One American ‘colony’ in support of another…..

Viva Puerto Rico y Palestina Libre

The above photos were sent by friends vacationing in Puerto Rico


  1. embarrassed in USA said,

    February 9, 2009 at 17:35

    I am starting to really like puerto rico.
    Beautiful women.
    A love of justice.
    Nice weather.
    I will have to visit and spend lots of money (and steal a couple of kisses from the ladies.)

  2. No Name said,

    February 9, 2009 at 19:44

    Watching two unrelated TV shows on February 8, 2009- “60 Minutes” and “Desperate Housewives.” Could not help but notice the embedded messaging. The “best” letter received by the captain of the plane that landed in the Hudson was from a Holocaust survivor and the tough “get in shape” drill instructor on “Desperate.” was, you guessed it, an ex-IDF member. Why not a US Marine?

  3. Sheilanagig said,

    February 10, 2009 at 13:45

    Good on ya for speaking out.

    The Irish feel the same.

    Together we are stronger.


  4. Sooltan said,

    February 10, 2009 at 14:56

    No Name: Excellent observation in reference to “Housewives” and the “captain of the plane.” Those insertions are called micro-aggessions, and seem to be minor, until a person begins to write then down and then one can see how it is in all the programming. NCIS, Law and Order, and 24 are just a few that always have something in the script related to OJ, Johnnie Cochrane, Al Qaeda, Taliban, or any of the other issues that the Zionists want to keep before the American public.