Photos by Ayman Quader

These photos were taken just a few minutes ago in the Al Moghraqa district, central Gaza Strip which has been devastated by the flood that occurred when the Israelis opened one of the dam gates.

Israel has opened the floodgates of one of its dams in the eastern part of the Gaza Strip, flooding Palestinian houses and causing severe damage and resulted in scores of families left homeless.

To see the series of photos, click HERE


  1. January 19, 2010 at 20:46

    I so angry that the new medium have not reported this, at least in the UK. I have written an email to BBC new asking them to explain how this was missed off their radar.

  2. January 19, 2010 at 23:49

    Social comments and analytics for this post…

    This post was mentioned on Twitter by palestinian: DesertPeace: PHOTO ESSAY ~~ THE GAZA FLOOD: Photos by Ayman Quader These photos were taken just a few minutes a..

  3. onix said,

    January 21, 2010 at 13:03

    oh that is polite, my name etc is known to the http.. i have a question, ofcourse i can be as mischieveous as to expect nothing but an artificial flood did this, but i don’t find any references to the weather, it should have been raining pretty much for such reservoirs to fill , so can we have a little climate background about this story?