Call the following ‘Exhibit One’…. to back the Goldstone Report. (Which BTW was adopted by the UN Human Rights Council earlier today)

GERMANY 1940               ISRAEL 2009



  1. October 16, 2009 at 13:04

    history has a bad habit of repeating itself, reversed

  2. dave said,

    October 16, 2009 at 15:37

    History does in fact repeat itself,but in some countries you will be thrown in jail for questioning an historical event like the “holohoax”,but never for any mass genocides that were inflicted on non-Jews(which were more extensive and bloodier and whose victims cry our for more examination-not supression of evidence).
    What an excellent photo arrangement!

  3. maggie said,

    October 16, 2009 at 16:10

    Not reversed….exactly the same.

  4. stephen lucas said,

    October 16, 2009 at 16:33

    And we call these ” God’s Chosen People” That is the most absurd statement I have ever heard. If God let’s “his people” do this to other human beings. Then God is a sick, sadistic, physcopath. Innocent children die in the name of God, God should be tried and convicted and sentenced to death. These are children, just like mine and your’s. Would you want this for your children? When will the world wake up to the horror that Israel wages against Palistine. Can anyone tell me just what the Palistinian People did to deserve this?

  5. Jessica Ramer said,

    October 16, 2009 at 16:47

    I am ardently pro-Palestinian but still don’t think it is proper to draw an analogy between the Holocaust and Israeli oppression of Palestinians, brutal as it is.

    The Holocaust was carried out against unarmed civilians who had no military or police force to defend itself. It was not really a conflict over land or other resources. Its sole motivation was a bizarre form of racism.

    The Nakba and the subsequent conflict are, alas, rather typical in human history–it is an exceptionally nasty conflict over territory. One need only look at the dispossesion of indigenous peoples in the Americas. No doubt if one goes back in history far enough, nearly every modern nation has been built on the ruins of another people. The Israel-Palestine conflict is no different than other conflicts in this regard.

    One can ardently support the rights of the Palestinian people as I do–in fact, I believe the 1948 refugees should have the right of return–without drawing an analogy to the Holocaust.

  6. October 16, 2009 at 21:26

    the nuclear capability of Israel, which John Kennedy tried to suppress, perhaps at risk of his own live at the CIA’s hands with Israel’s urgings, has been the root cause of Israel’s bellicosity and war-mongering since the reactor at DIMONA produced enough plutonium for weapons triggers.

    If the ship load of yellowcake wouldn’t have been diverted with CIA help (once again, we’re talking about a shadow government in the U.S.) which allowed Israel to have enough fuel to start the DIMONA reactor, this whole thing in the Middle East would have been settled long ago.

    One must ask; “Who in CIA is the Israeli ‘mole’ that is destroying the U.S. and promoting nuclear hegemony by Israel??”

    a very very good question. While you’re at it, look at this:

    not conspiracy theory. Facts about how the CIA probably aided and abetted Israel’s nuclear ambitions by murdering President John Fitzgerald Kennedy on November 22, 1963, with George H.W. Bush’s help.

  7. Kieron said,

    October 17, 2009 at 00:00

    Its sole motivation was a bizarre form of racism.

    And that qualifier does not apply to the Nakba? Oh and Jessica, why is the one holocaust more singular, more worthy of attention, than any other? Who decides whether it’s a captial-H holocaust or a lowercase one?

  8. Marc Caverly said,

    October 17, 2009 at 01:44

    Steven Lucas said in a previous post, “And we call these God’s chosen people,”. “Chosen” has a different meaning. It is not God who chooses, but us. We choose to be God’s chosen person(people) individually regardless of religion, there is no race that is God’s chosen people. So yes, Steven, it is absurd, because we are all chosen by our own choice.

    Until we as a collective humanity CHOOSE to stop this kind of behavior, individually, then we are nothing more as animals. It is from a place of fear, not power, that there are wars. We can all agree that LOVE is the most powerful of all things, then the effort should be made to find it within ourselves, no matter how long or how hard. It is there, even if we cannot find it. We are just not looking in the correctly. Maybe we are in the right place, just not using the right type of vision.

  9. TruthSeeker said,

    October 17, 2009 at 09:59

    Jessica Ramer,

    You said, “The Holocaust was carried out against unarmed civilians who had no military or police force to defend itself. It was not really a conflict over land or other resources. Its sole motivation was a bizarre form of racism.”

    It seems that you have missed the point of the comparison. Before the Nazis, anti-Semitism was prevalent all over Western Europe. There were ugly incidents, one or two outrageous miscarriages of justice, but no genocide. As for Germany; it was the least anti-Semitic country in all of pre-Nazi Europe. Why then is the Nazi genocide attributed to anti-Semitism, which clearly was necessary but not sufficient to produce it?

    And what about the aspects of Nazi ethnic cleansing that anti-Semitism can’t possibly explain – the genocide against the gypsies and the planned extermination of thirty million Slavs, many of whom died as ‘subhumans’ in inhuman prison camps?

    Those “unarmed civilians who had no military or police force to defend itself” were well-organized and manipulated by the international Jewish elite to boycott the German production – the boycott started in the USA – and succeeded to bring Germany to its knees. One does not have to carry a gun to start awar, and Hitler does not to have anti-semitic to do what he did to the Jews. Imperialism and colonialism doe not have to be naked so that we can say they are what they are. Imperialsism and colonialism can hide behind a facade, or wear a mask and still operate and achieve the old time goals. isn’t this what the US is doing right now; political pressures and manipulation of poor countries while wearing the hide of a sheep?

    My heart jumps out for the holocaust Jewish victims including the ones who let themselves be manipulated for one reason or another, because the way in which they were punish was as diapolical as they in which the Gazan people were dealt with.

    Please, don’t let the propaganda of the holocaust and anti-sesemitism get into you as it is apparent that they are the sowrd and shield by which Israel not only defends itself (istalling guilt inside all nations), but also justifies any atrocity it commits.

    Tell me, why do the Palestinians have to suffer for a holocause committed decades ago, and they have absolutely nothing to do with it?

  10. saladin said,

    October 17, 2009 at 13:13

    To Desertpeace:thanks you for putting this pictures,to show the people some very sad facts!thanks again!
    To Jesssica Ramer:very shameful speach by you,i realy dont know how people like you can sllep at night!
    To TruthSeeker:great coment!

  11. Tyler said,

    October 17, 2009 at 16:31

    Zionists are not Nazis! They merely use Nazi Tactics… There is a difference.

  12. October 17, 2009 at 23:27

    I am going to provide the answer…ALL ADULTS must be exterminated. SIMPLE. Kids are often the victims as they have been since the beginning of time in EVERY SINGLE COUNTRY, RACE, GENDER and RELIGION.

    Kids do not know that except in which the ADULTS tell them, teach them and show them. SO….exterminate the adults from Germany, Iran, U.S., Russia, Bulgaria, France, U.K., Africa, Mexico,Afghanistan, Australia, Libya, Italy and on and on and maybe all those with opinions will have no more and the children will rise up.

    Thanks Winningjob from GLP for posting!

  13. Max said,

    October 18, 2009 at 00:03

    Isn’t it interesting that So many want to have Jerusalem as their capital? It is not a trade route, a sea port, has no great financial value and the like and yet So many have made this such a big deal.
    And this tiny land of Israel that has Arab and Jews living together as a nation and the other Arabs have 1000 times the land mass and is making monumential, worldwide news attention. Israel takes in Jewish refuges and the Arab nations are not absorbing Arab refuges. The muslims seem to be only for fussing and killing each other and others, especially Jews and Christians. I’m sorry but the news seem to show that the Jews and Christians are constructive and aid others and many are Muslims whereas the Muslims (the ones that are terrorists) steal the aid to the needy. Distructive. If Israel is so hated by God then why is it that every time it is attacked they stomp on the attackers.Hey, turn the lights and quit hurting others and be providing and being constructive to the people you live around. Negative tears down and positive builds up. As far as evil people they are on each side but honey gets more than vinagar.

    Why not start today and ask God to give us peace inside ourself and make it a point to be productive in such a way to benifit others peacefully. Don’t misunderstand that if someond attacke me or mine I need to defend powerfully yet not in hate. May the real God show Himself. May we strive to please Him.

  14. Naomi said,

    October 18, 2009 at 00:04

    Excellent depiction of how Israel treats palestinians. Someone said, “Israel is like a child who has been abused and traumatized, and has become the abuser. They are in trauma and need therapy.”

    I found that to be rather wise.

  15. stephen lucas said,

    October 19, 2009 at 15:36

    I posted a comment on the photo essay on Friday 16th Oct. I said “And we call these God’s chosen people.” And how absurd I thought this statement to be. I had a response from ” Mark Caverly” about how “we” not God choose’s . Mark, get out your Bible. First off let me clarify my stance. I do not believe in God, Jesus, or organized religion as a whole. I would never pick one religion over another, as when you do you are saying the other ones are wrong. I however can see and know it when I see it “human suffering”. And the people of Palistine are suffering. There’s no doubt about that. Now Mark . I will give you all the places in the Bible where God gives and promises the people of Israel that little spit of land they so staunchly defend. I will give chapter and verse. Genisis 12-1,2,3… 12-7…12-15…15-7….21-12…28-13…35-12…50-24 Exodus 6-8…32-13 Numbers…14-8…34-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 Deuteronomy 1-8…4-1…4-22,23,24,25,26…26-3…26-4…34-4 Joshua 1-1,2,3,4,5…1-10,11,,,1-43,44,45 Judges 2-1….. As you can see all but Joshua and Judges are in the first five books of the Bible. Now if you belive in the Bible then you know the first five books are the” Word of God”. And I belive God has made it clear that spit of land belongs to “his people”. Not mine and your choice, but God’s. Hence the term ” God’s chosen people” As i said I don’t belive any of it , as I can’t see an all powerful God picking out his favorite ” people” . That’s a great deal of parciality, sort of like I love my step-son just not as much as my real son. One of the numerous problems I have with religion. There’s so many others I could sit here and rant and write all day. I wanted to clarify my post and my position. The human suffering that these photos so in appalling. WE ARE ALL HUMAN BEINGS!!!! WE all want what’s best for our children and their children. Irregardless of where your from or what religion you belive in or don’t belive in. And on my final note. Jessica Ramer, you should be taken outside and the taste slapped completely out of your mouth. And for the sake of us all . STOP KILLING PEOPLE IN THE NAME OF GOD!!

  16. Sultana Ali said,

    October 22, 2009 at 17:58

    I can not defend a theif. Hospitality of one became the imorality of the other. Germans did something to you,not for you to do it to others. G’d does not work that way. Oh, I forgot you Zionst do not believe in G’d. You feel you have all the power, and the Supreme Being has none. All your soilders who believe in G’d will one day turn on you. Hope you live long enough to see it.

  17. Kier Darby said,

    November 5, 2009 at 03:44

    Thank you for your wonderful pictures and waiting for new works

  18. Schecky said,

    January 20, 2010 at 00:58

    Nice of you to compliment the photo arrangements but did you happen to notice the prof in those very photos that there was indeed a Holocaust.
    And Steve, I would be far more inpressed with your statement if you had spelled Palestinian correctly.

  19. Stephen Lucas said,

    January 20, 2010 at 14:52

    Schecky, The name is Stephen, and when you see a horror of this magnatude, I think a miss-spelled word takes a back seat to the comment and the horror depicted. Sorry, for the miss-spelled word, I did not know the “grammer police” were watching. And Schecky practice what you preach. It’s impressed” not” inpressed”

  20. Stephen Lucas said,

    January 20, 2010 at 14:56

    Schecky, Also for the record, It’s “proof” not “prof”. Again, practice what you preach.