The Palestinian cause is not the only one supported by the people of conscience in New York….. the plight of the people in Darfur is also one they support.

This demo was held outside the UN Mission. One teacher from Bedford Stuyvesant brought her entire class with her so they can become involved.

Our roving photographer, Bud, was also there….. here are his photos…..

Photos © by Bud Korotzer


  1. Phil said,

    April 1, 2009 at 23:15

    The African Union, Arab League, Islamic nations, G-77 nations 130 countries, China Russia are siding with Sudan against International Criminal Court. If the UN Security Council does not delay or rescind ICC criminal charges these nations will revoke the International Criminal Court charter. Susan Rice United Nations ambassador has overplayed her hands in setting up Omar al-Bashir for war crimes so that western corporations can cease control of Sudan’s natural resources. Susan Rice has working on ceasing Sudan’s natural resources sense the Clinton administration. Susan Rice was playing checkers against Sudan but the rest of the third world knew her plans and these nations played chess against Susan Rice and checkmated her. Susan Rice boss President Barack Obama now has to deal with Susan Rice abortion by appointing a special envoy retired Air Force General Scott Gration. Not good for Susan Rice a major failure less than a month on the job. Why Sudan is so important? In the last 5 years their oil deposits are 5 to 10 times larger than expected and huge high-yield deposits of Gold Silver Platinum Uranium and other precious metals were discovered. Sudan’s agricultural land has the richest red volcanic soil in the world but poor water distribution. A new dam was completed with 1 gigawatt of electricity and water for a massive water irrigation system. Soon Sudan will not need any food aid and will be a major food exporter.
    Susan Rice foreign policy disasters
    Should the African Union draw up list of undesirable people banned from the African continent it should be Susan Rice and her family at the top of the list. Susan Rice is responsible genocide in Rwanda supplying weapons Sudanese People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) which has waged a totally unsuccessful but nevertheless genocidal war against the Sudan government since 1983. While Susan Rice was engaging in highly publicized shuttling among Central African capitals, to demand that Congo allies Angola and Zimbabwe withdraw their troops from the Congo, in order to prevent a “wider conflagration, her underlings were in the process of vetting private contractors to give logistical support to the Ugandan- and Rwandan-backed rebels in the Congo. Every policy that Susan Rice has formulated has been a complete failure ending in millions of innocents Africans lives lost. If there is anyone who should be put on trial for war crimes in Africa it would be Susan Rice. If Susan Rice would be ever convicted of war crimes I would the first to pull the switch to save more millions of future Africans lives.
    It is also clear that the West and the Zionist who were supplying weapons to several otherwise peaceful ethnic factions externally creating an ethnic and sectarian civil war in which none existed before the discovery oil and gas that instigated the conflict in the Congo and Sudan in the Darfur region. When the Chinese where willing to invest billions of US Dollar reserves in oil and gas drilling pipelines and infrastructure improvements such as railways roads water and irrigation projects hospitals schools universities in Sudan that’s when the conflict started. The Zionist created a sectarian war between religious and ethnic group’s civil warfare than casualties mounted and the Zionist controlled media and their political lackeys instantly blamed the conflict on the Sudanese government. The United States and the European Union threaten economic sanctions against Sudanese government for the sectarian ethnic groups’ civil warfare originally created by the Zionist with the support of United States and the European Union. Sudanese government is an innocent bystander by a Zionist created civil warfare. Sudanese government primary interest is industrializing Sudan into an economic power equal to South Africa or better.

  2. Richard said,

    April 2, 2009 at 00:03

    While protest over Darfur is important, anger should be directed to Israel and the United States, who have actively sought to destabilize the African nation for the past forty years. For more information, read Keith Harmon Snow at

    His latest articles is available at the following link

  3. rh said,

    April 2, 2009 at 04:03

    Darfur fighters are sponsered by israel

  4. tal said,

    April 4, 2009 at 00:57

    Exploiting African Genocide for Propaganda

    Save Darfur movement spends its annual budget of $15 million not on assisting victims but on spreading the message

    Ten Reasons Why “Save Darfur”is a PR Scam to Justify the Next US Oil and Resource Wars in Africa

    The David Project and Charles Jacobs


    NSADP: Introduction