Commentary by Chippy Dee, Photos © by Bud Korotzer

Early in the evening on January 31st there was another in the series of demonstrations in support of the Egyptian people who are demanding an end to Mubarak’s regime of torture, poverty, and repression in the streets of Egypt’s cities.  The crowd of several hundred gathered outside the Egyptian Consulate on East 44th St. in Manhattan was largely Egyptian but included their many supporters who also want democracy and a better life for the people there.  The demonstrators carried signs and flags, there were many young men and women in the group,  and the overwhealming mood was one of enormous pride in their people in Egypt and great passion.  All the speakers said the same thing, Mubarak and all his cohorts had to leave.  The crowd, barely listening, just kept shouting, “Hey, hey, ho, ho, Mubarak has got to go” and “1,2,3, Egypt will be free”.  Many felt that they were both witnessing and participating in a moment of great historical importance.




  1. Don Robertson said,

    February 1, 2011 at 14:55

    You can get a crowd out in New York for gay rights and the Yankees too.

    So, just what does it all REALLY mean in the common SNL analysis?


    Who printed the signs?

    Where’s the money coming from to put this massively-organized effort together meant to move public opinion and make this look like worldwide support for freedom-and-democracy in Egypt?

    This must have been another -free-beer-day- in the precinct -by the looks of all this stagecraft.

    This is all bull-oney.

    This looks like Saddam’s statue being pulled down to me.

    This is all too hurried.

    Are these calls for universal suffrage? For affirmative action programs for women? For socialized medicine? For what then?

    “Freedom” and “democracy” mean NOTHING. They are tools of enslavement handled by those who rig elections and control the media.

    Are these people REALLY motivated by their shared concern and outraged-demand that Hosni Mubarak end his dictatorship over the oppressed people of Egypt?

    Give me a break. You make me laugh.

    Hosni Mubarak has been around for thirty years.

    Where the heck has this movement and this MOMENT been in all this time?

    This is a load of crap and an event-staged, an attraction-devised and a phony-populist-movement meant to provide cover for something very sinister.

    Hosni Mubarak is very near death -if not already stone-cold-dead.

    Democracy is not an Egyptian tradition.

    And this populist-charade is not indigenous to Egypt either.

    Take your time devising a new government and crowning a new king -or whatever you might call him or HER.

    There have been elections going on in Iraq -is this the source of the Egyptian democracy-envy? LOL!

    You Egyptians are being duped on a massive scale.

    Take your time. Take your time, because Hosni Mubarak could end up looking like a saint in retrospect -given what the people behind this staged populist movement want to foster upon your desert kingdom.

    The notion that the world is behind you MORE TODAY THAN LAST WEEK is a fraud. This is the exact same stage-scenery pulled-out for the invasion of Iraq and the removal Saddam Hussein

    The Zeitgeist is a fraud, made up by those who would pretend to speak for it.

    This newly engendered Egyptian-Zeitgeist is a populist fraud meant to put a new jackboot on your head -while YOUR HEAD is being held underwater in the cesspool of history.

    You are going to drown in this deluge of populist crap.

    This populism cannot be sustained -regardless the outcome-. The moment will fade. And you will see then -what fools you are being taken for.


    Are the Egyptian people so easily fooled?

    I do not think they are fools.

    Calm down. Take your time. Do not let the moment become again -the nightmare-.

  2. desertpeace said,

    February 1, 2011 at 15:08

    Your negativity seems to be bordering on insanity lately.
    Try to be more positive and hopeful …. the Egyptian people are, you can do it too.

  3. flek said,

    February 1, 2011 at 16:19

    Pass it On…

    Rights NGO claims that Israeli planes carrying crowd dispersal weapons have arrived in Egypt

  4. kassandra said,

    February 1, 2011 at 19:44

    Great pictures. Despite being closed down in Egypt, having their reporters arrested and equipment stolen, AlJazeera is doing a great job broadcasting from Qatar. It’s still 24-hour coverage with continuous reports from among the people in the square and on streets, plus excellent analysis from a variety of experts.