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  1. D freeman said,

    January 15, 2011 at 17:49

    The Jewish community have always been racist even in Britian they did not mix with others had their own shops schools and old folks homes were the food id kosher they have areas that is their you can see it more so in London were they have bollards they teach there kids about the none jews I saw a man with his many children in full Jewish dress peering in a small bar he was telling them to look at the people drinking and they had children in there the children looked at others as if they were the devil’s spawn now if we did the same we would be in trouble, the jews in this country are protected and have power untold because no one is allowed to question them and the amount of laws makers they have in the Govenment is amazing many of the close to the Royals like the Rothchilds .

  2. January 15, 2011 at 17:59

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Kelly. Kelly said: IMAGE OF THE DAY ~~ WEST BANK SPERM BANK: Satisfaction not always guaranteed….. click on image… #flotilla #israel […]

  3. Dimitri said,

    January 15, 2011 at 20:24

    There will never be peace in the middle east because they can never really see the Palestinian in a respectful way. For peace to be achieved there needs to be two parties willing to make the necessary concessions for peace. The present government in Israel is working against this and we should not expect peace for the long suffering Palestinians. I live in Montreal, Canada and I can tell you that the Orthodox Jews here like anywhere else don’t mix with anyone!!! They want you to buy from them but they will never step foot in a Gentile’s establishment.

    There are many Israeli’s & Jews who actually believe they are superior to non-Jews – not all of them but many of them. There will never be peace so long as theirs or any and all racist ideology is challenged, ridiculed and until people actually get up and start laughing in these people’s faces when they say stupidities like they say or believe.