‘Arbeit Macht Frei’ Sign Stolen From Auschwitz

Polish police reported Friday that the 16-foot long metal sign with the words meaning “Work will set you free” (work will free you) was gone. A hunt for the perpetrators is under way, and a reward of $1,700 has been offered for information leading to the sign’s return. (Source)

Perhaps it will find a new home at one of the entrances to the world’s largest concentration camp…..

Image ‘Copyleft’ by Carlos Latuff


  1. December 19, 2009 at 15:06

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by palestinian, theopolitico. theopolitico said: NEW HOME FOR ‘ARBEIT MACHT FREI’ SIGN: Polish police reported Friday that the 16-foot long metal sign with the … […]

  2. nobodysaysBOO said,

    December 19, 2009 at 15:42

    Isreal got 2,27 BILLION DOLLARS from US citizen taxes just for 2010!
    MAYBE they can afford to pay the ranson?Perhaps the impoverished peoples of the US and others can target the rich for MORE ransoms?How much would oldmert be worth in todays dollasr?

  3. December 19, 2009 at 16:13

    […] 'Arbeit Macht Frei' Sign Stolen From Auschwitz – Desertpeace […]

  4. Dave said,

    December 19, 2009 at 17:12

    Any guesses on who done it?
    Israel and the Jews need all of the
    worlds sympathy right now so what
    better way than to bring in Auschitz!!

  5. yerwerds said,

    December 19, 2009 at 19:25

    COPENHAGEN – Shocked and shaken by the theft of the Auschwitz sign, the world community must now “take note” of another midnight action. This time its a deal brokered by US President Barack Obama at the largest and most important U.N. meeting ever on fighting global warming. The new deal, which abandons the most vulnerable of nations along with the world’s biologically rich tropical forests, continues a pattern of what international representatives call a “real lack of transparency” by the White House. Obama dismissed the UN’s criticisms of his unusual and undemocratic negotiating process as “cynicism” while declaring his unbinding document an “unprecedented breakthrough”. Obama’s document promises to funnel up to $100B a year through the UN Development Programme, widely known for its corruption. “The deal is a triumph of spin over substance,” said Jeremy Hobbs, executive director of Oxfam International, it “kicks back” on the issue of “climate cash”. Like the Nazis sending “6 million people into furnaces” in the Holocaust, Obama is condemning the world to wide-spread global warming deaths, other leaders pointed out. Meanwhile, outside in the cold, hundreds of European protesters chanted and carried signs of Obama with the word “shame” pasted on his face.

  6. December 19, 2009 at 19:51

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Net News Global, Net News Global. Net News Global said: NNG: NEW HOME FOR ‘ARBEIT MACHT FREI’ SIGN […]

  7. RabbiChosenOne said,

    December 19, 2009 at 21:44

    Maybe the Fourth Reich will install the sign over the entrance to Gaza.

  8. December 19, 2009 at 22:51

    I think that 40,000$ were offered instead of 1,700$ (115,000 Zlotys)

  9. Randolph said,

    December 20, 2009 at 04:42

    Those buildings don’t look like a prison camp.Who would build an elaborate structure like the one in the picture if the sole purpose was to exterminate people?

  10. December 20, 2009 at 21:49

    It is easy to compare the treatment of the Jews during the Holocaust to that of the Palestinians during the Nakba, however – there are some glaring differences that need to be emphasized before we allow the rhetoric to get completely out of control.

    The actions of the Zionist state are completely and utterly out of control and must be stopped: they have demonstrated a propensity for inhumane actions that show their overt lack of empathy for their fellow man knows no bounds. At the same time, and with all due respect to those who like to invoke their personal stories, the depths of depravity expressed by the Third Reich and the religion of Nazism that the Fuhrer instilled as a replacement for Christianity. As horrible as things are in the Zionist State I have yet to hear of the passage of anything akin to the ‘racial purity laws’ or any of the other insidious legislative devices used by the Nazis to persecute their targets without having to touch them.

    I have yet to hear of the Zionist State forcing Palestinians to wear icons on their garments with a ‘P’ identifying them as Palestinians, nor have they required all Palestinians to be tattooed with identifying numbers – though many do live in a ghetto. As much as it is easy to compare to the works of the Nazis, it is harder when we use the filter of reality and reasonable sensitivity to take the acknowledged atrocities of the Zionist state with the unparalleled actions of the Third Reich which aimed at taking over the world, as well as eliminating all those who did not conform to their vision of the ‘master race’.

    Eliminating the Jews – had they succeeded – would only have been the first step of the Third Reich’s march towards racial purity. Anyone comparing their policies to the present Zionist state needs to seriously examine the state of things before they make things out to be worse than they actually are. I realize this is going to sound unpopular – that it is now de regeur amongst opponents of the Zionists to make the comparisons to the Nazis, but that sort of rhetoric gets us nowhere but buried in arguments that only arouse more pain and hurt on both sides.

    The actions of Israel are bad enough without having to invoke the evils of the Nazis – unless referring to the lessons that were NOT learned during the Holocaust. It is enough to say that the Zionist state is working to emulate the acts of the fascists and, in many ways, is doing so, but to say that they have reproduced the works of the Nazis – that is simply going too far – which is why most people recoil at such comparisons – they are unnecessary.

    Wie viel ist Aufzuleiden!