Zionists on both sides of the wall (of apartheid) are attempting to topple the legally elected government in Gaza. Trying to follow the lead by the brave people of Egypt, these cowards seem to assume that FaceBook is the vehicle to be used to change governments.

Unlike Egypt, Palestine held free elections. Also unlike Egypt, the governments of the West have refused to honour the desires of the Palestinian people and have not recognised the government that they elected.

A new tactic had to be found to make it appear as if support for Hamas is dwindling. What better place to do this but the Internet, FaceBook in particular, a tool owned and operated by the very zionists that want Hamas out of power. Could a lower level for zionists, both in Israel and in the Palestinian Authority, not be found to do this? Obviously not. The following report, calling for ‘A Day of Rage Against Hamas’ deals with this situation…..

Thousands support ‘day of rage’ against Hamas

Facebook group ‘ Revolution of Honor’ urges Gaza’s residents to take to streets. Fatah lauds initiative, Hamas says not aware of any protest plans

Inspired by the recent uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt, a Facebook group called “The Revolution of Honor – Gaza” has called for a “day of rage” next Friday to protest against the Hamas government which rules the coastal enclave.

The group has grown to some 10,000 members just three days after it was launched.

The group’s Facebook page features hate slogans directed against Hamas and its leader Ismail Haniyeh, a photo Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas beside another photo of Che Guevara, as well as detailed instructions on how to promote the ‘day of rage’ using YouTube, Twitter, emails and banners.

Tawfiq Tirawi, a former intelligence chief in the Palestinian Authority and a current member of Fatah’s Central Committee, supported the group’s cause. “We are a nation which fights with all means at its disposal to gain freedom and independence from the Israeli occupation, so how can we accept Hamas’ despotic regime?” he said.

The Facebook page – 752 ‘Likes’ so far

Senior Hamas figure Salah Bardawil said, “Tirawi’s statements do not concern us; Gaza is the address for every revolution in the Arab world,” adding that he was not aware of any plans for a “day of rage” in Gaza.

The Facebook page mysteriously vanished Thursday evening, but its initiators quickly set up a new one and said they would not back down from their plan to encourage Gaza’s residents to take to the streets.

Hamas allowed about a thousand Palestinians to hold a demonstration against Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. “Mubarak, you must leave,” the protestors chanted.

However, police dispersed those protestors who called for Mubarak’s resignation and arrested four of them.


  1. Marcel said,

    February 4, 2011 at 12:06

    Great post!

  2. February 4, 2011 at 18:14

    Never forget to remember TOTAL WAR WOLFOWITZ’s statement about a full court press, being a short little basketball player like Ernie Degrigorio, zionists understand full well the Full Court Press. Check out the MI6 threat analysis from Home grown tourists…er um under the radar self elimanators aimed at innocent civilians, whom Netanyahu claims are good for Israel. Go Figure. @apfn.org – see YOU PAID FOR THIS.

  3. Fran SA said,

    February 5, 2011 at 12:30

    so, what does a ‘people’s power’ actually mean??

  4. David Peters said,

    February 9, 2011 at 16:52

    I think that it’s very easy to declare this a ‘Zionist’ plot especially, given the amount of news coverage from Israeli media sources about this. However, I think that has more to do with the issue being of interest to Israel instead of created by Israel.

    If the Palestinian people have show a day of solidarity with each other, a day where they can march on the streets to show they have had enough of the oppressive Hamas regime, who dictate with who they can work, where they can work, what time they are allowed out on the streets all the while it is they who drive fancy cars and eat in expensive restaurants while their people…the people they were elected to govern, like in fear and poverty.

    The only way the Palestinian people will ever find freedom and peace is if they are united. There cannot be these Gaza/W. Bank Fatah/Hamas divides. There must be unity. There must be peace.