In Defense 0f Uruknet – Update!

Sofia Smith

On January 11, 2011 we made a post titled ‘In Defense of Uruknet’. This blog post was made in the hope of getting enough people to sign onto Uruknets group page on Facebook to apply pressure to reinstate Uruknet’s profile page, which had been deactivated/revoked by Facebook without notice that day.

Today we are happy to tell you that Facebook has reinstated Uruknet’s profile page and has also apologized for the incident!  This happened only because of the many, many of you that retweeted our blogpost, that went to Uruknet’s group page and ‘liked’ it, and because of the many, many, many blogs and daily e-papers that took our story and reposted it! THANK YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH! THIS WAS A HUGE SUCCESS!
Below is a list of some of the blogs that reposted this blog post.  There were too many to list today, but the url to search them out should you want to is

Thank you again everyone for your invaluable support! It was the numbers that did it!!! Thank you!

Written FOR via Uruknet



  1. January 17, 2011 at 12:38

    Thank you Sofia! And reBlog &RT again!
    Wa Salaam from occupiedpalestine

  2. Danny D said,

    January 17, 2011 at 14:40

    No Problem, Thanks for letting us know, I find Uruknet a great resource and I believe we should all support one another especially when it comes to Palestine.

  3. January 17, 2011 at 18:49


  4. January 17, 2011 at 19:17

    Yes, in defense of the strength in commitment of someone willing to tell the truth -regardless how ugly that truth may be- about the declining quality of life WORLDWIDE.

    Kudos to http://URUKNET.DE

    Practice birth control.

    Live reasonably and always -with the future in mind.

    Do not be afraid shoot the bastards who defile the party going on -on this planet.

    Nonviolence is a the quickest way toward chaos and extinction.

    Defend yourself, or you will quickly end up with nothing left to defend.

    Look at the Palestinians and the Iraqis.

    We are all Palestinians and Iraqis now.

    Don Robertson
    Limestone, Maine

  5. paola said,

    January 18, 2011 at 06:14

    Thanks again, Steve 🙂 Probably this time it wasn’t censorship and really facebook had disabled my profile by mistake. But i’ve discovered that facebook disables HUNDREDS of profiles by mistake and people struggle for weeks (and often for months) to get a disabled account back. In my case, facebook gave me my account back in 2 days, thanks to the dozens of websites that reposted Sofia’s article. Thanks again to everybody!

  6. Ladybat2 said,

    January 19, 2011 at 04:38

    Way to go troops! Thats how you kick some ziotard ass!

  7. January 20, 2011 at 13:49

    […] Facebook does an “ABOUT FACE” […]