NO!!!! This is not a post dealing with anything kinky, so if that’s what you are looking for, you are obviously in the wrong place.

This is about rabbis that are so divorced from reality that they literally put you to sleep with the yarns they spin. Anyone who has ever attended services in a synagogue or were present at a Bar Mitzvah or wedding where a rabbi spoke can attest to the fact that most of the audience is asleep within minutes of the presentation. Subject matter could range from an ‘incident’ that occurred three or four thousand years go to the anniversary of the passing of some rabbi or ‘scholar’, also ages ago. They speak as if you know what they are talking about and never seem to realise that literally no one is listening.

These people are ‘leaders’ of a flock that hasn’t changed its ways or ideas in thousands of years and their mega boring speeches reflect this fact. I have come to the conclusion that this might be best, for when they actually do try to enter the present world with their ideologies, they fall flat on their faces.
The latest case in point is the ‘decree’ not to rent or sell property to Arabs in Israel. Their conclusions are based on misread texts in the Torah or the Talmud.

Yesterday, in the Hebrew edition of YNet, it was reported that the chief rabbi (pictured above) of one of Israel’s cities (Rosh HaAyin) issued a ban to stores that hire Jewish girls not to hire Arabs to work in them. The list of ridiculous examples of hatred seems never ending and continues to grow on a daily basis.

Also yesterday, a home belonging to a Palestinian family in the outskirts of Jerusalem was demolished by Israeli authorities to make way for a new structure which would house 24 Jewish families. Did the rabbis have anything to say about this?

Last week a fire nearly destroyed complete cities in the northern part of Israel. Firefighters from many countries INCLUDING Palestine took part in putting out the blaze. Yesterday a ceremony was held to honour those brave souls … but the Palestinians were denied entry to Israel to attend the event. Did the rabbis have anything to say about this?

Three years ago when Israeli forces murdered close to 1500 people in the Gaza Strip, mostly civilians, did the rabbis remind them that it was forbidden to kill?

Of course not to all of the above questions. Events of today will be spoken about only in years to come. Perhaps in another two thousand years a rabbi will bore some audience at an affair talking about how the state of Israel adhered to the ‘teachings’ of the Holy Texts throughout the ages, as the audience snores away….

Bradly Burston, reporting in today’s HaAretz, ends his piece with a very interesting observation…

No one has to go along. And if this is about giving thanks, this is surely an opportunity to mention the more than 700 rabbis who have already signed a petition against the ban on selling or renting to Arabs.

No longer need we listen to the Gang of 300 when they tell us what the Almighty wants.

From apocalyptic rulings shielding settlements, to the brutal stranglehold on conversion policy, they are making up Judaism as they go along. And, in the process, by stating that non-Jews have no place here, annihilating the democracy that pays their very salaries.

How are we to understand these public remarks by officials of the state of Israel? What is it that they are telling us, these apparatchiks in Armani? That non-Jews can no longer be Israelis? That Arabs can no longer live here?

That Zionism turns out to be a form of racism, after all? Or, is it Judaism itself?

Perhaps these rabbis are doing the rest of us a service by showing the world the true face of Israel, a face that even a Jewish mother wouldn’t be able to love.


  1. paddy said,

    December 15, 2010 at 20:14

    I wonder if the Rabbis ever focus on the original claim that God promised land to Abram. As pointed out at whatisknown.com there was a meeting with God where the (either 70 year old or 135 year old, take your pick) Abram was told that he would be given the land that HE could see. After the meeting he moved to higher ground and built an alter. No doubt he also acquired a better view from this higher point. The bible tells us that the promise of land was revoked later.

  2. December 15, 2010 at 20:22

    […] RABBIS MAKE STRANGE BEDFELLOWS « Desertpeace. December 15th, 2010 | Category: Uncategorized | Comments are closed | […]

  3. December 17, 2010 at 18:57