About DesertPeace

Name: Desert Peace (aka Steve Amsel)
Location: Jerusalem
From my very first post….
I am originally from the United States. I have been living in Jerusalem  for 33 years and have dedicated all of those years to try and create an atmosphere that will lead to a just and permanent peace in this area. Israelis and Palestinians have more in common that the outsider might see… I will attempt on this blog to show those similarities and show why I am so confident that one day we will live in peace together.
I know it can be done!

Active Peace/Civil Rights Worker.. Aiming to establish a just and lasting peace between Israel and Palestine, while at the same time continue the struggle against racism and for peace throughout the world.

DesertPeace originally started out at Blogspot in October 2005. Because of continual technical difficulties it was moved to WordPress in January of 2008…. all archives were moved as well.

As can be seen by those associated with this Blog, it is my intention to give a platform to the voices of Palestinians and others involved in their noble cause to achieve Justice.


  1. Ben Heine said,

    January 9, 2008 at 14:08

    welcome back

  2. Ragnar said,

    January 9, 2008 at 18:09

    Hello Steve,
    I was beginning to get worried about you…Nothing for a long while. Not like you. -And then suddenly, out of nowhere, you come up with such a great-looking site as this new one! Congratulations! Well done!
    -I’ve just posted your “ILLEGAL ISRAELI SETTLEMENTS ~~ ALL TALK / NO ACTION” on The People’s Voice.
    🙂 Ragnar

  3. sim-O said,

    January 12, 2008 at 19:49

    How long has this been here?!?
    I was wondering what happened. you said you would be posting about what happenedto your blogger blog and then nothing. I only found this from looking at a referal on my blogs stats.
    Maybe one last post on your blogger blog telling where your new home is.

    Anyway, I know the quality of posts will be the same and your new place looks fantastic too. Glad to see everythings fine.

    take care,

  4. Mark Engleton said,

    January 16, 2008 at 19:30

    Found this site from a link at http://www.whatreallyhappened.com, which I check daily for news. Hope that any input I have will help to ameliorate the conflict in the middle east, and I hope to get honest news at the same time. Nice to meet you, feel free to e-mail me!


  5. Saphena said,

    January 28, 2008 at 14:11

    Hi, found your site on http://www.spiderednews.com/
    (takes a few seconds), great for news stories that our U.K media does not bother to report.
    Keep up the good work for peace and justice.

  6. ale said,

    January 28, 2008 at 20:17

    HELLOOOOOOO, much I’m trying to develop a blog newspaper in which the articles are written by blogger WordPress (or to limit if you do not have time can I you myself when an article by your blog and they to your blog…).
    The blog newspaper was born with the intention to give greater visibility to your blog and the people who search the Web to find articles of greater quality in a single place (having regard to the thousands of blog born every day…). If you go exchange links with blog newspaper contact me as well. I thank you advance and to http://www.giornale.fm soon

  7. Frank said,

    February 19, 2008 at 06:26

    You really have a good blog site, and I admire your optimism and determination.

    It must be difficult seeing such tragedy up close, although Americans sure could use a good dose of truth in their face on the Palestinian issue.

    All gets back to the control of thew AmeriKan “MainStream” Media.

    Keep up the good work, and carry that torch of hope forward.

    The Palestinians and rest of the world need you.

  8. James said,

    February 25, 2008 at 13:17

    Hi from Australia

    Good to see a site like this. Here’s another great news link that may interest you: http://informationclearinghouse.info/

    All the very best in your worthy endeavours.

  9. bibomedia said,

    February 27, 2008 at 12:49

    Have a nice day !

  10. Yotam said,

    March 7, 2008 at 16:06

    Hi, my name is Yotam Amit, and I’m a member of a group called the Arab Jewish Partnership in Chicago. One of our other members stumbled upon your site and I think it’s a remarkable coincidence that for the same cause we are using the same template for our WordPress sites.

    Check out my site if you have the time and feel free to comment about.


  11. Seth said,

    March 14, 2008 at 14:00

    I appreciate the linkbacks. The more coverage of what happens the better. I like your blog; both in terms of layout and the issues and topics you cover. It’s a nice and fresh alternative. Keep up the good work.

    I’ve linked to you from my site.

  12. Ray said,

    March 19, 2008 at 12:43


    I read your blog from time to time as whatreallyhappened.com posts your thoughts. I just want to say thank you for being you. You give me hope.

    Why? I am not Jewish or Palestinian but assume you are Jewish. (I am German descent) The rabid racism and corruption that I have encountered here in the US in the Jewish dominated medical and legal system tends to make me racist. I am not a racist but feel torn between what I have experienced and what I know is right.

    We are all only secure when we place our neighbors security above our own. How the Jew and Israelis can think that they have a future acting this way is nothing short of insanity. If they do not have the US to protect them, they are gone.

    The US is collapsing as a result of fighting this war of expansion and genocide for Israel and it is all about oil money. The US dollar is worth nothing without oil and oil is worth nothing with the US dollar. Well… Until the Euro came along. 🙂

  13. Ana Valdés said,

    March 22, 2008 at 09:53

    Dear friend, wanted only to share with you some material we have on the web as testimonials. Me, a wrtier, Ana Valdés. born in South America and living in exile in Sweden since the 80:s and a Swedish artist, Cecilia Parsberg, http://this.is/Parsberg, has been visiting Palestine since the year 2000.
    In April 2002 we were in Jenin one day after the IDF left the city, we photographied the hole I called the Palestinian Ground Zero and we recorded the voices of the people, it’s online, http://this.is/Jenin
    My friend Cecilia Parsberg and another filmmaker, Erik Pauser, were in Rafah 2003 and spent a weeek with Rachel Corrie before she was killed. They did a film, “To Rachel”.

    Keep the great work!
    Happy Easter!

  14. lorraine said,

    March 26, 2008 at 13:35

    Hi,this is Lorraine from Mindanao Philippines.I came to know your site through a friend.I find your blog interesting.Keep up the great work.

  15. John Smith said,

    March 27, 2008 at 10:38

    To DesertPeace and visitors:

    Please take a look at our new site, The Palestine Review.

    If you like it, please consider linking to us.

    The editor.