AIPAC: We’ll Take Over the UC Berkeley Student Government
by Cecilie Surasky

Why bother with moral persuasion when you can just threaten to take over government . . everywhere?

On March 18, UC Berkeley’s student senate voted 16 to 4 in favor of divesting from companies that profit from the Israeli occupation.  A week later, in a move oddly predicted by AIPAC’s Jonathan Kessler at AIPAC’s policy conference, the vote was vetoed by the student senate president.  (Students hope the senate will overturn the veto next Wednesday.)

When asked about fighting the Berkeley pro-divest initiative, Kessler said, “We’re going to make sure that pro-Israel students take over the student government and reverse the vote. . . .  This is how AIPAC operates in our nation’s capital.  This is how AIPAC must operate on our nation’s campuses.”  Kessler is at 3:58 in video below. Student elections are happening now at UC Berkeley and you can bet everyone’s looking for the AIPAC-Manchurian candidate, if such a thing exists.

Cecilie Surasky is Deputy Director of Jewish Voice for Peace and the founder of MuzzleWatch.  This article was first published in MuzzleWatch on 7 April 2010; it is reproduced here for non-profit educational purposes.



  1. Mike said,

    April 9, 2010 at 18:19

    So the dirty bastards finally admit to it publicly! “This is how AIPAC operates in our nation’s capital. This is how AIPAC must operate on our nation’s campuses.” This says AIPAC actively promotes the hand picking of politicians to fill roles in the US government so only pro-israeli policy is written and passed by the tyranny of the majority! Don’t think for a minute that it’s not the adoption of tyranny when the majority is picked by a group with one agenda that it forces down the public’s throat! This is treason of the highest sort.

  2. April 9, 2010 at 18:41

    […] in MuzzleWatch on 7 April 2010; it is reproduced here for non-profit educational purposes. […]

  3. Bill in Ohio said,

    April 9, 2010 at 20:04

    UC students and organizations should Demand OPEN Elections, physical ballot counts, recounts and voting that IS Transparent with multiple unbiased officials, electives and voting organizers.
    The same is true of all US elections.

    Casting the vote is irrelevant when COUNTING the vote is done in secrecy.

  4. IAMTHEROPE said,

    April 9, 2010 at 20:06

    “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious.

    What’s the penalty for TREASON…

    I AM THE ROPE…I have a long history, both good and bad. I have
    been used both wisely and imprudently. I am inanimate. My owner
    must be discerning. It’s that simple.
    For me to function properly, care must be taken.
    I must be used for only the most extreme circumstances.
    My use must be thought through and my reason(s)
    for use must be without an overriding alternative.
    I must be considered the last resort.
    But, when circumstances call for me I must be ready for the task.
    Some say that my use should be reserved for only the most deserving.
    Some say that a politician
    who solicits The People’s vote, with money supplied by others with
    a hidden agenda, and then turns around, once elected, and FUCKS
    The People, that my use should be immediate and swift. I agree.
    Perfidy, above all, must have retribution. Be vigilant.
    I remain, ready to serve !

  5. John said,

    April 9, 2010 at 20:09

    This looks like treason to me too. This active and agressive recruiting of the youngest generation of future American leaders needs to be seen, heard, and understood by Americans to be a 5th Column attack by the Israelis on all Americans, for the purpose of subjugating the U.S. to the state of Israel. While America recruits our students for soldiers, the Israelis recruit student leaders who will in the future tell those soldiers what to do. AIPAC is a foreign lobby and must be required to register as the polictical representative of Israeli interests. Nothing less will do. And … get the hell off our campuses. This story should be pressed on all American campuses and let the entire student body decide whether their leaders are acting in good faith. The greater body of students will yell “treason!” I bet.

  6. Doug said,

    April 9, 2010 at 20:12

    Sounds like AIPAC, a Jewish organization, has just admitted that they control the US government and that infiltration and subversion are their standard method of operation.

  7. paul said,

    April 10, 2010 at 02:01

    Democracy, while an ideal, is a product of civilization,not evolution. The dangers of democracy are: Glorification of mediocrity; choice of base and ignorant rulers; failure to recognize the basic facts of social evolution; danger of universal suffrage in the hands of uneducated and indolent majorities; slavery to public opinion–the majority isn’t always right
    Democracy has been made into a fetish, the exaltation and adoration of the common man’s ideas when collectively called “public opinion”. One man’s opinion, when taken by itself (except for the POTUS), is not regarded as worth much, but when men are collectively functioning as a democracy, this same mediocre judgment is held to be the arbiter of justice and the stadard of righteousness.

  8. Tom said,

    April 10, 2010 at 04:09

    AIPAC has now openly admitted that they are agents of Israel and absolute traitors to the USA.

  9. NotAnObot said,

    April 10, 2010 at 06:25

    The truth will always out.

  10. mohammed said,

    April 10, 2010 at 09:16

    Thanks Cecilie.

  11. Rex Carlson said,

    April 10, 2010 at 09:24

    1. I hope this video is ALL OVER Youtube, Facebook, etc., etc.

    2. All university student presidents should be contacted and given factual info vs.the Dersh spin.

    3. How about hosting a brief event from the other side in DC each year following right on the heels of the AIPAC conf? The student leaders are already there on AIPAC’S dime.

    I think there’s a professional organization of all university student governments. A complete member/email list might be “had” from them.

    4. There must be kids who attend who disagree with all they hear. Maybe they’d be willing to give up the list of attendees and their contact info.

  12. jerry bolduc said,

    April 10, 2010 at 11:19

    The Constitution will stop these usurpers and traitors in their tracks! To restore the Constitution to its’ rightful place as the Supreme Law of the Land, we need politicians who will HONESTLY UPHOLD AND DEFEND IT…just as they promise to do when they take their oath of office!

    How do we get honest politicians who support and defend the Constitution? We, the people, have ignored our duty to see to it that the political ‘bosses’ who select the candidates and who decide how the votes will be counted, are truly pro-American and pro-Constitution! The corruption starts right in our own neighborhoods…and we can change that! We must, or this nation is doomed.

  13. austrinus said,

    April 10, 2010 at 17:19

    This is the stuff that really makes me vomit. The hell with aipac!!!!!

  14. April 10, 2010 at 17:21

    As much as I disagree with AIPAC and everything that it stands for, they are not the real problem: apathy and anger is the problem. Don’t blame AIPAC for being organized, motivated, and for having a group of highly energized members who are politically active. That translates into the most valuable political currency around – not money – votes. Why aren’t politicians as worried about the blustering, screaming demonstrators who rage against the machine? For the simple fact that, generally speaking, angry people tend to NOT vote – their anger is often misdirected, turned towards things that will not affect real political change. Thus, it is easy for these people to be ignored and further disenfranchised, though, in point of fact, part of that disenfranchisement came from their own actions.

    The idea raised by ‘Paul’ that democracy has an inherent danger by being placed into the hands of the unwashed and uneducated is spurious and grossly prejudiced: what makes him think that there is some special ‘gnostic’ knowledge associated with the running of the nation? Perhaps what is necessary for the betterment of the nation is for more people who are living on the street – more of the ‘unclean’ people living out there to chose representatives to speak for them when they have no voices. I have a feeling they would be voting for the people who had less trouble communing with the lepers than those who cannot bear the smell of the refuse. Alas, that will not happen.

    As for AIPAC, if you want to defeat them, get out and get your friends registered and vote. I can guarantee that the one thing they will be doing in November is that; they will have chosen their candidates and will be making sure they support their agendas. Find someone who will oppose that agenda and vote for them. That is how the process works, not with rope, not with threats of violence, with votes. Even the suggestion of the use of violence (IAMTHEROPE) is an infantile reflection of immaturity that reflects the lack of understanding of the political process that ‘grown ups’ are involved with.

    We’re trying to eliminate war, not make more, violence is not the answer to anything.

    If you want to counter the arguments of Prof Dershowitz and other Zionist apologists who say that supporting Israel ‘does not hurt America’ all you have to do is use reasoned discussion, not vitriolic rhetoric. Hate accomplishes nothing but to reinforce the point that those who disagree with them are ‘anti-Semitic reactionary bigots …’ – it plays right into their hands. However, if you discuss with facts, you might be able to persuade others – perhaps some of those impressionable students – of the fact that the ways of the Zionist State of Israel are overtly genocidal and violate the human rights of everyone living in that region who doesn’t happen to be Jewish.

    We don’t need to resort to the tactics of those we are trying to defeat for the simple reason that ours is a superior position: it is not necessary to stoop to their level and demonstrate that we are ‘just as bad’ as they are. We must be better; it is an obligation to those whom we are trying to liberate through our words to be better than the ones oppressing them right now.

    AIPAC has, with this video, simply demonstrated how organized they are when it comes to organizing and recruiting on college and university campuses across the United States. Is there no Young Democrats or Young Republicans party? Are you going to tell me that the two main political parties in America do not seek to indoctrinate the youth of the nation from an early age? Now, here’s a question: how many of those attending the AIPAC conference were FORCED to attend?

    When attendance at this conference becomes a prerequisite to be in student government, then I’ll start crowing about Zio-conspiracy theories – until then, this has nothing to do with an erosion of democracy, treason, or anything like that – all it represents is, alas, how well organized one rotten lobbying group is and how effective they are at getting their message out. Perhaps other groups could learn a thing or two from them (stop hating and watch … listen, and learn – it’s not like a ‘community organizer’ will ever get elected president … oh wait, one was …).

    Wie viel ist Aufzuleiden!

  15. Vav said,

    April 20, 2010 at 18:06

    Money is the key that opens doors for AIPAC. They pay for these students to go
    to DC and be made to feel special.

    Fact is, the Zionists have all the money in the world or near.

    Question is, where to they get that money?

    The previous commentator seems to have no inkling about the fact that in a
    pure democracy, which is simply mob rule, where there are no inalianable rights
    granted by God, but only priviledges granted by the state, the true rulers are
    those who control the media, thus the mass opinion, and it is with money that the media has been bought — just as AIPAC buys the airline tickets, etc., for these
    up-and-coming student stars.

    Question is, where came that money?

    The media was bought lock-stock-and-barrel by Zionists with money that was
    surreptitiously pilfered from the people through taxes and esp. the hidden tax
    of inflation. Until people understand how the federal reserve and international
    banking scam worked to steal the hard-earned money of working people via
    the payloads on the interest on the debt, etc., not to mention the direct taxes that
    go to Israel, they will continue to empower their worst enemies.

    It works like this. 80 percent of gov. contracts go to Jews, who control corps.
    that control previously public run or controlled organizations, e.g., the penal industry, where prisons are controlled by for-profit corporations whose income is
    from taxpayers who foot the bills that passed to the government.

    One is not free simply because one chooses to be a slave.