom line is … if you visit Israel with the intention of visiting Palestine as well, DO NOT POST ANYTHING ON ANY SOCIAL MEDIA SITE UNTIL YOU LEAVE THE COUNTRY.

Hassles such as the above can be prevented.


Mightier than Joshua

A part of the separation barrier in the Shoafat refugee camp in East Jerusalem collapsed on Wednesday due to stormy weather.

Jerusalem Separation Barrier Falls After Storm, Residents Celebrate

Residents of Shoafat refugee camp celebrated the incident, which happened in the same area last year and in 2013



Image by Carlos Latuff

Read the following post from Mondoweiss…. (Click on link)

Netanyahu deal with Jewish supremacist party was ‘a long time coming’


It becomes criminal when everything that concerns criticism of the “Jewish state” turns into anti-Semitism and is not stopped even by Jewish critics…

Netanyahu laid out his rationale for the change at the cabinet meeting. “The state of Israel is a Jewish and democratic state.


Where is the demand for a change in the “Jewish state”?

By Evelyn Hecht-Galinski


It is interesting to see how German politicians feel called upon to demand sanctions against the legitimately elected Venezuelan President Maduro.The leading candidate of the European People’s Party for the European elections, Manfred Weber, announces in the Bild Zeitung: “The world community must not watch as the situation in Venezuela escalates more and more” and calls for a unified EU line, “which does not shy away from sanctions, as a signal the unity of the Europeans “. Similarly, the head of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the European Parliament, David Mc Allister, in the “central organ of democracy”, the “cancerous ulcer” of the German media landscape to speak with the statement: “The humanitarian situation in Venezuela is catastrophic and continues to worsen daily”.


On the side of the coup


The FDP foreign policy expert Count Lambsdorff wants to continue to watch as “Maduro starves his people”. Of course, the CDU General Secretary Paul-Zimiak does not want to stand aside and condemns that “Maduro shoot at people”. Of course, there could also be missing the green-outdoor expert Cem Özdemir, who also called for the EU pressure to move Maduro to give in; He urged the Left Party and its European allies to opt for the people and the dictatorship of ideology.


This shows us once again how implausible these politicians are, for these cowardly hypocrites are more than eloquent when it comes to the illegal occupation of Palestine and the daily Israeli human rights violations; All of them are loyal to the “Jewish Occupying State”, which unites all parties, from left to right-wing extremists.


It is frightening how quickly German policy has sided with the coup leader Guaidó, a US puppet that does not shrink from incitement to civil war and US intervention. But this does not trump Trump poodle-pack: the Germans are again squeezed on the side of injustice, despite the opinion of the Scientific Service of the Bundestag, which leaves little doubt that “the recognition of Juan Guaidó by the federal government in violation of international law.” , (1)


Fatal tendency to disregard international law


In sharp contrast to this fatal tendency to disregard international law, Merkel again and again emphasizes that she does not want to interfere in the “internal” affairs of the Zionist regime when it comes to the decades of violations of international and human rights by the Jewish state. But she is in a hurry when it comes to interference in Venezuela or Syria.


From the painful experience with US interventions in Latin America, it is also the right of the Venezuelans to refuse aid supplies, especially from the US, which link them with their sinister political goals. Hardly any of our so-called quality media reports on relief supplies, including from Cuba, China, Russia, India, Turkey.


Was not Ukraine also the victim of US intervention policy, which will continue to burden us for decades? And who does not remember Nuland’s “Fuck the EU”? Oh, and how willingly he gave himself to that … (2)


The US blackmail of the sanctions policy against Russia and Iran is fatal and we should defend against it, because our natural neighbor is and remains Russia. The surveys also show a blatant disproportion of the folly of the rulers to the reigned voting cattle, which is mostly against it, but ignored!


Shameless mendacity and sad cynicism


Now, Merkel is at the summit in Sharm el-Sheikh, calling for more tolerance and change among the participating Arab states, not shying away from communing with dictators such as the host al-Sisi and the Saudi king; one is stunned by such shameless mendacity. It was an embarrassing performance by an EU that sees itself as a “community of values” but has been fooled by dubious rulers in order to achieve cooperation promises.Human rights, democratic governance or the involvement of civil society are no longer on the agenda.


In reality, all we have to do is keep the refugees off our backs and stop the mass exodus from the Arab and African areas. However, whoever is responsible for this situation, as we see it in Syria, Libya, Iraq or Yemen, namely interference and interventions contrary to international law, is silent about this summit. It can not be overstated by sad cynicism if AA Maas “substantially” (100 million euros?) Appeals to the upcoming Yemen donors conference without commenting on who the perpetrators and profiteers of this genocide are! All we can see is that US welfare and democracy bring the desperate people in refugee boats across the ocean.And NATO can not keep its throat full: more weapons, more war, more destruction,


If Merkel thinks that she can ignore everything, just to mention human rights, but not too much, so as not to upset, that is the “Christian Zionist value policy”, which is forever in Merkel’s reign bad memory will remain.She has managed to stage herself again and again as a “compensatory politician,” but in reality pursues an ice-cold industrial policy. Whether it is the softening of the determination of armaments deliveries or the increase of the defense budget. Let’s ask ourselves, what happens to all the arms exports, and how are they used? More and more new wars and armed conflicts with millions of refugees are the result.


Shame on an EU Commission President


Indeed, if al-Sisi at the summit actually calls on the EU to intensify the fight against terror, which spreads like a harmful plague, then one must be surprised at its own terror against critics. In fact, when al-Sisi was asked if he was aware that the EU was in disagreement with the human rights situation in his country, it was still a scandal. As Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Abu Ghait asserted, “Not one of those present expressed” dissatisfaction “with the human rights situation, EU Commission President Juncker fought to clarify that human rights were well spoken. Well roared, lion, and so what, with what consequences? Further deepening cooperation in the fight against “terror and terrorists”? What a shameful performance by an EU Commission President.


I ask myself, if it had been a conference in the “Jewish State”, if there would have been the word “human rights”? Would not the Netanyahu regime have canceled the conference immediately? One is stunned by such shameless sanctimonious mendacity.


Supporting the right-wing Zionist regime and the US coup policy


Have all these politicians ever called for a change in the “Jewish occupation state”? Not at all, because the Zionist regime is free to pursue an ethnic cleansing policy that is unparalleled. We see that right-wing regimes and structures are courted and allegedly leftist are vilified. We have a situation that should make us more than worried. If such tendencies dominate the entire EU and the European Parliament, then good night Europe! If “democratic socialism”, which finally brought South and Central American states to freedom, becomes an enemy because of the US coup and regime change policy and supports Europe and Germany in particular, this inhumane policy, then we should finally respond. We have to prevent


Is not all about it in reality: namely, the Western, especially US economic interests in Venezuela and its oil and the demonization of the left?


It seems as if the US-led coup attempt in Venezuela this time fails, the miserable end to a US-led “coup revolution” on schedule. But will the Trump Pompeo government give up? Did not the self-proclaimed interim president maneuver into complete US offside by holding all “options open” to his coup attempt to succeed yet. Further proof that the US and its helpers are all about oil wealth. The people are little interested in them.


Mantle of Silence on the Crimes of the “Jewish State”


There was a wave of solidarity for Venezuela, around the world, which I would like to see Palestine as well. One wonders why it was only Roger Waters again, who made a name for himself as a famous artist and Palestinian and BDS supporter, why he stands alone. Where are the intellectuals and artists, especially in Germany, who work for human rights also for Palestinians and against the occupation of their homeland? Since the infamous hate against the last upright German voice Günter Grass silence in the woods is announced! For this we experience a more than embarrassing performance of female singers singing their trivial ditty songs for Israel. This republic has become as full and hollow as their talk shows and “sieved” news. Only shallow news broadcasts, who prefer to talk about football rather than about weekly murders and child murders of the “most moral” of all Jewish “defensive armies” on the border with illegally occupied Gaza. While the Israeli newspaper Haaretz publishes more than critical articles on a daily basis and is not afraid to publish the naked truth, and clearly calls the crimes of the state by its name, in this country they graciously spread the mantle of silence over the crimes in the Jewish Country”.


However, it becomes criminal when everything that concerns criticism of the “Jewish state” turns into anti-Semitism and is not stopped even by Jewish critics – as is currently the case with the “Jewish voice for just peace in the Middle East” – who have the decency, to work for the freedom of Palestine and the occupation. To work for international law and for peace in this country means that one has to reckon with massive reprisals. This is incompatible with the Basic Law and the right to freedom of expression, but recalls the times when Jews were once excluded and defamed in Germany. In this form of new hatred of the Jews, Jewish officials and politicians nowadays are in the same boat.


The leading candidate of the conservative EPP, Manfred Weber, does not demand an end to the illegal occupation of Palestine, but rather cheap as the voice of his Mr. Schuster a Europe pact against hatred of the Jews.Should he be elected President of the European Council, we must be very concerned about this, as this would be another step towards the end of freedom of expression and eternal silence on Zionist terror in illegally-occupied Palestine.


Liberality and intellectual freedom delivered to the Central Council garment


The FDP chairman Lindner still sets one on it and how the shoemaker orders the anti-Semitism that “comes under the guise of criticizing Israel” and demands the cessation of the financing of NGOs that support BDS (boycott, divestment, sanctions). Hard to imagine that Lindner and the FDP come with such “un-liberal” demands in the “double-digitity”, because such theses certainly attract no liberal voters, and certainly none that give something to international law.


The opinion of the curious “Liberal” Lindner is completely irrelevant to us, as Federica Mogherini, the High Representative of the EU, affirms the right to BDS: “The EU protects the freedom of expression and assembly in accordance with the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, applicable in the territory of all EU Member States, also with regard to the BDS measures implemented in that area. “(3) (3a)


Miserable this FDP, which, at the pressure of lobbyists, gives up its liberality and intellectual freedom at the Central Council wardrobe.


Israel: a racist apartheid state that needs to be protected from itself


Again and again one tries to pull the so successful nonviolent boycott movement with lies in the dirt. It’s not about “Do not buy with the Jew,” but “Palestinian civil society calls for boycott, disinvestment and sanctions against Israel until it complies with international law and the universal principles of human rights.” No central council yet bans this important document read and freely form your own (!) Opinion. (4)


Meanwhile, even the powerful Israeli-loyal US organizations, the pro-Israeli AIPAC and AJC, are getting cold feet because they suspect what the policies of the right-wing Netanyahu regime are doing. More striking than the “world” can not be expressed: “They made the state of Israel thanks to their influence in the US Congress again and again significant strategic support.” In fact, Israel is a racist apartheid state, which must be protected from itself. (5)


Unfortunately, this has not yet penetrated to the German governor of the “Jewish State”, Josef Schuster. He has the chutzpah to criticize President Steinmeier for having congratulated Iranian President Rohani on the 40th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution – “also in the name of his compatriots”. In fact, Steinmeier, as Federal President, has practiced diplomatic practices that are expected of a Federal President. What Schuster did this time surpasses everything in his infatuation. He misses “clear” words of criticism and actually means to speak on behalf of the Germans. No, he speaks in the name of the “Jewish State” and that is unbearable and proves the dependence of the Central Council of Jews on the “Jewish State”. Conversely, let us imagine that Steinmeier, in a congratulation to the 70th anniversary of the “Jewish state”, criticized the violation of human rights and international law and called for an end to the illegal occupation? What would have been an outcry from Schuster, probably the German President would have mutated to “supreme” anti-Semites. Addressed to Steinmeier’s address, it has not paid off for him to speak to the “Jewish State” about the mouth, maybe this central behavior finally promotes a “rethinking” in the Bellevue! (6) probably the German Federal President would have mutated into the “top” anti-Semite.Addressed to Steinmeier’s address, it has not paid off for him to speak to the “Jewish State” about the mouth, maybe this central behavior finally promotes a “rethinking” in the Bellevue! (6) probably the German Federal President would have mutated into the “top” anti-Semite. Addressed to Steinmeier’s address, it has not paid off for him to speak to the “Jewish State” about the mouth, maybe this central behavior finally promotes a “rethinking” in the Bellevue! (6)


Fight against any kind of slander


In these times of anti-Islam and hatred of Muslims, refugees and migrants, we should fight together against any kind of defamation. When is finally called for a change in the “Jewish state”?










(5) mit-der- racist-Partei.html



Originally posted AT


Former MK Michael Ben-Ari, who heads Otzma Yehudit (Jewish Power) and could return to Knesset thanks to a Netanyahu-blessed union with Jewish Home, has ties to non-governmental organizations linked to Meir Kahane’s Kach Movement, outlawed in Israel and on US Treasury and State Department blacklists; to make matters worse, some of these NGOs get their funding from US Jews.

The Otzma Yehudit Party, including (L-R): Itamar Ben-Gvir, Michael Ben-Ari, Benzi Gopstein and Baruch Marzel (Photo: Avi Mualem)

The tangled web of Israel’s extreme right, American Jewry and the US terror blacklist

Yehuda Shohat

There were quite a few smiles in the Jewish Home party, the most moderate of the right-wing religious-Zionist factions, after most of its members voted in favor of teaming up with Ozma Yehudit (Jewish Power) in the upcoming April 9 elections. And thus in an almost off-hand manner, these politicians de facto joined forces with former members of Kach—a racist movement outlawed in Israel and featured on the list of terror organizations at both the US State Department and the US Treasury.

US Jews were quick to express their shock and outrage over the union and the involvement of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who put a lot of pressure on both sides and even made concessions of his own to make it happen.

Over the weekend, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and American Jewish Committee (AJC) issued harsh condemnation of the move, perhaps unaware that some of the funding for the organizations that succeeded Kach — with former members now directly linked to Otzma Yehudit —comes from US Jews, seemingly in violation of American anti-terror laws.

The Kach Movement, which was established by Rabbi Meir Kahane, and its younger sister organization Kahane Chai (Kahane Lives), which was founded after Kahane’s murder, were both outlawed in Israel following a terror attack carried out by Kach member Baruch Goldstein exactly 25 years ago, when he murdered 29 Palestinians at the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron.

But since then, members of Kach have continued operating in different NGOs and organizations, in seemingly legitimate ways, and recently also returned to the political field in the form of Otzma Yehudit.

One of the key players in this story is Ben-Zion “Benzi” Gopstein, the head of the anti-assimilation Lehava organization (which is not a registered organization). Behind Lehava hides a network of other organizations, in which Gopstein allegedly has or had direct involvement.

Under Gopstein’s leadership, Lahava leads a racist and inciting line against Israeli minorities. Four years ago, when he was serving as defense minister, Moshe Ya’alon considered declaring Lehava a terror organization. In November 2017, the State Prosecutor’s Office recommended charging Gopstein with incitement, and the case is now awaiting a decision by Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit.

The first organization with which Gopstein’s name is linked is “Hemla” (Compassion)—an NGO that purports to aid young women from broken homes who are “at risk of assimilation,” a euphemism for marrying Arab men. Shortly after Gopstein became involved with the organization, it started receiving a regular budget of hundreds of thousands of shekels from the Welfare Ministry, which the NGO uses to operate a hostel in Jerusalem for “at-risk” women and teenage girls.

A 2014 investigative report already found many connections between Hemla and former Kahane activists. For example, Baruch Ben-Yosef, who founded an association seeking to remove Kach from the terror organizations list, received funding from Hemla. A member of Hemla’s committee, Elyakim Neiman, also serves as the chairman of Yeshiva HaRaayon HaYehudi, a Jerusalem seminary founded by Meir Kahane that is still considered a terror organization by the United States. Neiman is also among the founders of The Fund to Save the People of Israel, and when we sought to donate to Lehava, we were directed by Gopstein himself to The Fund to Save the People of Israel.

Gopstein was a paid employee of Hemla, working as a “lead PR in Israel”; he was also an authorized signatory at the NGO, alongside Elyakim Neiman. According to the NGO’s records, Gopstein was fired (although he says he quit), but it was nevertheless decided to “continue employing him for his assistance in raising funds for a probationary period,” which has since ended.

Who funds Hemla? Other than the Welfare Ministry, which in 2016 transferred over NIS 1 million to the NGO, we were able to uncover several other financers, such as the estate of the late Miriam Orin, the Love of Israel Fund, the “Your People’s Poor Fund,” and the Central Fund of Israel—an American fund headed by Jay Marcus.

The Central Fund of Israel, which doesn’t make its list of beneficiaries public, donated almost NIS 100,000 to Hemla in 2015, and tens of thousands of shekels in 2014. Many of the Americans who donated to the fund—both directly and indirectly—don’t know where the money eventually goes.

Another American organization that gives money to Hemla is the Traditional Fund, which also donates to a variety of right-wing organizations in Israel.

The Jewish idea

The second organization in the massive network is Yeshiva HaRaayon HaYehudi (the Jewish Idea Yeshiva), which is listed as an NGO and was founded by Rabbi Meir Kahane in 1987 to spread his teachings. In addition to Kahane himself, other founders include Moshe Neiman, Michael Ben-Ari, Tiran Pollack, Gad Struman, Yekutiel (Mike) Ben-Yaakov and Baruch Marzel. The president of the yeshiva is Yehuda Kroizer and the CEO is Elyakim Neiman.

According to records from June 2018, Ben-Ari was a member of the audit committee of the NGO, which to this day remains on the US terror organizations list. In other words, it is illegal to donate to the organization, and Michael Ben-Ari, who could become a member of Israel’s parliament, is allegedly a member of an NGO on the US terror list.

From 2002 to 2005, the NGO reported the grants it gave out, with one of the main beneficiaries being Benzi Gopstein, whose wife Anat was a paid employee of the organization. In 2002, Gopstein got NIS 24,000 from the NGO, in 2004 the sum went up to NIS 26,000 and in 2005 it went back to NIS 24,000.

According to official records, Yeshiva HaRaayon HaYehudi is funded by different American donors, among them two US organizations. The first is Charity of Light, a tax-exempt NGO that was first registered in New Jersey in 2001. Five years later, it became the Charity of Light – Hemla Fund. At the time, the NGO’s chairman was Levi Hazan, a known Kahanist who was sentenced to prison for his part in a 1984 shooting of a bus north of Ramallah, which left six Palestinians wounded.

The very same Hazan also appeared in the Israeli NGO Hemla’s records as a PR employee working abroad. Among the donors who gave money to this charity over the years is the Charitable Foundation of the IDT Corporation, an American telecommunications company founded by known Likud and Netanyahu donor Howard Jonas.

The second US donor organization is the American Friends of Yeshivat HaRaayon, an NGO registered in 1991 in Skokie, Illinois, which raises funds for Yeshiva HaRaayon HaYehudi, despite the fact that the latter is on the US terror list. A possible loophole allowing donations is the NGO’s use of the yeshiva’s Hebrew name, rather than the English translation that appears in the US terror lists.

As of 2015, Levi Hazan was this NGO’s director as well. According to the NGO’s records, from 2011 the organization donated to Yeshiva HaRaayon HaYehudi sums ranging between $44,000 and $136,000 every year. This too is seemingly a criminal offense violating three different prohibitions on funding for terror organizations.

“There are different definitions within the State Department’s list of terror organizations,” says David Saperstein, a former senior State Department official. “The leaders of the organizations on the list are subject to all of the limitations of the law. Donors to these organizations are breaking the law and are subject to criminal sanctions, even if they don’t know where the money they donated went to.”

‘Price tag’ situation room

The next organization is Chasdei Meir, which is headed by Gopstein himself, according to different reports. Our investigation found no evidence the organization is registered in Israel, only in the United States. When we called the phone number the organization lists for donations, the woman who answered the phone gave us the bank account number and PO box belonging to the NGO “Hemla – Aid for the Needy.” Later, we learned we could also donate to the organization through Hemla’s donations center.

This isn’t a trivial matter. Unlike Hemla, which seemingly only aids needy women, Chasdei Meir is an organization that aids “residents of the hilltops.” According to past reports, Chasdei Meir was part of the “price tag” vandalism situation room, which was established in 2011 to avenge the demolition of structures in the illegal West Bank outpost of Havat Gilad. The organization’s activity includes fundraising for the Hilltop Youth organization of extremist settlers, as well as planting trees near settlements and hills in the West Bank.

In 2010, Gopstein himself was quoted by Haaretz, saying “We have a group called the Chasdei Meir Charity Fund, which helps the outposts.” In a video Gopstein posted online in the past, he called for donations for Chasdei Meir to benefit activities in the West Bank.

The Chasdei Meir website was registered by Levi Hazan, and an examination of the organization’s funding sources found it raises tax-exempt funds in the US through Charity of Light. Conversely, the PO box and fax number on Chasdei Meir’s website belong to the HaRaayon HaYehudi NGO. An older version of the site included an address in the US, which is the same as the address listed for HaRaayon HaYehudi and Charity of Light.

The next NGO, The Fund to Save the People of Israel, was registered in 2011. Its declared objectives include the “fight against the phenomenon of assimilation; activity to benefit the victims of infiltrators and illegal migrant workers; activity and humanitarian aid; strengthening the settlement enterprise and the hold on the Land of Israel; legal assistance.”

The NGO’s founders are Elyakim Neiman, Yaron Adler, Israel Diskind, Ayala Ben-Gvir (Itamar Ben-Gvir’s wife), Benzi Gopstein, Levi Hazan and Matilda Harutz. According to its general assembly’s records from May 2018, Gopstein is an authorized signatory in the organization and is defined as the “NGO’s operator,” grossing NIS 66,764 annually.

The NGO’s email address is the same one that appeared in Chasdei Meir’s website—Gopstein’s personal email. One of the fund’s audit committee members was Yitzhak Gabbai, who was convicted and imprisoned for three years for his part in the arson attack at the Jewish-Arab school in Jerusalem.

As of 2016, the NGO’s incoming donations stood at some NIS 260,000 a year; among its donors over the years we found the Eretz Yisrael Shelanu Party (a far-right religious party founded by Baruch Marzel and Shalom Dov Wolpo), as well as the Segal Foundation for Israel, which was criticized by Israel’s Registrar of Associations for failing to do anything to reach its objectives.

‘Our fight is legal’

“Since the Kach Movement was outlawed, Kahane’s ideological successors have developed new systems to operate and get funding,” says Ran Cohen, one of the founders of the Democratic Bloc organization. “If they previously relied on political mechanisms, today they are using a network of NGOs that pose as charity and social organizations. In reality, they raise funds—both in Israel and abroad—to continue to incite and undermine the foundations of democracy. Money transferred from the state to such organizations is only one example of the way the government whitewashes Kahanism. The biggest example recently was the fact Netanyahu worked to ensure Gopstein and Marzel’s (Otzma Yehudit) party, which has Kahanist characteristics, gets into the Knesset.”

Benzi Gopstein offered the following response to the report: “These are lies. The goal of this report is to once again try to bring down the right-wing rule and prevent Otzma Yehudit from getting into the next Knesset. This won’t help; I will continue with the legal fight against assimilation in the Holy Land.”

Michael Ben-Ari offered the following response: “This is a collection of fabrications that have already been published and disproven years ago. But when the goal is to bring down the right-wing rule, journalistic ethics are being trampled.”

In an interesting coincidence, when we turned to the Hemla NGO for a response, we were directed to the Yeshiva HaRaayon HaYehudi call center.

Later, Hemla offered the following response: “For nearly 20 years, the NGO has been operating a hostel for at-risk Haredi teenage girls, who went through serious abuse (and you should know all about this topic), and with God’s help we are able to rehabilitate them and reintegrate them into society. The NGO deals with the social and rehabilitative field and has no ties to any political body.

“Benzi Gopstein finished working for the NGO in October 2014, and since then there have been no ties between him and Hemla – Aid for the Needy. Anat Gopstein finished working for the NGO in April 2015, and since then there have been no ties between her and the NGO. Unfortunately, the media has already slammed the holy work our dedicated staff does at the hostel several times, and we demand an end to dealing with this matter, which has been behind us for many years.”

The Welfare Ministry offered the following response: “Hemla won a tender to operate a hostel for at-risk teenage girls from the Haredi sector, who are directed to social services in local authorities. The funding given to the NGO is for the operation of the hostel only.”

Mairav Zonszein contributed to this story.


When passerbys were asked who painted the murals on the wall the answer was the same from all …. “I did it! I am Banksy.” 

‘In Palestine we are all Banksy’

In Bethlehem yesterday …..




How about some beauty and Inspiration? Palestinians danced dabke, the Arab folk dance, in front of Israeli snipers during the Great Return March in Gaza this past July.


Supporting Palestine is an indication of your humanity not a sign of anti-Semitism. Opposing Zionism is not anti-Jewish or anti-Semitic.

Image by Latuff

Opposing Israeli Brutality Against Palestinians Makes You Human Not Anti-Semitic

Tommy Sheridan

Writing columns often involves difficult choices. What you write about reflects your opinions and priorities. Every time I sit down at my laptop to construct a column I agonise over what to write about from a huge list of worthy topics and current affairs issues.

Today I simply cannot ignore the corrosive effect of the very powerful and well financed pro-Israel lobby which is at the heart of the concerted campaigns of vilification against Jeremy Corbyn over the last four years and is responsible for the ridiculous association of Corbyn and socialists within the Labour Party with anti-Semitism.

Every newspaper, news bulletin, political TV show and newspaper review segment on Sky News, the BBC, ITV, Channel 4 and other mainstream outlets associates Corbyn, his Labour Party leadership and rifts within the Labour Party with anti-Semitism. It is sickeningly inaccurate, bereft of evidence, informed by political bile and promoted by imbeciles with an agenda. That agenda is not to oppose anti-Semitism, racism or Islamophobia but to fuel popular belief that Jeremy Corbyn is an anti-Semite and a racist. The idea that a man whose whole adult life has been devoted to politically campaigning against racism, Semitism, injustice and inequality is actually a racist and anti-Semite is so pathetically untrue that the only way it can gain a morsel of traction and credibility is through a powerful and deceitful campaign of lies and distortions via the mainstream media and paid for idiots and bought off lackeys.

It is a matter of debate whether it was George Orwell or Antonio Gramsci who coined the phrase about it being ‘a revolutionary actto tell the truth during times of reaction’ but regardless of its origin let us be courageous enough to truthfully state categorically and without fear of contradiction or reprisals that Israel is a rogue nation which daily subjects the Palestinian people to brutal repression. Israel has created and developed an apartheid system of state terror which should be categorically exposed, condemned and campaigned against by any human being with a belief in democracy and freedom. The Boycott, Disinvest and Sanctions (BDS) movement works to end international support for Israel’s oppression of Palestinians and pressure Israel to comply with international law. It is a movement which deserves support but is instead attacked and even outlawed in 24 States of America.

Expressing opposition to what the Israeli state is doing to the Palestinians and supporting the increasingly popular BDS Movement does not make you an anti-Semite it makes you a compassionate human being.

The ridiculous allegations of anti-Semitism against Jeremy Corbyn are the thin end of a very thick wedge. The narrative which is promoted daily and consistently by the billionaire owned press and media across the West is of an Israeli state under constant fear of attack and forced to defend itself and its borders with whatever means and force necessary. It is a false and deceit laden narrative that is rarely if ever deviated from by the mainstream media. America has designated Israel as its puppet state in the Middle-East and therefore it is showered with aid, arms, missiles and a blank cheque to commit human rights abuses in abundance without fear of condemnation or reprisals.

The truth about Israel and its illegal, immoral and illegitimate actions must be spoken on behalf of the Palestinian people and all who adhere to the human values of compassion, fairness and justice.

In discussing the works of Israeli historian and avowed Zionist, Benny Morris, the American academic Norman Finkelstein quotes directly from his work;

“The conclusion of Righteous Victims, Benny Morris’s sweeping “history of the Zionist-Arab conflict,” opened with a quote from Zionist leader (and Israel’s future first prime minister) David Ben –Gurion.”

“The “conflict” with the Arabs, Ben-Gurion said in 1938, “is in its essence a political one. And politically we are the aggressors and they defend themselves.”

“Morris then observed: Ben-Gurion, of course, was right. Zionism was a colonizing and expansionist ideology and movement…. Zionist ideology and practice were necessarily and elementally expansionist.”

“Insofar as “from the start its aim was to turn all of Palestine…. Into a Jewish state,” he went on to elaborate, Zionism could not but be “intent on … dispossessing and supplanting the Arabs”.

In black and white from the words of one of Israel’s foremost historians and defenders of Zionism we have the truthful admission that Zionism was indeed from its inception ‘expansionist’ and intent on the creation of a Jewish state through the ‘dispossessing and supplanting’ of the indigenous Arab population who would have no choice but to defend themselves against the occupiers and colonisers. That historical reality of Zionism and then Zionist Israel being the aggressor, occupier and dispossessor is conspicuously absent from the Israel/Palestine conflict narrative promoted by today’s mainstream media.

In order to further underline my argument in this column please forgive me for presenting even more extensive quotations from another well-known Israeli citizen and man of considerable insight and knowledge in relation to Israel. Gideon Levy is a distinguished author, writer and political commentator who was born in Tel Aviv, served for several years in the Israeli army and worked for four years with Shimon Peres while he was leader of the Israeli opposition before going on to serve as Israel’s prime minister twice between the 1970’s and 1990’s and Israel’s President between 2007 —2014.

Addressing a National Press Club event in Washington DC, April 2015, under the title; ‘Does Unconditional Support for Israel Endanger Israeli Voices’? Gideon said:

“The Israeli society has surrounded itself with shields, with walls, not only physical walls but also mental walls. I don’t want to get into it because it’s another lecture. But I’ll just give three principles which enable us Israelis to live so easily with this brutal reality;

A) Most of the Israelis, if not all of them, deeply believe that we are the chosen people. And if we are the chosen people, we have the right to do whatever we want;

B) There are more brutal occupations in history. There were even longer occupations in history, even though the Israeli occupation gets to quite a nice record. But there was never in history an occupation in which the occupier presented himself as the victim – not only the victim, but the only victim around. This enables any Israeli to live in peace, because we are all victims ….

C) … And here, I get to the third set of values that enable us Israelis to live in peace with the occupation. This is maybe the most crucial one and the worst one. We say victimisation, we say chosen people. When I say victimisation, it goes without saying, we have to mention the Holocaust and the unforgettable Mrs Gold Meir that the American jury had exported to Israel. She said once – this unforgettable woman- that after the Holocaust the Jews have the right to do whatever they want. But the third set of values is the most dangerous one. This is the systematic de-humanisation of the Palestinians, which enables us Israelis to live in peace with everything, because if they are not human beings like us, then there is not really a question of human rights. And if you scratch under the skin of almost every Israeli, you will find it there. Almost no one will treat the Palestinians as equal human beings like us.”

Please if this column makes you do nothing else go and read the whole of Gideon Levy’s presentation to the National Press Club in Washington DC in April 2015. It will hopefully open your mind to what is really going on in Israel and Palestine but which is hidden from our view or distorted beyond recognition by the compliant mainstream media.

Think about the statement from Gideon Levy above, “the systematic de-humanisation of the Palestinians”. That is indeed what Israeli apartheid, brutality and distortion of the truth via the mainstream media is all about. I defy you to watch the videos which are posted daily on Twitter and Facebook which involve Israeli Defence Forces shooting unarmed civilians, torturing and beating up children and elderly Palestinians for no cause other than perverted fun and not be convinced that such depravity on a daily basis can only be conducted by a group of individuals who have indeed been convinced by the ‘systematic de-humanisation of Palestinians’ that their actions are acceptable because their victims are less than human.

Read Norman Finkelstein’s account of what Israel Defence Forces did last May alone:

“ISRAEL HAS ONCE again conducted a premeditated, full-scale massacre in broad daylight, in front of the cameras of the world. Once again, it took place in Gaza.

On  14 May, Israeli snipers and other forces gunned down more than 60 Palestinians, and wounded thousands of others, including civilians, journalists, and paramedics. “You try nonlethal means and they don’t work,” said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. “So you’re left with bad choices. It’s a bad deal. You know, you try and you go for below the knee, and sometimes it doesn’t work, and unfortunately these things are avoidable.”

It appears that the only way not to be killed, according to Netanyahu, is to meekly accept imprisonment inside the prison of Gaza. Among those killed by Israeli forces was an 8-month-old infant. Her name was Laila al-Ghandour. They also killed at least seven other children and a man in a wheelchair, and that man had lost his legs after they had to be amputated following an earlier Israeli attack.

Israel has made it clear that it believes that it has the right to systematically murder Palestinians for the crime of continuing to exist”.

The article above was written under the title: “BLACKLISTED ACADEMIC NORMAN FINKELSTEIN ON GAZA, ‘THE WORLD’S LARGEST CONCENTRATION CAMP”. Please go and read it in full and then ask yourself why on earth does the state of Israel get away with such indiscriminate murder and brutality and why does a man who spends time and energy to courageously expose such human atrocities find himself ‘blacklisted’ when his work should be promoted and made required reading in schools, colleges and households across the world.

You probably don’t know that an incredibly strong defence of Jeremy Corbyn and his leadership of the Labour Party was penned by 200 Jewish members and supporters of the Labour Party on Wednesday last week. Two hundred Jews, including 16 Professors, 9 doctors and a QC wrote of their support for Jeremy Corbyn, the apparent ‘anti-Semite’, to the Guardian newspaper. Part of the letter stated:

“We believe that the Labour party under the progressive leadership of Jeremy Corbyn is a crucial ally in the fight against bigotry and reaction. His lifetime record of campaigning for equality and human rights, including consistent support for initiatives against antisemitism, is formidable. His involvement strengthens this struggle”.

Compare those words with the shrill and pathetic assaults on his credentials and integrity as a committed anti-fascist and campaigner against anti-Semitism by the Democratic Charlatans with zero credibility who left Labour last week but refuse to face the public accountability of by-elections. They are cowards with agendas dictated by their allegiance to the Israeli Labour lobby and they should be called out as the cowards, democratic charlatans and mouthpieces for Israeli brutality that they are. The 200 Jews who wrote to the Guardian last week had it spot on. Corby is an “ally” in the fight against racism, reaction and anti-Semitism not an enemy of that fight.

United Nations Reports have labelled the Israel state as “racist” and an “apartheid regime” and Nelson Mandela’s grandson has condemned the rogue nation for subjecting Palestinians to “the worst version of apartheid” so we will take no lectures from the political pygmies that have finally left a socialist party they did not belong in last week, or from those like Margaret Hodges, John Mann and Ian Murray MPs who will surely follow, on anti-Semitism and how to confront it.

Racism, Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia are all on the rise across the UK, Europe and the world. That is a consequence of the capitalist economic system that necessitates division and hatred between different races and cultures promoted and stoked by the boss class who understand full well from history that the way to maintain the status quo of obscene inequality of wealth and power is to divide the working classes and get them fighting each other instead of the economic system and boss class that abuses and exploits them. The way to conquer such racist division and anti-Semitic hatred is the promotion of genuine socialist policies which deliver real and fundamental improvements in the lives of ordinary people through real and sustained redistribution of wealth and power from the billionaires to the billions.

The tenor of this article has been serious and sober given the subject matter but let me give the last word to a comic and author who has the unique ability of being able to mix humour with hard hitting social comment. Alexei Sayle is Liverpool born and bred and his mother and her family were of Jewish stock. His support for Jeremy Corbyn and opposition to the manufactured witch-hunts against the likes of Marc Wadsworth, the black anti-racist expelled by Labour last year, and the black Jewish socialist Jackie Walker, suspended by Labour and facing a final hearing on March 26th has been exemplary. Here is what he has had to say about the anti-Semitic slurs cast against Jeremy Corbyn and his Labour Party:

“… the search for anti-Semitism in the Labour Party is the Weapons of Mass Destruction of our age. I think there is the same absolute lack of evidence; there is the same substitution for emotion rather than rational debate and in many cases it’s the same fucking people doing it … Tony Blair weighing in to support Tom Watson’s call for the Wavertree CLP to be suspended…”.

Alexei is spot on. Anti-Semitism and Jeremy Corbyn are as synonymous as Iraq and Weapons of Mass Destruction. They are both fake and manufactured narratives to serve the purposes of the ruling classes. And Tom Watson MP, Deputy Leader of the Labour Party, is proving as useful as a chocolate teapot and loyal as a scorpion in the midst of the attacks on his leader Jeremy Corbyn. He really should shape up politically and start supporting Corbyn or re-visit his former Blairite allegiances and ship out.

In the name of compassion and basic human justice keep attacking Israel for its racist apartheid policies and brutal treatment of the Palestinians. Support the BDS Movement and various ‘Solidarity with Palestine’ campaigns. Supporting Palestine is an indication of your humanity not a sign of anti-Semitism. Opposing Zionism is not anti-Jewish or anti-Semitic.


Remembering the fallen children of Palestine… The photos of dead Palestinian children kept in ice cream freezers during Israel’s 2014 war on Gaza inspired artist Duaa Kishta’s new sculptures..


The PM is pressing the religious Zionist Jewish Home party to partner with the Kahanists of Otzma Yehudit. It makes cynical political sense for his interests, but what of Israel’s?

Michael Ben Ari (left) speaks during a ceremony honoring the late Jewish extremist leader Rabbi Meir Kahane in a Jerusalem hall, October 26 2010. At right is Baruch Marzel (Yossi Zamir / Flash 90)

Netanyahu’s despicable push to bring racists into Israel’s political mainstream


The Jewish Home party, the current iteration of what used to be Israel’s National Religious Party, is Wednesday night set to vote on a pre-election alliance with Otzma Yehudit, a racist successor to the banned Kach party of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane.

Kahane, who won a seat in the Knesset 35 years ago on a platform of revoking citizenship from Arab Israelis and a pledge to “transfer” out of the country those who would not accept this status, and who sought to outlaw sex and marriage between Jews and non-Jews, was banned as a racist from seeking re-election four years later.

Interviewed on Army Radio on Wednesday afternoon, the party’s leader, former MK Michael Ben Ari, was asked to disavow Kahane’s racist ideology. He ridiculed the notion. Kahane, he said, was his teacher, his rabbi.

Also at the party helm is lawyer Itamar Ben Gvir, who first made headlines in Israel in 1995 when he held up the stolen Cadillac symbol from prime minister Yitzhak Rabin’s car and crowed to a TV camera, “We got to his car and we’ll get to him too.”

So too is Baruch Marzel, a former top aide to Kahane known for organizing parties in celebration of Baruch Goldstein, who massacred 29 Palestinians at prayer in Hebron’s Cave of the Patriarchs in 1994.

And Benzi Gopstein, an ex-Kahane student and Kach activist whose Lehava movement works to prevent relationships — romantic and otherwise — between Jews and Arabs.

Jewish Home’s leadership had been reluctant to join forces with the Kahanists, but, apparently for many at its helm, you gotta do what you gotta do — even when what you gotta do takes you beyond the pale. The original NRP was the emphatically mainstream representative of Israel’s religious Zionists, the Orthodox ally of Israel’s secular Zionist pioneers. Broadly centrist in political orientation, it gradually moved to the right in the decades after the 1967 war, dwindled away politically, and was subsumed into Jewish Home (itself a merger of various factions) a decade ago. When leader Naftali Bennett and his ministerial colleague Ayelet Shaked abandoned Jewish Home in late December and set up their New Right party, seeking to make their eventual way to the national leadership and feeling encumbered by the settler-rabbi imprint, Jewish Home was on the brink of disappearing altogether.

Though polling below the 3.25% Knesset threshold, its new leader, ex-IDF chief rabbi Rafi Peretz (who last week agreed to an alliance with the National Union faction) was still resisting pressure to merge with Otzma Yehudit… until Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spearheaded a personal campaign of phone calls, meetings, promises of ministerial posts, and — at a Wednesday afternoon meeting with Peretz — all manner of other complex political deals, to change his mind. Netanyahu had been scheduled to fly to a vital meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday; it was postponed so that he could tend to this evidently more crucial imperative.

That a rival party to Netanyahu’s Likud would bow to his will, rather than stick to its own principles, would indicate that, if the alliance is approved, antipathy to the center-left outweighs abhorrence of racism for the Jewish Home leadership. The “technical” partnership was announced on Wednesday morning, and, backed by Peretz, was being put to Jewish Home members for a final decision later Wednesday. Parties have only until Thursday to submit their final slates for the April 9 Knesset elections.

Confronting Netanyahu in the wrong places

In a speech presenting his own Knesset slate on Tuesday evening, the only realistic anyone-but-Netanyahu hope, Benny Gantz, issued a spectacularly personal attack on the prime minister.

It was not spectacular by the standards of this election — Netanyahu and his supporters have been castigating Gantz as a weak leftist incapable of running the country; the prime minister on Monday accused Gantz of drawing up plans for an Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank while head of the army during 2013-2014 peace talks, when it was Netanyahu himself reportedly gave Gantz the orders to do so; an anonymous smear campaign against Gantz promoted on social media was traced back to Likud.

But it was out of character for Gantz, who was soft-spoken when in uniform, and who had promised to take the high road in his debut political speech last month.

Gantz intimated that Netanyahu was less than fully Israeli — given that he spent years in school and working in the US, during which he changed his name. In a lower blow, Gantz lambasted the prime minister for having also spent years perfecting his English at glamorous American cocktail parties — a charge that missed its mark, since Netanyahu was working as an Israeli diplomat at the time. And in the lowest blow of all, Gantz compared that swanky US lifestyle enjoyed by Netanyahu with his own decades of military service, training generations of commanders and troops, sleeping rough in the muddy trenches on innumerable freezing winter nights, risking his life behind enemy lines. Netanyahu hit back, saying that this critique was particularly outrageous given that he had risked his own life many times as a soldier and officer in Israel’s most elite special forces unit (Sayeret Matkal).

Where Gantz’s vituperative fire was more damaging was when he charged that Netanyahu has “ruled the country through incitement, deception and fear,” stirring up internal divisions, and when he lambasted the prime minister for seeking to weaken the pillars of Israeli democracy as he battles against indictment in the three graft investigations against him.

Said Gantz, referring to Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit, who must decide on whether to press charges against the prime minister who appointed him: “A legal adviser appointed by the ruler became a traitor and a leftist when he did not do what the ruler expected him to do.” Said Gantz on ex-police chief Roni Alsheich, another Netanyahu appointee, who oversaw the investigations: “The police commissioner appointed by the ruler was called a leftist and traitor because he dared to be loyal to the laws of the state and not to the demands of the ruler.”

Gantz said nothing, however, of the then-looming Jewish Home-Otzma Yehudit merger that Netanyahu has been so energetically and appallingly pushing. On election day itself in 2015, dishonorably and inaccurately, Netanyahu sought to get out the Likud vote by claiming that Israel’s Arab citizens were streaming in droves to the polling stations. Now, ahead of the 2019 poll, he has been striving — apparently with success — to bring into the mainstream a group of racists who would deny Israel’s Arab citizens the right to vote at all.

It’s not Netanyahu the diplomat or the soldier that Gantz should be campaigning against. It’s not Netanyahu the leader who has tried to keep Israel safe from external threat. It’s the Netanyahu harming Israel from within.

It makes perfect cynical political sense for Netanyahu to encourage the return of Kahanists to the Knesset. A merged Jewish Home-Otzma Yehudit ticket could win at least four seats, surveys indicate, while separately, neither party would clear the electoral threshold, and all the votes they get would go to waste. Ben Ari is set for fifth place on the merged list, and Ben Gvir for eighth.

In terms of Israel’s values, its character, its essence, by contrast, the prime minister’s tactic is reprehensible.

Seen through to what would be its likely conclusion, the merger of the two parties would find their representatives, the Kahanists potentially included, taking their seats in Netanyahu’s next government coalition. At which point Israel — which boycotts far-right parliamentary parties in countries such as Austria, Germany and France, and which castigates the dangerous rise of racist politicians overseas — would itself have sunk, at Netanyahu’s insistent, self-serving instigation, to the very level it warns against elsewhere.



It is not us, the BDS supporters, who are anti-Semitic, but the supporters of the Zionist occupation of Palestine, after all, they are harming the Jewish citizens worldwide.


Selected hatred of the Jews

By Evelyn Hecht-Galinski


I would never have thought it possible to experience such targeted campaigns against Jews in Germany. What is currently happening in this country fatal reminiscent of bygone times. Has not there ever been the extermination of Jews in Germany by the state and the media? Existence was destroyed, all this is repeated, fortunately not physically, but only mentally. Can Jews, who are committed to the observance of international law in the “Jewish State” and the non-violent BDS movement, still feel secure in Germany? They are still not threatened with the loss of their lives, but their economic existence and their vested right to freedom of expression are threatened. How long have I been writing about the loss of freedom of expression when it comes to criticizing Israeli politics. A hypocrite than in Germany can not be a policy when it comes to the concerns of the “Jewish state”. It is not the Jews who campaign for the freedom of Palestine or BDS that should be isolated internationally, but the Jewish occupying regime.


Jews become the fair game of the rulers


While Muslims and the “wrong” Jews have now become the fair game of the rulers, the Jews, who despise international law and human rights, are courted with benevolence. By what right do the factions of the parties, from CDU / CSU, FDP, SPD, to the Greens and the Left, condemn the BDS campaign and its supporters as anti-Semitic? Doubt is appropriate that they actually know what antisemitism is! They do not count themselves, although they defame critical Jews and deny them premises for events.


Right-wing extremist cliques and parties are currently uniting Europe-wide with the “Jewish state”, and this will be tolerated. Even if the “jumping hard-core Zionist” HM Broder meets with AfD or FPÖ party members, then this is registered, but remains without consequences. Obviously Broder’s Zionism did not work so well, after all he returned to Germany from the “Jewish State”, where he is one of many and meaningless, and perfects his role as Sayan. And after St.Pauli-Nachrichten and Spiegel he landed on Springer’s “Gnadenhof”. No wonder that Broder defames the “Jewish voice” as a “gang of anti-Semites”, a very poor hate polemic of a failed porn writer.


Jewish citizens are showered with a hatred of Jews


It is unbelievable that it is already possible again in Germany to overflow a club of committed Jewish citizens with a hatred of the Jews, to whom they want to refuse a prize from the highest official. If someone has earned the “Göttingen Peace Prize”, then it is this “Jewish Voice for Just Peace in Middle East – European Jews for a Just Peace Germany”. As a co-founder and no longer a member, I would like to express my solidarity with this important “Jewish voice”! (1) If critics of Israeli occupation policy are marginalized, then it is high time to denounce these German and European selectors, who today again spread the hatred of the Jews that we once had. Was it right-wing National Socialists then,


When the President of the Central Council of Jews, Schuster, with the Mayor of Göttingen Rolf-Georg-Köhler, the chairman of the FDP parliamentary group in the Göttingen city council, Felicitas Oldenburg, and the FDP member of parliament Konstantin Kuhle against Jews join forces and ally for the award ceremony on March 9, 2019, it is anti-Semitism.


The now more than 30,000 Jewish Israelis living alone in Berlin would be well advised to wonder if it was really the right decision to live in Germany, which now celebrates a new hatred of the Jews, and Jews who favor freedom of expression and the right of Palestinians enter into self-determination, have “released”. Does that not remind you of the “Jewish state” and its dealings with critics of racist apartheid and occupation politics? What is Israeli hostile about advocating for a free Palestine?


Hostile to the Jews are the supporters of the Zionist occupation of Palestine


Especially the BDS movement, founded as a voice of the Palestinian civil society, which was based on the model of the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa, is a role model for us all and should be supported by all of us.More and more prominent Jews support this BDS movement. And that scares the Zionist regime and the global Israel lobby. It is not us, the BDS supporters, who are anti-Semitic, but the supporters of the Zionist occupation of Palestine, after all, they are harming the Jewish citizens worldwide.


Let’s ask why alleged “Muslim” and “left” anti-Semitism is repeatedly condemned, even though it is clearly positioned as anti-Zionism and Israel criticism. If Muslims are today’s Jews and are showered with hatred and xenophobia, that’s just a way to cover up the crimes of the “Jewish state.”


If you look at the media, for months now we have been dealing with targeted campaigns against alleged anti-Semitism that has nothing to do with reality. In progress is a propaganda wave, led by the scientifically sophisticated Hasbara the Israelization of Germany and Judaisierung Palestine operates. And with the help of “Christian-Zionist” allies. The murderous crimes during the Gaza demonstrations, the many child murders, house demolitions and the constant land grabbing do not come to the light of the German public, which in turn is duped with the constant repetition of the mantra of the actually no longer realizable “two-state solution”, a long-written illusion.


Finally “tacheles” talk!


It must finally be “tacheles” talked about the true conditions in the “Jewish state”. In addition to settlement construction, discrimination and exclusion of Muslims / Palestinians and Christians, Israel can no longer be seen as a democracy, even if in this country is repeatedly raved by a “Christian-Jewish community of values”. What are these values? Also in Germany exclusion of “false Jews” who dare to oppose the illegal occupation of Palestine? Against Muslims and Islam, who do not fit into this “community of values” and want to exclude them? Do not you have to be ashamed to belong to this “community of values”?


While the images of the enemy, Turkey and Russia, continue to be blown up, and Iran – which has not yet attacked any other country than Israel – is being lied to by US politicians and Israel lobbyists as “Holocaust planners”, it is the “German fear” that always pulls. In the meantime we should be more worried about the “german hate propaganda”.


“Yellow vests” defamed as anti-Semites


Now even the “yellow vests” in France are being defamed as anti-Semites.Because the right-wing provocateur Alain Finkielkraut was called a “dirty Zionist”? Was it not he who had warned against the consequences of mass immigration in a more controversial essay entitled “The Unfortunate Identity” published in 2013 and the inclination of the left to deny anti-Semitism in immigrant youth. He has long been known for his fervent love of Israel. Now the judiciary and France are very excited that the “Immortal of the Academie Francaise”, who had come so “by accident” into a yellow-veined demonstration, was not received there with sympathy.


There is nothing more effective than working with anti-Semitism as a battle concept! Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust are the stimulus words that use instrumentalization to silence those who are not “state-compliant”. This will soon hit critical writers, intellectuals and critics. This French development is more than worrying. Marine Le Pen, leader of the Rassemblement National, also finds the verbal attacks on Finkielkraut “shocking” and suspects an infiltration of the yellow-west demonstrations of “anti-Semitic extreme leftists”. Here again we have to deal with the right and Zionist complicity, which has a firm grip on Europe. Instead of discussing the yellow vests and the provocations of Finkielkraut, the problems should finally be on the table,


If politics consists only of enemy images and distraction maneuvers


Why do not we learn about the supplementary agreements with France that Merkel and Macron have signed in Aachen? All these distraction maneuvers are only intended to mask the problems and upgrades. If politics consists only of foes, distractions, and inequalities, then we will soon have to prepare ourselves for even rougher times, and that will be really dangerous for democracy. (4)


As long as the democratic minimum demands on the “Jewish state” are not fulfilled, one can not recognize the “existence” of this state without defined borders. Only in the 1967 borders does Israel have a right to exist.


As long as there is this selected new hatred of Jews in Germany, politicians who exercise it are by no means eligible. In addition, we have to protest again and again if we want to deny us freedom of expression, a fundamental right of the constitution. It’s not us who are on the wrong side, but those who make that selection, and you can not repeat that often enough for it to be internalized.


Not in our name!


We are not anti-Semites, but the “Jews haters and Muslim haters” of the “right” kind who support the “Jewish state” and its policies that violate human rights and international law. We say: Not in our name!











Heartbreaking. “Get out of my house!” Palestinian woman after being expelled from her home by Israeli settlers in the Old City in occupied Jerusalem.


Palestinians in Hebron are taking new steps for their community’s safety under constant settler attacks.


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s trip to Poland for the Warsaw summit was beset by a string of missteps.


 It’s not just the Benjamin’s. Ilhan Omar was wrong. It’s the pervasive, often subconscious anti-Palestinian racism.

Ilhan Omar is wrong: Anti-Palestinian racism, not money, makes the special relationship special

Donald Johnson

The defenses of Rep. Ilhan Omar have centered on the fact that AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, really does wield power through money, as lobbies do, and they even brag about it. But in the New York Times, David Leonhardt writes that Omar’s tweet is antisemitic because not all the support for Israel is paid for by money. Much of it is sincere, he says.

He is probably right. But it isn’t a trail of logic he wants to follow to the end.

At this stage, no educated person can buy into the pro-Israel mythology unless they simply choose to ignore the ugly facts. And that’s what many do. They do this because they don’t think Palestinians have the same right to live in their own homeland as Israeli Jews. In fact, most see the right of return solely through Zionist eyes, as a demographic threat to majority Jewish rule. They might say they support a two-state solution, but they aren’t even serious about that, because they will support Israel no matter what and put no pressure on Israel to achieve this goal.

Fundamentally they think Palestinian human rights are of no importance compared to the need to make Israel feel supported. That is the driving force behind support for Israel. Money (Benjamin’s) alone doesn’t explain what is going on. Racism does. Or if the word offends, and golly, everything offends on this subject, call it apathy towards Palestinians when set against the desire to support Israel.

I don’t really see how anyone could deny this. Our political class, including the mainstream press, cares about Omar’s tweet and will go on at length about the dangers of antisemitism, but the apathy and indifference to Palestinian oppression never causes similar outbursts of moral outrage. The New York Times itself published four opinion pieces supporting the shooting of Palestinian demonstrators last year. The writers — 1, Bret Stephens; 2, Matti Friedman; 3, Shmuel Rosner; and 4, Thomas Friedman— had no qualms whatsoever about what Israel did. The editors clearly had no qualms printing those pieces. Most politicians had no qualms with the shooting.

Shooting Palestinians and support for shooting them is entirely mainstream in the United States and in the pages of the Times. Nobody (or nobody who matters) stops to think about how outrageous this is.

A snarky tweet, though— that is serious business.

So it’s not just the Benjamin’s. Ilhan Omar was wrong. It’s the pervasive, often subconscious anti-Palestinian racism.


A trip down Israel’s new Apartheid Road

Last month, Israel opened what has been dubbed by locals and activists as the ‘Apartheid Road’. The four-lane highway features two separate roads divided by a concrete wall – one for Israeli settlers and the other for Palestinians.While the Israeli lane allows settlers quick and easy access to the center of Jerusalem, the Palestinian lane is designed to separate Palestinians off through an underpass, diverging to different areas of the West Bank. Despite Israeli claims that the road “eases traffic congestion” for both Palestinians and Israelis, locals maintain that it is just another step by authorities to further divide the occupied Palestinian territory.

Video by: Yumna Patel

Saleh Zghari

Ahmad al-Bazz




While “alleged” anti-Semitism is becoming more and more exaggerated in the media, and anti-Semitism officials will soon be sitting in every town hall, but in fact the racist attacks against Muslims are on the rise.

Not seeing everything through the “Jewish-Christian” glasses

By Evelyn Hecht-Galinski


It is scary that the German government and politics are always happy to seek human rights, but in fact has long ago stepped into the bin. The demonization of Putin, Erdogan, Maduro are special examples of the political and media power of the rushing misinformation. While spiritual arsonists continue to focus on the media and try to emphasize the transatlantic friendship, the majority of German citizens have long since developed in a different direction. They now distrust the US more than China (!), A country that also violates human rights. Dissidents sit in prisons, and criticism is fiercely opposed. Turkey has rightly accused China of operating concentration camps for the Uyghur Muslim minority and accusing it of it is eradicating religion and culture. The “Jewish state” in Palestine does not try anything else. As an occupying power, the “Jewish State” also runs the Gaza concentration camp and carries out genocide and reprisals against Palestinians. Week after week, Palestinians are brutally murdered by the Israeli authorities in an effort to flee this confinement.


Egypt, which holds more than 60,000 political prisoners in inhumane prisons, is praised by Chancellor Merkel and German politicians and industrialists, as well as the Egyptian “leader” al-Sisi. Everything is done to keep these countries happy, so that German industry and its export flourish.


To disrespect disrespect for Muslims living here


What has become of German politics? If the Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration, Widmann-Mauz, calls for “respect for the way we live” and strives for the “Judeo-Christian tradition that has marked the value of humanism”, then that is particularly disrespectful not to outbid the Muslims living here.


What does she want to achieve with it? That migrants feel marginalized and are told how to recover from the “German nature”? What has this “Jewish-Christian” tradition brought us? An exaltation of this culture, which always turns into “Un-culture”, as we are currently experiencing. So when the cultures collide and are not taken as they are then a bang will come.


Whenever we read one-sidedly about the “negative sides of Islam”, about so-called honor killings, women’s oppression and medieval structures, and the fear of “Islamist terrorism” is constantly raised, an Islam incitement is deliberately fostered. Why was the only Muslim kindergarten closed? With flimsy arguments that the bearer of the day-care center, the mosque association Arab Nile-Rhine, which bears the Mainz Al-Nur Kindergarten “represents the contents of the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafism and thus no longer stands on the ground of the Basic Law? Counter question: Are Jewish day-care centers still on the ground of the Basic Law, if they represent contents of the “Jewish state”, which clearly violates international law and human rights? Clear double standards and discrimination!


Defamatory intimidation symbiosis


While “alleged” anti-Semitism is becoming more and more exaggerated in the media, and anti-Semitism officials will soon be sitting in every town hall, but in fact the racist attacks against Muslims are on the rise, the post of racism officer is still vacant.


However, this does not seem to interest politics any further, as it tries with all its might, together with the Israel lobby, to focus exclusively on the allegedly rising anti-Semitism, which in reality has not risen, but with targeted actions in the foreground is written. Every day, new articles and TV programs appear that outdo each other in pointing out the increase.What does that suggest? First of all the danger of “Muslim immigration” and secondly the “anti-Semitic” of any criticism of Israel. It’s amazing how the defamation of anti-Zionism to anti-Semitism has become a bullying symbiosis. New formulas for allegations are used to point out the danger.While right-wing extremist hordes are now mobbing villages and towns and there are AfD tendencies that clearly fish in anti-Semitic waters, while the AfD, as a party, quite explicitly affirms that it is on the side of the Jews and of Israel. I can only warn again and again to vote for this party, even if the understandable disenchantment with politics over the policies of other parties increases more and more, which I fully understand, I feel the same way.


The Israeli lobby’s policy is only to defame Israel critics in public life with massive campaigns. They do not shy away from questionable means, and that actually connects them again with the right-wing extremist policy of the “Jewish state”.


Something is wrong in Germany


Meanwhile, the respected historian and anti-Semitism researcher Benz, who taught at the Technical University of Berlin until 2011, is denigrated because he refuses to confirm an increase in anti-Semitism and criticized the new reporting office for anti-Semitism. Benz is right when he criticized this “RIAS” position as something denunciatory, after all, anti-Semite is the gravest reproach in Germany. Really? Is this term meanwhile not unbelievably “devalued” by the inflationary use? If Jewish citizens are made anti-Semites simply because they have the decency to criticize the “Jewish state” for their disempowering occupation and apartheid policies, and Jews in Germany are banned from performing, then something goes wrong in Germany.


If only those Jews are being courted who are in solidarity with Israeli politics, then we have reached a point that reminds us of a time in Germany that has already caused a mischief. If Jews are again turned outsiders by philosemitic politicians and representatives of the Israel lobby today, then this is a crime that can not be made good again. No, it is certainly not anti-Semitism to criticize the “Jewish state” and demand an end to the occupation or support the BDS movement. If Jewish citizens take over their responsibility for Palestine, while German politicians ignore it and prefer to ally with the “Jewish state”, then something is not right in Germany.


BDS is not directed against Jews


The US-Professor Judith Butler, a model Jewish fighter for the freedom of Palestine, writes in the newly published collection “New Anti-Semitism”, Suhrkamp-Verlag, she sees the BDS campaign “as a new solidarity alliance for more social justice, which calls for Solidarity with the Palestinian national movement through BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) and push the anti-racist struggle forward with the argument: “The boycott is not directed against Jews, it does not target Israeli citizens. It targets Israeli institutions that have the power to put pressure on the government to end its reprehensible laws and policies regarding Palestine. “


So much for the recurring fake argument “do not buy from the Jew”.


Only 74 years after the liberation and the end of the war, the enemy image of Russia is being rebuilt. What led to sanctions and protests in the case of the Crimea homecoming after a correctly expired referendum (!) Does not detract from the friendship with the Jewish occupiers. For decades, they have been allowed to commit unpunished, illegal annexations, and human rights abuses of the worst kind, making the living conditions of the Palestinians increasingly unbearable, building walls and checkpoints to achieve the final solution of a Judaized Palestine. Therefore, they are considered and rewarded with ever-expanding cooperation.


We do not need US bases, nuclear weapons and blackmail


What else needs to happen until German politics wakes up and thinks?However, we seem further away than ever before, more and more the importance of transatlantic friendship is sought, which is supposed to be so important for our protection. What protection and from whom? We should all ask ourselves this question if the German government, in accordance with Trump’s orders, but against the interests of its population, increases the military expenditure more and more, supported by German government policy. The German government is being blackmailed by US Ambassador Grenell, who, against every diplomatic practice, is making unspeakable demands for the end of Nordstream 2 or the Iran-EU agreement. It is basically just about the “America first” with the blackmail attempt, to sell overpriced US LPG to Germany and Europe. We need both agreements urgently, but no US bases, nuclear weapons and blackmail that harm the German economy.


What is this for a German foreign policy, which has fully recognized in the footsteps of Trump and his Venezuela regime change attempt, the self-proclaimed “interim president” and thus, according to a report of the scientific service of the Bundestag a questionable interference “Venezuela’s internal affairs”, which raises doubts about international legitimacy. (1)


Finally, when Federal President Steinmeier finds “clear” words on Venezuela’s situation as part of his trip to South America – because the country is “after years of autocracy and mismanagement on the edge of the abyss”. Steinmeier called for free presidential elections, because only a new president “on a credible, legitimate basis” could give the people of Venezuela a future. What is this German interference and what gives him the legitimacy to express himself? Has Federal President Steinmeier ever advocated free and democratic elections in illegally occupied Palestine or criticized an Israeli prime minister?


Responsibility for Palestine and the Palestinian people


In fact, Chancellor Merkel never intervenes in the “internal affairs” of the “Jewish state,” even though these are not “inner” ones, but affect us as well, which, out of historical responsibility, we have a responsibility for Palestine and the Palestinian people, always is forgotten again, but until Palestine is free.


Meanwhile, it has become “normal” that the Netanyahu regime interferes in internal affairs of German politics and culture. The fact that he tries not only as a prime minister, but also as a war, culture and foreign minister in one person to interfere and to take more and more influence and pressure, may not be tolerated. We have experienced this influence and this wealth of power in the last ten years. Will we soon see Israeliization in Germany, which will increase again? Netanyahu tries to do his Judaisierung in Germany. He, who tramples on the rights of the Palestinians, has also scored points with the AfD, which is quite openly living out its hatred of Islam and thus finds itself in good company with the far-right politics of the “Jewish state”. In addition, he openly tries to wedge the European partners if he provocatively does not come to Munich for the so-called security conference, but flies to Warsaw to attend the more than controversial Warsaw Anti-Iran Conference. Not that we regret his absence in Munich, he sends high-ranking representatives. After all, when it comes to war and weapons sold as “security”, the “Jewish state” is always there. But it shows how Netanyahu is trying to band together with Iran-hostile and Islam-hating states to push a wedge into European politics, much like his friend Trump did. but flies to Warsaw to attend the more than controversial Warsaw Anti-Iran Conference. Not that we regret his absence in Munich, he sends high-ranking representatives. After all, when it comes to war and weapons sold as “security”, the “Jewish state” is always there. But it shows how Netanyahu is trying to band together with Iran-hostile and Islam-hating states to push a wedge into European politics, much like his friend Trump did. but flies to Warsaw to attend the more than controversial Warsaw Anti-Iran Conference. Not that we regret his absence in Munich, he sends high-ranking representatives. After all, when it comes to war and weapons sold as “security”, the “Jewish state” is always there. But it shows how Netanyahu is trying to band together with Iran-hostile and Islam-hating states to push a wedge into European politics, much like his friend Trump did.


Respect for human rights instead of unchecked policy of indecent recklessness


So it brings us back to the topic, the respect that German politicians demand of Muslims, they should also prove the Muslims in Germany and not always see everything only through the “Jewish-Christian” glasses. This requires the respect for human rights, which are increasingly losing themselves in an unrestrained policy of indecent recklessness, following the example of the USA and Israel.








In the Neue Rheinische Zeitung (NRhZ) published in issue 692 dated 13.02.2019 under


Why would a donkey want to act like an elephant?

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other Democratic leaders had issued a statement earlier on Monday calling on Omar to “immediately apologize” for her comments. Jewish members of Congress had been circulating an open letter calling on Pelosi to act.

Pelosi added in a tweet accompanying her statement that she had spoken with Omar and the two “agreed that we must use this moment to move forward as we reject anti-Semitism in all forms.”

Ilhan Omar Apologizes After Being Accused Of Anti-Semitism Over AIPAC Tweet

Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota apologized on Monday, one day after she published tweets accusing the pro-Israel group AIPAC of paying politicians to support Israel, which many fellow Democrats characterized as anti-Semitic because of its association with the trope of Jews using money to nefariously control the government.

Anti-Semitism is real and I am grateful for Jewish allies and colleagues who are educating me on the painful history of anti-Semitic tropes,” she wrote. “My intention is never to offend my constituents or Jewish Americans as a whole. We have to always be willing to step back and think through criticism, just as I expect people to hear me when others attack me for my identity. This is why I unequivocally apologize.”

“At the same time, I reaffirm the problematic role of lobbyists in our politics, whether it be AIPAC, the NRA or the fossil fuel industry,” she continued. “It’s gone on too long and we must be willing to address it.”

Omar on Sunday responded on Twitter to a question about why politicians support Israel by quoting the lyric “It’s all about the Benjamins baby,” referring to $100 bills. When asked by Forward opinion editor Batya Ungar-Sargon who she was referring to, Omar responded, “AIPAC!”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other Democratic leaders had issued a statement earlier on Monday calling on Omar to “immediately apologize” for her comments. Jewish members of Congress had been circulating an open letter calling on Pelosi to act.

Pelosi added in a tweet accompanying her statement that she had spoken with Omar and the two “agreed that we must use this moment to move forward as we reject anti-Semitism in all forms.”

This is not the first time Omar has apologized after being accused of anti-Semitism. After being called out by New York Times columnist Bari Weiss last month, Omar apologized for her 2012 tweet claiming that Israel had “hypnotized the world.” She later said on “The Daily Show” that she reacted defensively when people first accused her of anti-Semitism over that tweet, but that she “had to take a deep breath and understand where people were coming from and what point they were trying to make, which is what I expect people to do when I’m talking to them about things that impact me or offend me.”

Omar is one of two members of Congress to support the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement against Israel; some Jews consider the movement inherently anti-Semitic due to its disproportionate focus on the Jewish state, while others defend it as a non-violent approach to targeting Israeli policies.


Also see THIS report

No, Ilhan Omar Is Not Anti-Semitic For Calling Out AIPAC



I dream someday that our living nightmare will end

I Dream ……

By Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD

I dream someday that our living nightmare will end. Images like a sister
crying over the body of her 14 year old brother Hasan Shalabi who was shot
in the heart simply for wanting to have a life. The video of the same kid
so full of life saying he dreams of getting a job to help his family of
nine in Gaza haunt me. He is just a kid and I cannot imagine the pain of
his family. I imagine someday I will not hear about destruction of the
Amazon rain forest or bleeching of coral reefs or another “trophy hunt” or
of a girl murdered (like Palestinian Swar murdered by cruel men for “honor”
or the 5 year old raped and murderedin India). I dream of India going back
to its anti-colonial days instead of buying billions in weapons it does not
need from Israel (a colonial state). I dream of days like when my
grandfather’s friend in school was a Jewish student (i.e. I dream of the
end of apartheid and all of us living together in one country in friendship
as before).

I dream of days when the world takes serious action to stop the ongoing
global environmental nakba (catastrophe) and stop marching towards a
nuclear holocaust. I dream of days when no child goes hungry (now 1/5th of
world children do) or days when the world stood up against rathewr than
cajored dictators like those ruling in Arabia. I dream of a future where
westerny governmenents do not topple democraticly elected governments in
natural resource rich areas to install puppets of neo-colonialism
(Mousaddaq in Iran in 1950s, Chile in Sept 11, 1973, Venezuela this year).
I dream of may things. But I am also realistic and thus work hard to change
what I can: give me the courage to change the things I can, patience for
those I can’t, and wisdom to know the difference.

I teach a course in biodiversity at Birzeit University for master students
in environmental biology. I teach others (formal and informal) of all ages
in logical thinking, in research methodologies, in human rights etc. I try
to convince myself that if these young students (some in high school or
younger) can and do respect themselves, respect others, and respect nature,
then there is hope for humanity. The young people always give me hope. I
had a dream last night where there are a gathering of white haired
Palestinian politicians (Mahmoud Abbas, Azzam Al-Ahmad, etc) with similar
other politicians (Modi, Netanyahu, Trump etc) but I was most worried about
two young children among them both with white hair who looked like
miniature of these politicians (copies, clones). I tried to approach them
but was shielded from them by the white-haired politicians.

Perhaps this is my biggest fear/nightmare: That some young people are
becoming clones of our political leadership and it is getting hard to reach
them. Bethlehem University is shut down basically because the student
council leaders (who happen to be Fatah members) want to prove themselves
ahead of upcoming student elections by opening files of practical training
fees applied three years ago. I hope this gets resolved soon and students
go back to classes. What encourages me and other volunteers who work even
seven days a week is that we do see things that need doing and do them and
no matter how modest these achievements are (see 2018 achievements here), we at lease preserve our sanity in this crazy world. But it is a bit
more than that, even on social media where I see many posts and opinions
without actions but the posts do precede actions. Knowledge is important
but we must keep pushing for actions.

So much for this Sunday “thinking out loud”. Now back to work: today I am
working on a grant proposal for peacemaking, preparing for talks to
internationals, working with a couple of brilliant highschool students,
museum administrative tasks, and answering emails. It is raining heavily –
otherwise I would have taken a hike…. Life/struggle goes on.

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Capitalism Killed Our Climate Momentum, Not “Human Nature” By Naomi Klein


“I don’t fear the snipers’ shots.” This Palestinian rapper filmed this music video under live Israeli fire.

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