Wanted again, ethnic cleansing and more‏
Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD

After attending a workshop on developing curricula for nonviolence/popular resistance, I returned with a harrowing 12+ hour experience at the crossing from Jordan to the occupied Palestinian territories.  This included being served with an order/warrant for an appearance at the apartheid colonial ‘security’ offices in ten days and rifling through the books I brought back. I recorded a 10 minute video telling of this experiences (common for Palestinians):

Heart-breaking Video
: The Ethnic cleansing in the Negev by Israeli apartheid regime

Video: Israeli settler steels a sheep from Palestinian shepherds in South Hebron hills (Atwani)

: Free Ameer Makhoul

Ship from US to join next freedom flotilla (expected to draw 62 ships)

Judaizing Jerusalem

Israel Secret Police Exposed

Gilad Atzmon: Oliver Stone apologizes for telling the truth


  1. Geltmesiter said,

    July 30, 2010 at 14:45

    Technically speaking they are not stealing because they own everything and everyone. They are just claiming back what some ancient fables and stories gave to them in the first place.

    As an aside, I’ve just embraced the Cherokee religion and will soon depart to Michigan to reclaim my land for my people. The great spirit in the sky promised it to my forefathers (the Cherokee ones, not my real ones) so I don’t expect any trouble, or else.

  2. July 31, 2010 at 12:02

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Nadia Sindi, Kelly. Kelly said: HARASSMENT AT THE BORDER….. AND MORE: Wanted again, ethnic cleansing and more‏ Mazin Qumsiyeh, Ph… http://bit.ly/9ordaN #flotilla #israel […]