Macy Gray slags some boycotters as a—holes, will play Tel Aviv

by Eleanor K


The ‘power of the affirmative’ is peddled by many a self-help guru who claims human happiness lies in saying ‘Yes!’. In opposition, responding ‘No’, turning down an opportunity and walking away is seen purely in its negative sense – as defeatist, miserablist.

Macy Gray Facebook thread January 2011
From Macy Gray’s Facebook wall

On Wednesday 19 January, the American pop diva, Macy Gray posted a question ‘Stay or go?’ on her official Facebook page in which she explained that she was “getting alot of letters from activists urging/begging me to boycott by NOT performing [in Tel Aviv] in protest of Apartheid against the Palestinians.” While she acknowledged that “What the Israeli government is doing to the Palestinians is disgusting” she added that she wanted to go and – using a double negative – ended with the disclaimer: “I dont know how my NOT going changes anything” (Macy Gray, Official).

Hundreds of people around the globe who support the Palestinian call to boycott Israel posted comments encouraging Macy Gray to not go, to cancel her two upcoming concerts, but inevitably their comments were interspersed with ‘positive’ messages exhorting her to ‘Go!’: ‘Please come; see for yourself; don’t walk away; talk with people; make the world happier with music; stand for truth!” as well as the occasional indignant message that said she wasn’t wanted anyway, a favourite being: “I just made like so i can dislike u i don’t like u as a jew nor a music lover ur just not importent” as well as the predictable “So Macy Gray is a anti-Semitic NAZI that supports terrorism. GOOD TO KNOW!”

On her twitter account late on Wednesday night, Gray posted a response to one of her followers: “@bahebakyagaza See I’m willing to listen – really listen – but some of you so called boycotters are just assholes.” I prefer to call us killjoys, if one believes there is joy in saying ‘Yes!’ to normalization of the military occupation, and ‘Go for it!’ to turning a blind eye to the passing of racist, McCarthyite bills in the Knesset, ‘making the world happier’ by ignoring the ‘bullies’ who call for Israeli leaders to be prosecuted for war-crimes.

We are the naysayers, the people who marched in our thousands against the massacre of Palestinians trapped in the Gaza strip in 08/09, and we know the positive power of ‘No’.

In later tweeting the bitterly ironic words “Dear Israel fans. Me and the band will be there in 20 days. Can’t wait. See you then. Peace,” Macy Gray will delight most of her Israeli fans who hate to be disappointed, and inconvenienced by international laws. Yet, while she will find the embrace of unapologetic apartheid as she crosses the picket line to be warm at first, the historical reality will catch up with her and its grip is chilling.

An Israeli activist has taken the path of love and created a new Facebook page: 20 Days to Macy Gray Project in which she will post “1 tragedy and 1 piece of information about BDS a day” in a final effort to change Macy Gray’s mind.

[headline updated to accurately reflect Gray’s tweet]



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  1. Ladybat2 said,

    January 20, 2011 at 19:46

    If Martin Luther King were alive today and able to post on ms Macy’s FB page he would tell her that for her to go and entertain the Israelis after all of us out here are fighting against Israel for denying Palestinian civil rights, the same exact thing Ms. Macy’s own people were long denied in America that would be a total slap in the face to he Mr. King himself in regard to the long hard battle he fought here in America for people who benefited from that fight long long after. Namely people like Ms Macy herself.

    How would she have felt if Dr. King had, back in the days of the civil rights battle, asked people to boycott white supremists businesses or asked that good people at least not go and entertain them and then those people did go and entertain them any way showing African American people that they did not give a damn about their civil rights.

    Would she have called those people ass holes?

    Or would she have called Mr. King an ass hole if he had asked her not to go and entertain apartheid Nazi Israel which I feel pretty sure he would ask her not to do.

    Why did Ms. Macy bother asking us all what we thought any way when it is clear she already made up her mind to go and perform there? Because its just to much money to turn down.

    Money is money. Even when its money that came from murder and theft.

    It seems that its our blessing she wants on top of getting paid.

    Well, she can forget about that.

  2. Frederick Sanford said,

    January 20, 2011 at 20:44

    As much as I don’t care for the leadership of Israel, asking performers not to entertain the Israel general public and also make a living for themselves is an a poorly thought out proposition for everyone involved.
    How would you like it if your favorite artist did not come to your country based upon whatever your politicians are getting away with?

  3. james ha said,

    January 20, 2011 at 20:53

    macy gray, huh. never heard of her, but anyone with a conscience would boycott apartheid israel as apartheid south africa was boycotted back in the ’80s.
    9.11 was an inside job!

  4. George said,

    January 20, 2011 at 21:23

    If she would have played in Berlin in 1943,
    then by all means play in Tel Aviv in 2011.

  5. James B said,

    January 20, 2011 at 21:53

    Sadly she has decided to play.

    “”I’m getting alot of letters from activists urging/begging me to boycott by NOT performing in protest of Apartheid against the Palestinians,” she wrote.”

    Macy NOBODY is “begging” you to do anything. If you can’t see the immorality of an APARTHEID regime and the disgusting behavior of this group of people, both secular and religious, then close your eyes and make believe like it doesn’t exist.

  6. Francis said,

    January 21, 2011 at 00:21

    I guess the advancement of her career takes precedence over the promotion of human rights.

  7. Dave said,

    January 21, 2011 at 01:08

    You folks are all wasting your time…
    Israel always gets what it wants when it wants it..
    For as long as the US protects this rogue state,
    nothing will change.. The boycott should directed
    at the US.. Cut off the head and the body dies..

  8. January 21, 2011 at 01:45

    – When is supporting genocide a good idea – Will she support crapitalism over humanity – She goes and she will be part of the problem, an Aunt Tom

  9. Ladybat2 said,

    January 21, 2011 at 06:04

    Frederick Sanford said,

    January 20, 2011 at 20:44

    “As much as I don’t care for the leadership of Israel, asking performers not to entertain the Israel general public and also make a living for themselves is an a poorly thought out proposition for everyone involved.
    How would you like it if your favorite artist did not come to your country based upon whatever your politicians are getting away with?”

    My Answer to this….

    I would LOVE IT if my favorite artist said he refuses to entertain in America because of what America is doing in Iraq and Afghanistan and because of its total support of apartheid nazi Israel! I would LOVE MY FAVORITE artist even more than I loved him before that. I would have total respect for him and the stance he is taking because….


  10. SANDRA BUDAK said,

    January 21, 2011 at 07:17

    This is the last message macy sent
    MacyGraysLife Macy Gray
    @bahebakyagaza i havnt blockd u at all. its been an overwhelmg 2 days. thank u all 4 the education. i hav been enlightnd crushd & inspired.

    there have been gloating articles in ynet and haaretz about the asshole comments… but this is worth while even if we have enlightened just one person to the truth about whats going on in Israel.

  11. January 21, 2011 at 10:46

    please don’t support Israel!

  12. maggie said,

    January 21, 2011 at 13:49

    I am a huge fan of Macy Gray up to today. But if she goes to Israel, I will throw out my cd’s and never spend a penny on another one. Nor will I listen to her on the radio. Does she realize how the backlash will affect her career?

  13. Peter Radon said,

    January 21, 2011 at 15:32

    Never again will a Macy Gray song be heard by me. She had her oportunity to do what’s right, and didn’t. Would she have played in Apartheid South Africa? Probably not, but that’s a soft target, isn’t it. Is she frightened of Jewish/reprisals? Only she knows for sure, but what can be objectively discerned in all this, is that she is on the WRONG side of History, as the treatment of the Semitic Palestinians by the Israelis is even worse than what happened in S. Africa. Peter

  14. Echo said,

    January 21, 2011 at 23:28

    Agreed, Macy gray apparently would sing for the Nazi’s, dance for the KKK, maybe a lil softshoe in Abu Ghraib. Does she need fast money so badly that she is willing to soil her image and go down in history as a complete loser? I will be encouraging local radio to boycott her…well done Miss Gray, we may be assholes, but you are the entire ass.