$7 million muzzling shocker- Canadian government cuts off funds for church group it calls anti-Semitic

by Cecilie Surasky
Despite a 35-year collaboration, the Canadian church group KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives, “one of Canada’s most respected and important charitable organizations,” was stunned when their likely routine 7 million dollar request for the human rights program was denied by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). But they were even more surprised when they discovered why: although the group’s board had made public their opposition to sanctions and boycotts against Israel 2 years earlier, Citizenship and Immigration Minister Jason Kenney in a speech he gave this week in Israel charged the group with being anti-Semitic for “taking a leadership role in the boycott.” Kenney, speaking at the Global Forum for Combating Anti-Semitism, said they were “defunding” groups as part of their new “zero-tolerance” approach to anti-Semitism.  (Read the full text of his speech here. )

In his speech, Kenney included in a list of acts of anti-Semitism, like the spray-painting of swastikas on a Canadian Holocaust memorial, the spray-painting of the phrase “Stop the Israeli genocide in Gaza”.

Anti-human rights/Israel lobby group NGO Monitor built an extensive dossier on KAIROS– which represents Canada’s Mennonites, the Anglican, United and Catholic Churches and does work in some of the poorest regions of the world.

Kairos came under fire for co-sponsoring, along with 50 other groups, an international Sabeel conference in 2005 on morally responsible investment. (Sabeel is “an ecumenical grassroots liberation theology movement among Palestinian Christians,” and Jewish Voice for Peace frequently co-sponsors Sabeel conferences here in the United States.)

In this comprehensive and thoughtful 2008 strategy paper on using “economic advocacy measures… to advance peace between Palestinians and Israelis, ” KAIROS said:

KAIROS affirms the desire of the Israeli people for a secure homeland, recognizing the long, terrible and continuing history of anti-Semitism, and the vital role of Israel to Jewish people around the world. KAIROS also recognizes the great suffering of the Palestinian people, many of whom live as refugees in surrounding countries, and others who have lived under Occupation for 40 years, and affirms their right to a secure and viable homeland. KAIROS calls for an end to the Israeli Occupation of Palestinian Territories and for two secure states based on the June 4, 1967 borders.

They also explicitly rejected “sanctions against Israel” and “a boycott of products from Israel.” But in line with the universal recognition of the illegality of settlements, they did also advocate for things like:

limiting the geographical applicability of Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement to within the 1967 borders of the State of Israel; and

enforcing a certification of origin for goods coming from settlements in the Occupied Palestinians Territories;

and, almost identical to the Presbyterian Church USA’s strategy:

That where KAIROS members opt to pursue shareholder action respecting Canadian companies doing business in Israel or the Occupied Palestinian Territories (that are contributing directly or indirectly to violence, occupation or other human rights abuses in the region), shareholder action shall move through several stages, from dialogue with senior company management to filing shareholder proposals and, as a last resort, divestment.

So, after so much thoughtful and sensitive delving into ways to responsibly use economic pressure and investment, what did they get for their troubles? Charges of anti-Semitism.
(At Jewish Voice for Peace, where we have devised a similarly nuanced approach to economic pressure that works for us, choosing to focus on companies that profit from the occupation, or groups that fund settlements, we’ve seen from day one how pro-occupation groups purposefully and immediately ignore the facts, and raise the urgent flag of anti-Semitism as a strategy to kill virtually any resistance activity that goes beyond nicely asking the Israeli government to stop violating international law. Ironically, as they deny more and more people the right to boycott settlement goods only, they leave them with no choice but to boycott all Israeli products. )

A KAIROS official responded in The Star:

“It’s a horrible charge to make, and to do it with so little thought cheapens the reality of anti-Semitism in the world and diminishes the very careful attention that it deserves,” said United Church spokesperson Bruce Gregersen. “We’re quite disappointed in the government on this.

“The policies of KAIROS have all been approved by the collective board of KAIROS, so in a sense what Mr. Kenney is doing is accusing Canadian churches of being anti-Semitic and I think that’s really unfortunate,”

KAIROS director Mary Corkery told the Anglican Journal

“We do criticize actions of the Israeli government and we do support an independent, viable Palestinian state, so we have criticized the settlements, the barrier wall, the occupation of the West Bank, yes, but that can not be associated with anti-Semitism.”

Corkery said that Kairos had also heard from a number of Jewish people who objected to Kenney’s association of anti-Semitism with criticism of Israel. “They may not agree with us, but they don’t want that. That doesn’t honour anybody,” said Corkery.

KAIROS claims they were confused with a document that was recently released by Christian Palestinian leaders called Kairos Palestine, 2009: A Moment of Truth, which states “We see boycott and disinvestment as tools of justice, peace and security,” endorsing BDS as a form of solidarity for international faith-based organizations. Canada’s KAIROS has nothing to do with this statement.

The Liberal party believes KAIROS “was censured for joining seven religious denominations in speaking out against Conservative policies on climate change, overseas mining operations, aboriginal rights, immigration and international trade.”

We’ll give KAIROS the last word from their December 18 press statement:

Minister Kenney’s charge against KAIROS is false. KAIROS did not lead this campaign. In 2007, KAIROS took a public position opposing sanctions and a boycott of Israel.

A recently released document, Kairos Palestine, 2009: A Moment of Truth, is not a document of KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives. Kairos is a Greek word meaning “God’s time” and is commonly used by Christian groups.

A Minister of the Crown says that his government decided, for what is a highly political reason, to cut funds for a proposal developed in consultation with and approved by CIDA.

Canadians need the truth.

Two points must be made: criticism of Israel does not constitute anti-Semitism; and CIDA was developed to fund international aid and not to serve political agendas.

Minister Kenney’s statement, in a highly charged environment, raises very disturbing questions about the integrity of Canadian development aid decisions. If aid decisions are based on political rumour rather than on due diligence, development criteria and CIDA’s own evaluation process then this is a matter of grave concern for the entire international development sector — and for the Canadian people who pay for this aid.

Many non-governmental organizations have proposals before CIDA that have been on Minister Oda’s desk for months. Others are about to apply for funding. How can they possibly trust this decision-making process in the future?

In the past two weeks, Canadians from across the country have called for the restoration of CIDA funding to KAIROS.

People working for human rights are the true victims of the funding cut to KAIROS. This decision cuts funding for a new legal clinic in the Congo to help women who have been raped in the brutal conflict there. The 5,000 members of the Women’s Popular Organization in Colombia will lose funding for life-saving protection against rampant human rights abuses in their country.

To label KAIROS criticism of Israeli government actions as “anti-Semitic” silences dissent and honours no one. KAIROS has a clear position of support for the legitimate right of the Israeli people to a safe and secure state.

Actually, KAIROS, a third point needs to be made. It is true that there will always be some who harbor anti-Jewish hatred, like the vicious anti-Semite David Duke, who opportunistically join the Palestinian liberation movement and who should be opposed at every turn. (I’d argue that the entire Christian Zionist right is built on an anti-Semitic doctrine which wants to see Jews either incinerated or converted.)

But the fact remains that there is absolutely nothing inherently anti-Semitic about BDS ( boycotts, divestment and sanctions.) As Israeli professor Neve Gordon said, he supports it as a way to save Israel from itself. Further, it follows in a long and extraordinary tradition of nonviolent resistance to injustice, no matter where it occurs.

KAIROS has posted this list of seven ways you can help. Read it and act.



  1. Joe Gall said,

    December 20, 2009 at 16:34

    As usual, college dropout Jason Kenney bumbles and stumbles, without a clue what he’s doing.

  2. Cristal said,

    December 20, 2009 at 17:24

    Who is the real terrorist?

  3. December 20, 2009 at 17:38

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by palestinian, theopolitico. theopolitico said: CANADIAN GOVERNMENT CUTS FUNDING TO HUMAN RIGHTS WORKERS: $7 million muzzling shocker- Canadian government cuts off… […]

  4. wendywasp said,

    December 20, 2009 at 18:32

    business as usual. Using charges of “anti-semitism” to attack christianity. It’s the same tactic used against palestine.. scream you are the victim while viciously attacking the other party (christians/muslims)

  5. Jim Adler said,

    December 20, 2009 at 19:25

    Another example of the Zionist lobby’s ownership of the Harper government

  6. Disgusted said,

    December 20, 2009 at 20:22

    This getting out of control!! Israel is systmatically imposing their grip over Canada as they have done with the U.S. The sad thing is that most people have no idea how bad it is. I am ashamed to say that my beloved country is as corrupt and hypocritical as any other country on earth. Canadians and other countries need to wake up and stop letting this madness happen. It is already too late and we may be past the point of no return. The ones responsible for causing suffering on innocent people will have their day. I for one will be there when these criminals hang in the town square. The people will one day gain our freedom back. When this happens we will know it and so will the evil war criminals in power. They know it is coming soon and they are scared. People of all race and religion are fed up and will unite against the great Satan. I am not religious but “The Great Satan” is the most suitable description for the criminal organizations who allow these unspeakable agendas to go forward. I am just a simple peace seeking man but enough is enough!!

  7. Augustus of Ottawa said,

    December 20, 2009 at 21:53

    When reasonable arguments are met with unreasonable invective, even, may I say, hateful reaction, then perhaps the time has come to leave reasonable discussion behind. Force understands force, and force alone. Let the boycott bloom!

  8. Iain Yuile said,

    December 20, 2009 at 22:56

    As i’ve said before, when our Prime Minister Harper visited the holocaust memorial in Israel a couple years ago, and bowed his head before it, it wasn’t so much to acknowledge those who died in concentration camps; it was really a notification of his abject supplication to his Zionist bosses, now in control throughout the Western world. I knew we were in trouble in the grovelling act he put on and subsequent events have prooved me correct.

  9. December 21, 2009 at 05:12

    Social comments and analytics for this post…

    This post was mentioned on Twitter by theopolitico: CANADIAN GOVERNMENT CUTS FUNDING TO HUMAN RIGHTS WORKERS: $7 million muzzling shocker- Canadian government cuts off…

  10. December 21, 2009 at 05:35


  11. Nicolae said,

    December 21, 2009 at 07:50

    Israel, despite its status as a pariah state amongst thousands of judicial authorities in Europe and around the world, is still regarded as an ‘ally’ by the traitors who govern the American people. Barack Obama, of whom I warned shortly after his ‘popular’ election would represent the ultimate traitor of the American people [3], has played his role to perfection: establishing, at first, a sharp distinction between the approach of the Zionist Neocons who ran Bush like a glove-doll with their hands delved so deep down inside of his anal passage, they were even able to twang the few vocal chords over which The Great Cretin had a modicum of intellectual control. Now Obama has been brought to heel. Good boy. Israel’s obedient House Nigger.

    Livni’s complicity, indeed direct involvement in the continuing, sheer, vicious and unapologetic Holocaust of the people of Gaza and the West Bank, the True People of The Land, which involves the deliberately targeted bombing of schools and hospitals and the use of flesh-eating white-phosphorous, is nothing beyond the extraordinarily evil and inherent mentality of an alien people, the Ashkenazim, whose forefathers were never of Semitic descent, and who, by mere virtue of their hatred for the creativity they possess not within themselves and must steal (as Einstein stole the best ideas of uniquely ingenious German physicists) from real human beings everything to justify their existence as bandits and thieves, is typically indicative of sociopaths who vent their spleen and anger against those they despise as real creators and genuinely hard-working producers of wealth [4].

    When we talk of Livni, Meier, Begin, Rabin, Netanyahu, Sharon (and treasonous dual American-Israeli Fifth-Columnists such as Paul Wolfowitz, Raul Emmanuel, Michael Chertoff and Ben Bernanke) and the founding mass murdering terrorist of the Satanic state of Israel, the antichristic and European-hating Ben Gurion, let us never forget that we are dealing with representatives of an illegal sect of International Usurpers who have brought our entire world to the very brink of not only financial bankruptcy, but right unto the Abyss of nuclear Armageddon.

    Poor little nuclear-armed ‘Israel’, which has even threatened to destroy the entire world unless it gets its own petulant, screaming and kicking childish little ways. Let us, as gullible Christians and westerners, who have been taught to hate all Arabs (the true Semites and the real Children of Shem) release a flood of tears so great for those much-abused hook-nosed destroyers of orange groves and the builders of a hideous wall of evil between themselves and real, suffering humanity, drown them all in a deluge of our overwhelming sympathy for their sheer Christ-murdering cunning and arts of manipulation, blackmail and bribery.

    Let us, as Christians and westerners, never forget their hatred towards us and forgive them for their apparently harmless wisecracks; for surely, these lovable Edomites and Turko-Mongols, who were never the Children of Israel, must be joking when they say:

    “We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets of our air force.” ­ Israeli military tactician and professor Martin Crevald [5].

    Let us consider the ponderings of the Bolshevik Jewish racial supremacist, Menachem Begin:

    “Our race [speaking of the Ashkenazim false Jews and Edomites] is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves.” ­ June 25, 1982, as quoted as an enhancement of Rabbi Schneerson’s racist claims in the ‘New Statesman’.

    Yet Satanic asslickers, such as John Hagee, Barack Obama and the demonically selfish and unscrupulous Hillary Clinton, will not hear one word against a people who have always, and will continue, to despise hard-working Americans and Europeans. Let’s name just a small sample of the Jews who have hated and despised America; who have betrayed, and whose ilk will always continue to betray, America and the English people:

  12. Andrew Magee said,

    December 21, 2009 at 08:56

    How pathetic! Almost everyone continues to tippy-toe around Israel’s outrageous lying criminality, frightened that they too will be labelled “anti-semite”. I have read the Goldstone Report, & I have heard Israel’s pathetic excuses. They are laughing at us all because they now have the power to murder pretty much anyone they want with impunity, while we appear to have no power whatsoever to stop them.

    As far as I can see, any informed, moral person who hasn’t yet been smeared as an anti-semite really needs to try harder!

  13. The Prodigal Son said,

    December 22, 2009 at 03:30


    Don’t use the word ‘ni**er’… o.k. ?

    Have you seen the ‘YOU-TUBE’ video entitled: ‘Feeling the Hate in Jerusalem’ ? You sound like those racist young fake ‘Jews’ in Israel…

    ‘It was (in a large part) the fake ‘Jews’ who owned the slave-ships that brought the Africans here as slaves. They probably invented that incredibly derogatory word !

    I have had friends of African descent… so don’t say that word o.k. ?

    Merry CHRISTmas !

  14. December 24, 2009 at 09:36

    Nicolae, you seem so filled with hate and sound like you live in a world of absolutes: there is ONE way to do something … and that’s MY way; PERIOD.

    Well, I’m sorry to tell you that you are probably going to be sadly disappointed for the rest of your pathetic life if you continue along this path; and you won’t have anyone but yourself to blame. If our use of language is a conscious thing, as I think it is – given the fact that I’m a writer, I tend to believe that we have a certain level of responsibility over that which proceeds out of our mouths and keyboards – then your message to this forum tells a great deal about yourself.

    For one thing, you are terribly insecure about your own sense of person, this is why you find it necessary to speak so disparagingly about someone like President Obama by attacking something that he has no power over – his race. Rather than comment on his policies or his ideals, you attack his colour. That is the act of a true intellectual Hercules, amongst a collection of Titans and other Immortals … Hercules never was one known for his brain.

    Your rant, aside from being racist and offensive on those grounds, is a poorly expressed conglomeration of ill-conceived brain-belches that any reasonable person would have deleted rather than allowed to have hit the ‘Submit Comment’ button. The very fact that this occurred demonstrates the incredible lack of a personal sense of what is right and what is wrong. Had you actually read your comment before posting it would you have recognized the overt racism that you had written? At that point would it have not bothered you at all? (well, obviously – it got posted, didn’t it?)

    Well, that brings me to the final straw: racism as a form of mental illness, or a sociopathic condition, for which there is no treatment.

    Perhaps this is where you stand, Nicolae; I hope not, but your comment screams otherwise. Think about it.

    Good Cheer,
    Wie vie ist Aufzuleiden!

  15. Andrew Magee said,

    December 24, 2009 at 11:06

    Crazy Composer, you have written 6 paragraphs & not once in all that verbiage did you address the real issue, that is, the muzzling effect of pro-Israel lobbying activities upon free speech. I quote: “At Jewish Voice for Peace… we’ve seen from day one how pro-occupation groups purposefully and immediately ignore the facts, and raise the urgent flag of anti-Semitism as a strategy to kill virtually any resistance activity that goes beyond nicely asking the Israeli government to stop violating international law.”

    THAT was the matter at hand. It is CERTAINLY a related issue to point out, as Nicolae so graphically did, that your two most recent POTUSes: “W” and Barky are both seen to be largely under control of a foreign power – Israel. Now possibly I wouldn’t have chosen the exact same words as Nicolae, but then that’s just personal preference, or maybe I’m just not as imaginative. 🙂 Frankly I do agree with most of what Nicolae has written. “W”, you’ll recall, was judged to be a STUPID WHITE MAN (so sayeth a stupid fat man by name of Michael Moore). Now Obambi can, for quite similar reasons, be viewed as a STUPID BLACK MAN, and equally undeserving of respect. Now “house nigger” is not a term I personally would use, but I don’t see that any disrespect was intended to other African Americans, merely to the servile one that currently resides in the White House.

    Of course it is a debate one can have as to whether either “W” or Barky is indeed quite as stupid as appearances would suggest. Or maybe its just hard to sound intelligent when one’s job involves misleading people and betraying your own people?

    So please Crazy Composer – contribute by all means, but do try in future to stay on topic.

    Merry Christmas to All

  16. December 24, 2009 at 20:46

    Mr Magee, your offense over my comment resulted in a similarly offensive response; why, I ask, do you think it is even remotely appropriate to make ad hominem attacks on an individual (on whom you have absolutely no personal knowledge of) while sitting safely ensconced behind the safety of their computer. Your final comment is, perhaps, the most offensive of all: ‘contribute by all means, but do try in future to stay on topic.’

    When I decide to comment – in any forum, anywhere on the Internet – what I decide to write is mine alone, I will not be dictated to by anyone, particularly when they are not even associated with the website (or blog) in question. As I happen to be well associated with the creator of this blog (he is my father) I suspect that there will be several cold days in hell before he begins blocking my comments – though I do question sometimes question his decisions to post some of the comments that DO get posted, such as the one that I commented on by Nicolae which violates his commenting policies.

    Racism has no place here or anyplace else: perpetuating it through your blasé attitude is not going to advance any cause and I can’t imagine how you can rationalize a difference between what is going between the Israelis and Palestinians and what you are perpetuating with your use of racial slurs in the describing of non-white politicians, but however you are doing it, it’s wrong. Racism is racism and, in a word, it’s wrong.

    My comment on the article, since you asked, centers around the penultimate full paragraph, in which the writer inserts a parenthetical comment: “(I’d argue that the entire Christian Zionist right is built on an anti-Semitic doctrine which wants to see Jews either incinerated or converted.)” To make a comment such as that and then not follow up on it is, in a word, insane. I am a Christian, I am a Jew, but I am not a Zionist. I am also extremely familiar with the Christo-Zionist movement and the claim that they are anti-Semitic is, in a word, ludicrous – if anything, they are hyper-Semitic. Christo-Zionists are manic about anything that has to do with being Jewish – to the point that I refer to them as ‘Jewphiles’.

    Believe me, this is something that I encountered on a weekly basis when I attended a particular denomination for many years, until I’d had my fill of the nonsense and decided to deliver myself from the man-made theologies that encouraged a belief in Zionist theology (anti-Christ[ian]).

    Regardless of my background, encountering that comment at the end of the article brought the entire article into question in my mind; the entire work of the writer was brought under suspicion for the simple reason that if they are capable of letting one unsubstantiated phrase enter the text of their article the question must be asked as to how many other questionable phrases are yet to be found?

    Certainly there is nothing good about the idea of censorship – though it happens all the time, doesn’t it? But the question here is not really about censorship, it is about whether or not the government of Canada should be in the business of funding NGOs – of any kind. That is not what people have been asking, but that is what I ask. Why should Canadian tax dollars go to a NON-Governmental Organization that receives money from donations? If you want to make an organization to do ‘humanitarian’ work, God bless you – really – but why should the government help you? Really, why should they? Where in any constitution does it say that the role of the government is to spend the money collected from taxpayers on things OTHER than the functions necessary for the running of the country?

    Quite frankly, I am pleased that an organization run by several CHURCHES – including the Church of Rome – is no longer receiving money from my government. I hope and pray that all churches lose their charitable status (and have to pay taxes on all the property that they own) and that all other NGOs find themselves in the same situation as this one in the very near future.

    You see, Mr Magee, I can cover any topic I desire – you may not be pleased afterwards but, quite frankly, I could give two squats: you can ask the founder of this site, I’ve never written anything for the approval or pleasure of another and I’m not about to start with a comment at the suggestion of someone who cannot control their own use of racist rhetoric.

    That, in a word, is all. The next time you have something to say about something I’ve written be more creative than commenting on the number of paragraphs that I’ve written. Content is far more impressive. (10 paragraphs)

    Wie viel ist Aufzuleiden!

  17. Andrew Magee said,

    December 24, 2009 at 23:16

    Mr Crazy Composer,

    I intended no offence towards you C.C. And frankly I don’t even bear Mr Obama any ill will either (altho I do reserve the right to call him names if I so choose). I certainly don’t hold it against him that he happens to be black. I did though think that I had made the point quite clearly that since it is now apparently ok to disparage white folk is any number of ways, I am not going to get too precious when one or two comments are directed at one specific non-white individual who many see as performing very poorly indeed.

    Btw when I said “contribute by all means, but do try in future to stay on topic” I did preface this comment with the word “please”, so yes my comment may have seemed condescending, but it was certainly intended to be at the politest possible end of the scale. It was never my intention to “dictate to” you on any topic, but I do stand by my observation that imho, it would have been preferable that at least some of the paragraphs you wrote might have conceded that Nicolae did actually make some very relevant points, albeit in an indelicate manner.

    There is actually a great deal in your second post with which I completely agree. I do not have the time right now to even begin to address your every point, but I will say that the one particular statement you take to task “I’d argue that the entire Christian Zionist right is built on an anti-Semitic doctrine which wants to see Jews either incinerated or converted.” is indeed ludicrous on every possible level. I agree with you that it deserved to be refuted. The term with which you describe Christian Zionists – “hyper-Semitic” seems particularly apt.

    So C.C., you are both Jewish *and* Christian, but not a Christian Zionist – most interesting. No doubt you address this topic somewhere on your own blog, so I will look there first & hopefully it will become clearer. I do invite you to visit my blog also. It is far less extensive/impressive than yours, but one article you might find interesting is the review of a book by name of “The Cross of Bethlehem” written by “Roy Tov” (not his real name). “Roy” is a former ex-IDF captain who grew up in a Jewish household but is now a committed Christian turned whistle-blower. Now he is a refugee, accepting sanctuary in any country that will have him. (a very short list!) I have been corresponding with Roy for several years now & have learnt much along the way. I readily acknowledge though that I am still probably barely scratching the surface.

    Oh, & I do not really believe that Nicolae was displaying anything which could fairly be described as “mental illness” (perhaps that was th comment that “got me going”?); anger – sure, but hardly mental illness.

    While I still stand by the essence of my original assertions, I do thank you for clarifying and expanding upon your position, and I do repeat that I intended you no offence. Certainly you have raised other questions that remain unanswered in my mind, but nothing that can’t wait until another day, because its Christmas here & I really need to get moving.

    Hoping its a Happy Day for you too,

  18. The Prodigal Son said,

    December 25, 2009 at 01:03

    Hello CrazyComposer,

    A blessed Christmas season to you and yours !

    Please don’t take me wrong here… I want to mention to you a couple of things…

    You said, “I am a Christian, I am a Jew”…

    I’m sorry sir, but I must tell you: you can’t be BOTH !

    Adam and Eve were not ‘Jews’… nor was Moses.

    Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were never called ‘Jews’ – because they WEREN’T ‘JEWS’ !

    The first ‘Jew’ was Jacob/Israel’s son: Judah, so neccessarily – there were no ‘Jews’ before Judah.

    Therefore a REAL ‘Jew’ is a Judahite (of the tribe of Judah – like Jesus was). In the New Testament, the word ‘Jew(s)’ – unless referring to a tribal Judahite) most times should correctly be read: ‘Judean(s)’ (as in: a resident of the Roman province of Judea) – NOT ‘Jew(s)’ ! ‘Jew’ is a made up English word which should never have come into existence.

    The faithful Old Testament Hebrews followed the Mosaic Law… Pharisaism (and hence the Talmud) did not exist at that time.

    In the New Testament, those who were called ‘Jews’ were not following the Mosaic Laws any more; their ‘religion’ had degenerated into Pharisaism (the traditions of men – later immortalized in the anti-Christ Babylonian Talmud).

    So in Christ’s time, the lost sheep of Israel (like Paul) went on to became Christians and the ANTI-Christ Pharisaic ‘Jews’ (as in: Judeans, NOT Judahites! Many of those Pharisees were actually cursed Edomites – NOT Israelites) THESE Pharisees went on to become what are now called ‘Jews’ !

    Besides that – In Christ there is no ‘Jew’ or ‘Greek’… but a NEW MAN: a Christian !

    The word ‘Gentile’ has also been ascribed a new meaning in the Bible thanks to our Pharisaic, Masoretic malefactors of old… ‘Gentile’ was transliterated into English from the Hebrew ‘Goyim’, and actually means ‘nations’.

    Look at Revelation 2:9, 3:9, and for your own good sir: stop associating yourself and consequently the Name of Jesus with the synagogue of Satan & the fake ‘Jews’.

    With love in Christ…

    Merry CHRIST’Smass !

  19. The Prodigal Son said,

    December 26, 2009 at 09:14

    The Prime Minister of Canada sounds like just another bought & paid for Zio-puppet:

    This guy’s so full of it his breath stinks !

    Check out the mark of the beast on the podium…

  20. Say It Aint So said,

    December 27, 2009 at 07:40

    Mr. Crazy Composer:

    You have asked:
    “Where in any constitution does it say that the role of the government is to spend the money collected from taxpayers on things OTHER than the functions necessary for the running of the country?”

    Did you mean like sending billions and billions of taxpayer money as aid
    to Israel?

    Does the phrase “bonehead” have any meaning to you?

  21. January 5, 2010 at 10:20

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  22. February 18, 2010 at 00:28

    […] to Canada in March 2009. Last December, Kenney also cut government funding for Christian charity KAIROS for carrying out some humanitarian work in occupied Palestine. Interesting while KAIROS was […]