All images by Carlos Latuff

This cartoonist does not condone homophobia AND Islamophobia, since both are rotten fruits of ignorance.

This cartoonist does not condone homophobia AND Islamophobia, since both are rotten fruits of ignorance.


Feeding a Monster Called ISLAMOPHOBIA

Feeding a Monster Called ISLAMOPHOBIA




I was born surrounded by “armed citizens”.

I was born surrounded by “armed citizens”.




I play games where I can kill many creatures, including humans.

I play games where I can kill many creatures, including humans.


Donald Trump's response to the Orlando massacre

Donald Trump’s response to the Orlando massacre


Why do we not call US crimes Christian crimes???

Why do we not call US crimes Christian crimes???


  1. aufzuleiden said,

    June 15, 2016 at 15:48

    It is disheartening that with all of the public outcry coming as a result of this heinous act the most the “right” seems willing to do in response to the violence is, “Keep the victims in our thoughts and prayers.” Well, guess what folks? Your thoughts and prayers add up to a big fat zero. As it says in the Book of James, “Faith without works is DEAD.” Praying for something, without following it up without a tangible act to support your desires, will get you nothing.

    It comes up to that adage, “God helps those who helps themselves.” Now, I don’t particularly believe in the Great Spaghetti Monster in the Sky, so I’m not concerned with the “Thoughts and Prayers” of people ensconced in fairy tales, who are expecting the intervention of a spirit that had no interest in preventing the horror, but now expect them to suddenly provide some comfort to the families of those who were massacred. That, in a word, is asinine.

    Now there are several “Christian” (in name only) ministers coming out saying crap about how more of the patrons of the club should have been killed – how the only tragedy is that not enough paedophiles and sodomites were killed. EXCUSE ME? Homosexuals are NOT Paedophiles. This is such bullshit, and these bastards claim to be representatives of the “God of Love” … right. “Wherefore by their fruit shall ye know them.” (Matthew 7:20).

    They’re proof of the saying that you can sit in a garage and call yourself a car, but it won’t make you a car. These mamzers can call themselves Christians – or Muslims, for that matter – but if they don’t practice what the faith calls for, they are neither, and that’s just the way it is.

    Unfortunately, the GOP in the House and Senate in the United States are so controlled by the National Rifle Association and their fanatical leader, Wayne LaPierre (a domestic terrorist), that the idea of passing any legislation limiting the rights of people to own guns – even if they’re already on FBI watchlists – is anathema. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

  2. Somepeopleskidsiswear said,

    June 15, 2016 at 17:37

    Eroding the constitution won’t help citizens. Why did the cops take 3 hours to respond? If even one patron of pulse had been armed the 3 hour wait time would not have mattered. And why were there no ambulances?

  3. June 15, 2016 at 17:46


  4. Benjamin Johnson said,

    June 15, 2016 at 17:47

    I think Tim Kennedy said it best on infowars.com Matt Bracken also worth looking at.