“The Constitution is not supposed to protect a tyranny of the minority, it is not discrimination to say no when a group is less than one percent of our population.”

Hate Rally Organizer Karen Lugo Appointed To California Civil Rights Commission Advisory Committee

By Max Blumenthal

Karen Lugo is protecting the culture of Disneyland from the "tyranny of the minority"
Karen Lugo is protecting the culture of Disneyland from the “tyranny of the minority”

The organizers of the anti-Muslim hate rally in Yorba Linda are suddenly on the defensive. Refusing to admit that they behaved like demented racists, or that there is anything wrong with demonizing Muslim citizens of the United States, the North OC Conservative Coalition’s Karen Lugo, Jewish Federation love instructor Rabbi David Eliezrie, and others are claiming that they participated in a peaceful “patriotic” rally that was corrupted by members of an unwanted “splinter group” (was it led by a one-armed man?) who appeared from out of the blue to shout racial slurs at families entering the Muslim charity event.

Lugo and Eliezrie must have been nowhere near Villa Park Councilmember Deborah Pauly when she made the following statement: “I have a wonderful 19 year old son who’s a United States Marine. As a matter of fact I know quite a few Marines who will be happy to help these terrorists [Pauly pointed towards the community center] to an early meeting in paradise.” Actually, Eliezrie has admitted to being in the audience and Lugo was on stage beside Pauly, where she served as the official emcee. How absolutely unfair of CAIR to turn its cameras on the extreme racists at the gates and not focus on the more moderate racists on stage!

Lugo has put herself forward as the official face of the hate rally, yet she has only been identified in the press as a “protester” or “demonstrator.” In fact, Lugo is a veteran right-wing operative and self-proclaimed constitutional law professor who dazzled the crowd with her knowledge of American’s founding documents: “The Constitution is not supposed to protect a tyranny of the minority,” she exclaimed. ”It is not discrimination to say no when a group is less than one percent of our population.”

Lugo speaks at 9:30

According to Lugo, who appears to be obsessed with the Muslim menace, patriotic Americans need to save the culture of Disneyland. As she said, “It is a matter of importance to our culture and society to tell a corporation like Disneyland, ‘We support you in keeping your culture and in not allowing the hijab to be worn as part of an employee’s garb.’”

Despite holding such views and having presided over what basically amounted to a cross burning, Lugo’s bio indicates that she has managed to secure an appointment on the California Civil Rights Commission Advisory Committee, which reports directly to the US Civil Rights Commission. I’m not sure how Lugo’s appointment came about, but perhaps it was inspired by the UN Human Rights Council awarding a seat to Col. Moammar Gaddafi.

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  1. mark from kentucky said,

    March 10, 2011 at 19:52

    What a attractive serpent this woman is! The Worst Evil always seems to come from the prettiest faces. I can’t wait to hear her antics when she starts serving the California Civil Rights Commission Advisory Committee. And red blooded American males instead of actually thinking about what she is saying. Are thinking “MAN SHES HOT”!
    Maybe she could be Sarah Pallins running mate!

  2. hgarner said,

    March 10, 2011 at 20:25

    I think my confusion can be summed up by one big question………..WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN HITLER GERMANY AND WORLD ZIONISM?

  3. mikael said,

    March 10, 2011 at 23:24

    The difference,state run banks(A.Hitler) against privatown banks and privat controlled statebanks (Azkhenazi).
    And the rise of the Devils twins, infaltion and deflation.
    WW2 was about finnance, and nothing else, sorry I forgott, wepon experiments and development (aka: the mil. ind. compl.).
    Thats the core.

    “One of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq to the war on terror. ”
    — George W. Bush

  4. Jake said,

    March 11, 2011 at 00:30

    Very nice follow up article on that hate rally in cali. I wonder if the Civil Rights Commission has any comment regarding their appointment now? We all remeber what happned to the black lady who discriminated against whites months back, she got fired! Someone should notify them.

  5. Ladybat2 said,

    March 11, 2011 at 01:03

    Disney should sue her for using their name in her hate speeches. After all, Muslim children like to visit Disney theme parks too. Oh thats right, we Muslims don’t have children. We only give birth to terrorists.
    She is so concerned about our constitution serving people in our nation that make up only 1 percent of our population. Well Jews are a small minority in our nation too but our constitution seems to serve them way more than it serves the rest of us non Jewish Americans. But of course she’s not concerned about that. Because its sanctioned by God for a “Christian Nation” to be accommodating to Jews. Even to the point of making ourselves homeless while doing so.

  6. March 11, 2011 at 02:56

    […] See the original post here: ISLAMOPHOBIA IS DESTROYING AMERICA … NOT ISLAM […]

  7. Robin said,

    March 11, 2011 at 14:09

    More info on Karen Lugo:

    She is also Chair of the David Horowitz Freedom Center Orange County.

    Google her name with Robert Spencer and you will see her appearing on panels presented by the Freedom Center frequently.

    Robert Spencer, founder of Jihad Watch and SIOA (Stop the Islamification of America) with Pamela Gellar. SIOA has been designated a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center and even has shown up on the ADL website.

    Backgrounder: Stop Islamization of America (SIOA)

    Posted: August 26, 2010

    Updated: September 14, 2010

    Stop Islamization of America (SIOA), created in 2009, promotes a conspiratorial anti-Muslim agenda under the guise of fighting radical Islam. The group seeks to rouse public fears by consistently vilifying the Islamic faith and asserting the existence of an Islamic conspiracy to destroy “American” values. The organization warns of the encroachment of shari’a, or Islamic law, and encourages Muslims to leave what it describes as the “falsity of Islam.”

    Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer, who took over the group’s leadership in April 2010, view SIOA as protecting against a powerful and dangerous “Islamic machine” that stands to threaten the security and cultural fabric of the U.S. Geller, in views she outlines in her blog, has linked Islam to bestiality and rape of minors and described the Qur’an as “inspiring” violence. Geller has also charged that Muslim immigration has caused “rampant” honor killings in North America and Europe, compared Muslims to Nazis, and asserted that Hitler was inspired by Isla

    More at

    Karen Lugo also hosted Geert Wilders at her alma mater, Chapman College.

    Under the auspices of protesting two speakers at an ICNA event in Yorba Linda, the heaviest propagators of Islamohobia in the US promoted this hate fest rally.

    Yet we are all to believe that Disneyland modifying its uniform to accommodate their female Muslim employs to wear hijab is the threat.