Finally… a day at the beach in Gaza

Palestinians enjoy their weekend at the beach in Gaza City on the second day of the Egyptian-brokered ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. (Wissam Nassar, Maan Images)
An interesting view of the truce can be read HERE in Gideon Levy’s latest post.
My Associate Khalid Amayreh shares THESE views, a day before the truce went into effect.


  1. Ted said,

    June 22, 2008 at 20:49

    Its about time that the Palestinians can “enjoy” themselves. Hopefully it last a long long time
    Number of Operations Iraq Freedom and Enduring Freedom casualties
    as confirmed by U.S. Central Command: 4602

  2. Michael said,

    June 22, 2008 at 21:22

    If Israli’s and Palestinians would live in peace and mutual cooperation, so much more could and would be attained. It’s interesting to talk with older Palestinians who had Jewish friends before 1948, and to hear them talk about the wonderful cooperation they had with one another.

    There’s no reason why that cannot be created again. Believe me, we are all humans and we are falling far short of our duty to take care of one another.

  3. Neil said,

    June 22, 2008 at 22:01

    Actually there is a reason it can never happen again.

    Peace is against the vested interests of the United States. Well, the WHITE United States.

    They need to control the whole of the middle east. And Israel’s Fascist policies help with that. It’s like talking peace to someone while you are taking a hammer to their hand. They try and listen to what you are saying, but you keep hurting them over and over again.

    And whats more, they are ‘apparently’ rich enough to fly over the world and blow up planes, when we know they don’t. They are set up to justify this atrocity.

  4. BlueyBlogger said,

    June 22, 2008 at 22:56

    Every picture tells a story, and this one is no different. Have a really good look and you can see most people are not swimming or truly “enjoying” themselves, most are standing around on the sand and the edge of the water….possibly waiting for something to eventuate. God knows, the Israelis have always prevented them from “enjoying” themselves, and in this picture you can clearly see the lack of smiles and happiness we normally associate with going to the beach. It’s like a movie director told everybody to fill the beach with people, but no further directions were given.
    I truly feel sorry for the Palestinian people, because they ARE a people and before the Brits stepped in to break up Persia, Palestine was a wonderful place. Enter one Lawrence of Arabia, who came via the bank of England and Rothschild (who has no allegiance to anyone, especially his own Jewish-kind). Whatever happened to Arabia?
    Jewry, that’s what happened, and if anyone believes the Bank of England is a warm fuzzy little institution…guess again!
    Of course, the Jews really have no allegiance to anyone, they have no country except their original place (Caucasus Mountains), and no care about human rights of any kind.

  5. Hal O'Leary said,

    June 23, 2008 at 04:10

    Anything short of a return to the green line with abandoment of the settlements and a guarentee of the right of return will make any hope of a two-state soulution is wishful thinking.

  6. Passenger57 said,

    June 23, 2008 at 05:13

    I think Ahmedinejad was right .The State of Israel should be moved to a European country… how ’bout to here in the USA? This would do away with two birds-one,the chances of Israel being attacked by anyone would drop to near zero,and we get to see some peace in the Middle East.Israel has been collectively punishing the Palestinians,have invaded Lebanon,attacked Syria,and now wants to attack Iran.
    Why they would want to plunk their State right in the middle of people that are supposed to hate you is beyond me.

  7. June 23, 2008 at 06:55

    Israel has gone totally off the deepend. How can the Israelis not see that the Israeli government is out of control!?!?? How can they not see that PEACE between Palestine and Israel is not just an equitable solution, its the ONLY solution to stop the Middle East from erupting in utter total chaos.

    Peace between Israel/Palestine, arresting the war-criminal moron Christain Zionists/Israelis in the United States, prosecuting them for war-crimes at the hague and giving up on Zionism or rebuilding ZION!

    That pathetic BOOK that called for the rebuilding of ZION has created some of the worst, fascist-zionist idiot christains the world has ever seen and duped the Israelis at the same time. Blackwater the cross-bearing Zionist thugs who believe in all this trash should be DEPORTED from the country– tied up– tazered- PROSECUTED.

    Its time to admit ZIONISM was a total utter failure that degenerated into war-profiteering, war mongering racism ALL OVER the middle east and stupidly brainwashed zion followers thinking they know whats best for God *OR* Zion.

    Israel needs to be a secular democracy and end this scam. Our world is ready to end this pathetic joke of a movement.

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