Burn a New Testament for zion….

Burn an Old Testament for hitler….

A seemingly endless cycle of hate …..


I am old enough to remember the last country that thought it was okay to burn books. They wore armbands with Swastikas on them and their leader copied his mustache from the film actor Charlie Chaplin and as I recall they were pretty much jerks in the long run.
Dare we follow their example any further than we already have? *

BUT, There are those that are following that example…. the fires of hatred are being rekindled at this very moment….

Two years ago Jewish Orthodox  youths burnt  New Testaments in Israel…. worse yet, the fire was lit by the city’s Deputy Mayor! OFFICIALLY STATE SPONSORED HATRED!

I can’t help but wonder how many of those youths had relatives in Berlin when the fire shown above took place. Is book burning and hatred all these kids learned from the horrors of the holocaust? What ever happened to NEVER AGAIN?? (or does that apply only to Jews themselves?)

In two days time another fire will be lit, this time by a ‘Christian’ Pastor. Instead of declaring 9/11 a Day of Peace and Understanding, this ‘Pastor’ has declared it to be a day of hatred and intolerance. Despite the protests and even death threats that have come from all over the globe, he intends to go ahead with his fiery demonstration of ignorance. Incidentally, the name of Jesus is mentioned in the Quran at least 25 times. Surely He would not sanction such hatred.

Others have planned different ways of commemorating the horrors that took place at Ground Zero on that faithful day…

One group in particular, the Network of Spiritual Progressives is calling on all its members and friends to quickly organize interfaith public readings of the Qur’an on the same day. Please reach out to members of every religious community, and none, to join with you in doing this act of solidarity with our Muslim brothers and sisters.

Another action of solidarity was suggested in an earlier post on this Blog, wear a Hijab on this day to protest against the blasphemous and satanic act of this church. Information for this campaign can be found on their FaceBook Page… Wear Hijab on 9/11, Defy “Burn a Quran Day”

The fires of hatred can be extinguished if we all act together!




* Image and quote borrowed FROM


  1. criscocorner said,

    September 9, 2010 at 13:40

    I really do not understand what Burning the Quran accomplishes. There is no biblical instructions in the New Testament to burn the holy books or smash the idols of other religions in the book of Acts. It rather states to engage the other religions and preach your higher power to other religions without resorting to tactics of hate.

    The burning of the Quran is not consistent with the behavior found in the New Testament. Therefore, I think this person is doing this to draw attention to himself and is not an act to draw followers to his faith.

  2. September 9, 2010 at 18:04

    There is nothing Christian about the actions of this ‘so-called’ ‘Christian’ minister. The principals of Christianity center around the respect of each other, regardless of who or what they are – as demonstrated by how Jesus treated the woman who was about to be stoned for having broken the law. You cannot claim favoritism amongst the Lord – though it is common enough in the Christian camp. We like to claim the exclusivity that Jesus conferred onto us through the New Covenant, but – at the same time – there are some very important things that seem to be forgotten – such as the part where the Lord said we are to love those that hate us – that we are to love our enemies – that we are to love our neighbours – that we are to love. Period. Love trumps all things in the eyes of the Lord.

    You see, we – those who call themselves Christians – tend to use human metrics when we look at this issue of love and the results of our actions. That is not the way it’s supposed to work. It does not matter what happens when WE show love to someone that is opposed to us, what is important is that we do not denigrate them, that we do not stoop to the level of people who do not share our beliefs. Friendship does not have to hinge on an agreement about everything – and if we show people that we are genuinely interested in them AS PEOPLE, not as ‘potential enemies’ we have a greater chance of developing an honest relationship that can bear fruit rather than being on the defensive all of the time.

    The idea that “Christians” should be burning the holy scriptures of someone else is, in a word, abominable. Do I believe in Islam? No, but the right that someone has to practice the religion of their choice is ABSOLUTE – it is sacrosanct – regardless of whether or not it is covered by the 1st and 14th Amendments of the United States Constitution. Freedom to practice the faith of your choice is something that defines a civilized community.

    While the United States makes much of the idea represented by their First Amendment, the burning of books is antithetical to the freedom of the expression of ideas for the simple reason that it is a form of intellectual oppression rather than an expression of freedom. People that enjoy freedom should not be thrusting their warped ideologies onto people who should be expressing only one thing: love.

    We are to love regardless of the response of others. We are to love those that hate us just as much as those that love us in return. We are to love without discrimination just as were are NOT to discriminate. Christians are called to the job of reconciliation, not judgment, and certainly NOT the act of condemnation as exemplified by the so-called ‘pastor’ in Florida who has decided that the burning of the Qur’an is going to accomplish anything beyond the incitement of bad feelings amongst the nearly 1 billion Muslims around the world who are true practitioners of Islam and believe in peaceful coexistence with their Christian and Jewish brethren – the ‘people of the book’ as we are referred to in the Qur’an.

    Condemnation and judgment breeds ignorance and misunderstanding whereas love opens up the door to peace and so much more. If we want to live in a world of peace the first thing we must do is abandon the false practices that many hold to, thinking that “Muslims” are our enemies. Do Christians have enemies? Of course they do – there will always be people opposed to the true followers of Jesus, but that is not what motivates this so-called ‘pastor’ – he is motivated by judgmentalism, hatred, and a fundamentalism that is not founded in an orthodoxy based on the agape love of the Lord. He is also motivated by the sluttish desire to be the next media whore, having his face plastered across the press at every opportunity as his story spreads around the world.

    The best thing that has ever happened to this false ‘pastor’ is that his church of nearly 50 members has, by virtue of the press, reached an audience of hundreds of millions – if not billions – due to the hysteria that his actions – not yet executed – have attracted. True Christians must take a vocal stand against the actions of this man before he makes us all look bad. We must get out the message that this is not what Christianity represents – that we must be open to our neighbours, regardless of their religious beliefs.

    Just imagine what might happen if it were decided that, in all fairness, all churches, synagogues, mosques, and meeting places of any religious organization should be closed – just so that everyone could be on the same ground? After all, the 14th Amendment guarantees equal protection for ALL – you are either all safe or you are all in jeopardy – you cannot have it both ways. Freedom, when exercised to its fullest, sometimes means that you don’t do something – even when you are permitted to do so – just because you know it is the wrong thing to do. Sometimes you have to ask yourself whether it is morally correct to act in a particular manner or if restraint is actually the higher road to be taken.

    Burning books accomplishes nothing save to inflame the emotions of the people who have been targeted by the action. A true Christian would never consider such an indecent activity, especially given the historically insidious nature of book burning by the Nazis and other oppressive regimes (Cultural Revolution in China, for example).

    Wie viel ist Aufzuleiden!

  3. Vickie E said,

    September 9, 2010 at 19:21

    To be blunt if you are a Christian; this, this is what needs to happen.

    The completion of the Great Commission.

    When this gospel of the kingdom is preached to the ends of the earth; then the end will come- Jesus

    To be concise: It needs to be preached and practiced as Jesus wanted it.

    That, that is the trigger for God’s patience with this evil age and the real trigger for Jesus to take his, his kingdom back by force at Heir Meggido.

    God’s law is love and the gospel is our plea

    Love is patient, love defends the weaker vessel, love waits for the slowest ship in the fleet.

    This is not loving thy neighbor to say the least.

    This damn insane war in the Middle East conducted by the phony Christians has accomplished what really? Now Christians are persecuted and driven out of countries where they have lived in peace for centuries and the Muslims rightfully want those Christians who have committed heinous with zero, zero justification crimes against them in the gallows.

    It is hard to spread Christs love to people who rightfully hate your guts.

    Who really benefits from these “so called “Christians” actions
    The Dark Lord
    It is impeding the Great Commission
    As Satan spreads his wings and laughs.

    Gospel at gunpoint – Kill, conquer, convert is not what Christ commanded and is not loving thy neighbor.
    It is anathema to everything Jesus taught. – Period end of discussion.

    There really is that non existent Occult Elite at the top of the world
    The Illuminati, The Masters of The Universe or whatever the hell they call themselves today. They after much, much research and personal experience seem to be actual Satanists – That, that is the truth and explains much.

    Christians who are not Christians
    Jews who are not Jews
    Muslims who are no Muslims
    Hindu’s who are not Hindu’s

    They have infiltrated every country and religion and have corrupted them there seem to be zero exceptions. Explains much. They want that NWO they deny then talk about openly. A one world government; a world of their own. Just like their dark lord. They are Satanists despite the public facade they put on and it explains the moral extinction of any moral compass most of us possess. It is the damn truth.

    They play us off against each other like a bunch of damn fools.
    Divide and Conquer
    They do it on purpose and are very good at it.

    They have a de population agenda. NO – They want the population of the earth to be between 500 million and 1 billion if they are feeling generous at that point I would assume. There is no population bomb; another, another big lie mantra along with many others. There is enough on this earth to support probably 30 billion. They, they create the misery they ostensibly want to solve. They plan to stay and live well and the rest of us go. It seems to be a cross between 1984 and Brave New World.
    It is not the utopia they sell it as.
    Welcome to your pre planned dystopian nightmare.
    It is their writings and you cannot, cannot slander someone with their own words and these are the most powerful people in the world and have went on to implement much of it.

    Hard Kill – War

    Soft Kill – Toxins, corrupted medicine, toxins in the environment, sterliants in the drinking water, sterilization ect.

    Oceania’s fake never ending war goes back to this.

    It is not religious hatred; it is their blind ambition they wrapped up in religion.

    Follow the money, follow the money all the way, don’t stop all the way to the top. Who really financially benefits and then you get your answers.

    It all really goes back to this and this cabal even if you don’t realize it.

    The only, only way to kill a snake – Cut off it’s head.- Period

    This pastor – The reason this man is getting so much press; they want to crack down on freedom of expression and religion.

    This “Christian Pastor” is serving that purpose. He will provide a pre text to the justification for that. Watch

    It’s all smoke and mirrors
    It’s all a grand illusion
    It’s a damn dog and pony show
    It’s all a damn big lie

    Nothing is as it seems to be.

    Jesus will make a way . Jesus is the real grand master
    He always does for those that are his in this great cosmic clash between good and evil.

    For now:

    The parade of useful idiots continues