Commentary by Chippy Dee

Photos © by Bud Korotzer

Powerful demo in Washington yesterday (see link below) but not a word in the NYT about it.  Vets for Peace  had 135 people, mainly vets, chain themselves to the railing around the White House, including Ellsberg, Hedges, and a major FBI whistleblower.  All were arrested.  At Times Sq. about 100 people, Vets & allies, had a peace rally where the names of those from NY that were killed in Afghanistan were read. Then 10 went into the gutter and blocked traffic, holding their peace signs, for at least 20 minutes, and they too were all arrested.  There was some press there but nothiing was used.
Also see THIS report from Washington, DC


  1. Deborah said,

    December 18, 2010 at 14:05

    I love them all; we don’t need the NYT for reporting you are at a sight that NYT dreams they could have considering that newspapers are failing due to their non-reporting and total lack of fulfilling their constitutional obligations.

    To the granny’s to our veterans I love and respect you all but more than anything I appreciate your love of your country. Bless every single one of you…job well done.

  2. December 18, 2010 at 15:06

    I agree with the people 100% -in the thing they are demanding for by their act of civil disobedience.

    So, why do I feel like I am looking at pictures of sheep protesting the wolves?

    It is not my dog in this fight… Or is it?

    Maine’s two Senators Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins are 100% pro-Zionism, and each has flown to Israel on numerous occasions to show support and be lavishly entertained by the apartheid regime.

    Perhaps, and only just perhaps, 1/2 of 1% of Maine’s population is of Jewish heritage. And of those few you can rest assured less than 25% support what my country’s policy is ANYWHERE in the Middle East.

    Both Senators Snowe and Collins have received large sums of money from AIPAC. Both Senators Snowe and Collins are typical war-hawks, neither having served in the military -or- having suffered the terror of war.

    I know there has been a betrayal -bought and paid for-.

    I will never vote for either of them again.

    So, why do I feel like I am one of the sheep -protesting the wolves?

    These Senators should not serve six years.

    They should have served six months -at most.

    Or they should serve life, wearing striped prison clothes for having been part of these global village mass murders.

    These two women from Maine are among the worst of the worst.

    -Don Robertson
    Limestone, Maine

  3. g. orge said,

    December 18, 2010 at 15:45

    The NYPD were indeed brave to police a march in Washington.

  4. desertpeace said,

    December 18, 2010 at 16:15

    Where did you get that notion g.orge? The NYPD policed in New York as was said.

  5. Rampaging Manatee said,

    December 18, 2010 at 16:39

    We should include these photos to all the lazy/brainwashed or *gasp* profiteers err, I mean loved ones on our Christmas (Kwanzaa, Solstice…) lists.


    “Poets, priests and politicians,
    Have words to thank for their positions,
    Words that scream for your submission,
    And no-one’s jamming their transmission.”
    ~ The Police

  6. Iain Yuile said,

    December 18, 2010 at 19:05

    My hat goes off to all these people, good on them. But why aren’t there thousands more, and where are the young people?

  7. gdfsrggef said,

    December 18, 2010 at 23:04

    First, Americans have the right to protest AND are not required to ask the government for a permit; that would be and is absurd. Second, both current wars are not only wars of aggression and internationally illegal but they violate further international laws such as the torturing of prisoners and the majority by the way are civilians! So why are the police that are sworn to uphold the U.S. Constitution arresting these people? The government uses force, both overt and covert. If the people did the same, they could easily out number and over power the criminal corporate/banking element. It’s the only way. Nine years has proven that protesting has no bite, no sting, IT DOES NOT WORK!