Reject the Christmas Style of a War Criminal President Who Said “Jesus Is My Lord

By Jay Janson

Apparently, President Obama as so many U.S. presidents before him, has no fear of God as he holds the teaching of Jesus impractical, not worth implementing, and certainly not possible for him to follow as U.S. President. Obama stressed this as he preached the necessity of wars, during his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech.

But to a president who believes the teaching of Jesus impractical because “there is evil in the world” that a Commander-In-Chief is compelled to destroy even by murdering the children nearby, Noam Chomsky gives secular military advice:

“Everybody’s worried about stopping terrorism. Well, there’s a really easy way: stop participating in it.”

The children’s bodies pile up in five Muslim nations where lives are taken by U.S. military personnel, hailed as heroes every day during the Christmas season by patriotic TV news anchors. Conglomerate owned media personalities are perhaps the most basic war criminals of all, deviously presenting themselves as sensitive, caring and humane in character. They facilitate the acceptance of war during Christmas more than all year long.

To the families, friends, country folk, and relating Muslims all over the world who poignantly mourn the children massacred by U.S. forces in five Islamic countries (as well as by a U.S. ally in a sixth), the ubiquitous figure of America’s Santa Claus on TV must seem to be repulsive if not the devil himself.

There are, however, millions of devout Americans, including many dressed as Santa Claus who feel crushed by the photos of collaterally murdered children they consider as their own. They, in their hearts, will not be celebrating a Merry Christmas regardless of outside appearances.

President Obama has dismissed the efficacy of Jesus’ teaching along with that of Martin Luther King and Gandhi. Will there be rage for the apostasy of Obama and eventually for those who enthusiastically carry out immoral homicidal commands with impunity and in pathetic ignorance of the law – any law, whether of God or Nature.

Even before being installed into office, Obama started off with a withering silence of complicity and support for the massacre of children in Gaza. Then came the Predator Drone Hellfire bombing massacres in Pakistan as his first contribution to the long history of U.S. presidential criminality. Simultaneously, a merciless ever increasing toll of poor dead children in Afghanistan, and continuing intermittent bombing for the children in Somalia. This week, as a Christmas present to Mars, the God of War, the massacre of children in Yemen.

How many, who have already experienced American Christmas while Americans were killing Koreans in Korea, or Laotians in Laos, Vietnamese in Vietnam, Cambodians in Cambodia, Iraqis in Iraq, or Afghanis in Afghanistan, don’t want to, yet once again, turn their heads away from the blood on America’s hands and hypocritically celebrate merrily the birth of Jesus?

No! Damn the macabre commercial shopping encouragement and partying on the graves of millions beloved by Jesus’ “Who so loved the world.”

Damn the insanity of all this inhuman mega extermination in formerly colonized nations in undeclared and unwinnable wars.

Damn these ongoing wars now during the 2009 birth observance of Jesus, who Obama had the temerity and pretended sincerity of calling “my Lord and Saviour” as he laid out his plans to bomb Pakistan and increase war in Afghanistan.

Historically U.S. Presidents, going against Jesus at Christmastime, taking the lives of their planetary brother’s and sister’s children, have been able to escape legal justice and paying for their crimes in this lifetime. But should Obama come to be indicted in court, under the laws of the Nuremberg Crimes Against Humanity Tribunal, condemnation and punishment might be swift.

“According to the standards of the Nuremberg Trials, every American president since World War II could be convicted as a war criminal and hung.” Noam Chomsky

Jesus’ birthday is an appropriate time to damn the bombing of innocents for lies and oil. Damn another Christmas style of turning our heads away from the daily body counts and new graves of our brothers and sisters and children and fathers and mothers in Afghanistan, in Pakistan, in Somalia and Yemen where Obama heartlessly bombs those that had nothing to do with 9/11, as the president knows full well.

Men, women and children are cut down, blown up by the thousands. Americans exchange presents and gaze at their Christmas trees carefully avoiding talk of both the baby Jesus and the babies Americans go on killing in their very own countries, usually in their very own villages, often in their own homes while sleeping.

The most galling and bitterest travesty to swallow, during the traditional cruel pretense of forgetting U.S. victims at Christmastime under the presidency of another phony American warrior president, is the self-professed impotence of the clergy which by profession is charged with making Christmas spiritually meaningful and actively charitable.

About the author… Musician and writer, who has lived and worked on all the continents and whose articles on media have been published in China, Italy, England and the US, and now resides in New York City.


  1. December 25, 2009 at 12:16

    I had written a long comment and then I realized – this article just wasn’t worth it. Rarely have I found such a poorly written piece posted to this blog. The last paragraph is a beginning, not an ending.

    Learn to edit (the writer).

    Wie vie ist Aufzuleiden!

  2. karoo said,

    December 25, 2009 at 17:03

    all is deception when all will see this truth, the vampires will be defeated and happiness will be the only value to multiply ad infinitum

  3. peacemonger said,

    December 25, 2009 at 18:11

    Dear Jay,

    You are giving me hope, that there are sane people left on this planet !


  4. ReverendHothoneywater said,

    December 25, 2009 at 19:35

    Those who profess belief in Jesus and his teachings yet commit heartless and destructive acts are an embarrassment to true Christian faith. The misguided, loud-mouthed, & hateful stridency of these so-called Christians causes great harm to a world that cries-out for compassion. The phony-religious use God as a way to shackle rather than liberate their fellow human beings. You are correct, Jay, that they ignore Jesus’ teachings. But they do so at their peril. Jesus said, in Matthew 5:9 (the Sermon on the Mount), “God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God.”

    Many “fundamentalists” think they can participate in the most heinous acts and, simply by professing faith, still retain God’s favor. However, in the Gospel of Luke, Jesus is asked what must be done to gain eternal life. His answer is that one must 1) Love God… and 2) Love thy neighbor as thyself. He is then asked what is the definition of neighbor and his answer illustrates that the term includes everyone.

  5. vdb said,

    December 26, 2009 at 09:51

    The British Queen’s xmas message was nearly totally given to “honouring” the troops.
    Good thing I didn’t watch it – again.

  6. Truthteller said,

    December 26, 2009 at 17:10

    As one who did not believe Obushama’s promise of change, I knew that as a black president he would have to show white America that he was a greater war-mongering sumbitch than any of his white predecessors.

    The apartheid entity in the middle east who groomed him for the presidency and helped get him elected and subseuently filled his administration with their servants, knew this psychology of the man and are now using him to achieve their aims.

    Americans hoping for change, you’ve been suckered again. Not too bright, folks, not too bright, as the much-missed George Carlin would have said.

  7. Vickie said,

    December 26, 2009 at 23:25

    Don’t take the politicians who dress themselves in the cloak of Christianity too seriously; they know they have to do it too get elected I would assume. I saw a video of Obama mocking the bible with my own eyes. He stated and twisted the teachings with the remark “people haven’t been reading their bibles”. Tragically he is right. He is welcome to call me I would be more than happy to explain those teachings he was distorting. I have read mine.

    One person said it best – Sitting in a Church pew on Sunday does not make you a Christian anymore than going through the car wash makes you a car.

    The Church – Satan’s strategy if you can’t beat them join them. Tragically church history is full of examples. They will have some explaining to do when they come face to face from Jesus. There is really no escape from justice. That is when you unrepentant get exactly what you deserve in the eyes of holiness. God’s answer to that is hell.

    I wish I saw less corruption and more honest backbone in the Pulpit. Alas, I sit here in dismay. A Seduced Bride is what one preacherman called it. He is right. Some seem to think that discernment and calling someone out on the carpet is mean. They did not murder Jesus because all he did was kiss babies. He was not a pacifist – He really cleaned that temple with a whip and yes sometimes violence is moral. That is not what is going on with Murder Inc. The American War Machine. I think some in the pulpit are misinformed, corrupt, spineless and some are fine. It is like everything else – every picture tells a story. God will sort it out.

    The bible warns Christians and Christian leaders when they dine with the rulers or anyone to check out and make sure they are not corrupt. (paraphrase) This is not a joke, this is not a joke it is really there honest. I think our “esteemed church leaders” really need to look that one up again.

    Eph: 5:11 Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness; instead expose them.

    I again am not joking, really it is in there – our “esteemed church leaders” may want to look at it – really I am not making this stuff up.

    Love they neighbor as thyself – Jesus (PS:” murdering and stealing from thy neighbor is not loving thy neighbor)

    Do unto others as you would have them do unto you – Jesus ( murdering and stealing and sitting idly by while your government does it is not doing unto others)

    Beware of false teachers they come to you like sheep; but inwardly they are ferocious wolves they tell you what your itching ears want to hear. – Jesus
    We were warned – Know your doctrine and stay the hell away from a corrupt pulpit.

    There will be those who come to me and say lord, lord did we not cast out demons for you and prophesy for you ect. And I will say to them depart from me you workers of evil I never knew you. (paraphrase) – Jesus
    Those will be thrown out into the outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

    In the end – That is what Jesus will do with the corrupt Christian. I really am not making this up – it is all there – tragically and much more.

    I am not a theologian – I do know Jesus would never approve of much of this.
    See – I know my redeemer lives.

    Signing out as angry and dismayed in Toledo.

  8. Vickie said,

    December 26, 2009 at 23:56

    Sent that last one off a comment too soon. I have also heard Christians talk about what I have labeled “gospel at gunpoint”. This is where we are to go and with the American War Machine and conquer and convert Muslims at gunpoint.

    I would assume this is a Muslim Web Site. No – Jesus never forced anyone. He always did it with free will. He is looking for your heart; you cannot do this at gunpoint (despite what I have heard) Jesus would never approve of this. We Christians call this the problem of free will. Jesus was not willing to make a race of “love slaves”. He wanted you to love him voluntarily. The highest dignity to man god gave – was a choice. Tragically, this also meant the possibility for horrible evil and we have done just that. Yes – Sometimes in Jesus name.

    The nations blaspheme my name because of you. (old testament)

    God talking to Israel about how people were blaspheme him because they were his representatives and they behaved very badly. You know Solomon was right – There really is nothing new under the sun. You think we would have learned – obviously we did not.

    He looked at his disciples and said “are you going to leave me also” – Jesus
    He did not even force his own disciples to stay. He said this too him when eveyone else was hitting the bricks. It was always voluntary – it really was meant to be.

    Angry and dismayed in Toledo, OH (USA)

  9. Truthteller said,

    January 14, 2010 at 18:52

    Funny beings, gods. They are all powerful, all knowing, all present, but they never seem capable of seeing in advance the evils of their intended creations and aborting them. Can’t get my li’l old head around that one.