war crimes in gaza

I don’t think any of my regular readers are surprised at Israel’s reaction to the UN Inquiry Into The Gaza War…..


Below are reports on comments made by the criminals in question…

Click HERE to see a report on Ehud Olmert’s reaction…

Netanyahu couldn’t wait to comment, see it HERE

Shimon Peres put his 2 cents in as well….. click HERE

Our resident nazi had the FOLLOWING to say…

A media spokesman adds his views HERE

The truth being… it was a Jewish zionist that headed up the investigation. His daughter spoke to the press earlier today…

Had Richard Goldstone not served as the head of the UN inquiry into the Gaza war, the accusations against Israel would have been harsher, Goldstone’s daughter, Nicole, said in an interview conducted in Hebrew with Army Radio on Wednesday.

“My father took on this job because he thought he is doing the best thing for peace, for everyone, and also for Israel,” Nicole Goldstone told Army Radio.

That report can be read Here


  1. Dena Shunra said,

    September 16, 2009 at 22:06

    The implications of that interview with Nicole nee Goldstone is twisting my brain.

    Does she *really* mean that Jews ought to be disqualified from any organization discussing Israel, for the fact of being Jewish? Does she really mean to discredit her father?

    Does she mean that it was actually *worse* than what the report said? Does he mean that the UN is basically bankrupt, in terms of its ability to hear complaints against Israel? Because if that’s what she means, that’s pretty important news. It would justify any and all military action against Israel – because non-military actions are blocked by religion-based dishonesty.

    That seems like a much more anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist statement than “the State of Israel has engaged in war crimes”. It’s almost on par with the idea that Judaism is a genetic condition, which is an idea I find both abhorrent and wildly prevalent in Israel.

    I’d much rather see the world as follows: people get to choose their religion (which may or may not be the one they’re born into); political opinions are separate from religious faiths (although often informed by them); and the UN at least tries to be impartial and fair.

    I may be wrong.

  2. DavidG. said,

    September 17, 2009 at 03:06

    The Gaza genocide has left Israel with egg on its face, egg that it can’t remove with slick propaganda.

    Israel is a racist rogue nation and it thinks nothing of killing innocent Palestinians. But the sad truth is that it is America that enables its predatory, brutal behavior.

    When Israel is hauled before the World Court, America should be standing in the dock too!