Tragedy once again struck out in the streets of Jerusalem yesterday afternoon. An explosive device went off near a crowded bus terminal killing one person and wounding over thirty others.

As soon as the press arrived at the scene organised mobs gathered to chant ‘Maved l’Aravim’ (death to Arabs), the battle cry of the very wrong right. This coming just a day after Israel did, in fact, kill a number of civilians in Gaza.

As in the attack in Itamar two weeks ago, there are no suspects and there have been no arrests, but the zionists have entered a collective plea of guilt to the entire nation of Palestine. Without investigation, the ‘verdict’ is in.

Radical elements opposed to a sane solution in the Palestinian camp feed this insanity by often ‘claiming responsibility’ just for the heck of it. In most cases there is no basis for this, in fact the claims often come from non existent groups obviously for no other reason but to support the claims of the zionists themselves.

An eye for an eye? At this stage all that does is leave everyone blind. That’s exactly the situation we are in today, two peoples plodding along and literally bumping into each other. This is a situation that can and will lead to nowhere. The killing must stop, the terrorism must stop and a Peace Process MUST begin. There is no other solution.

I have often stated on this Blog that the Western Press ignores the situation in Palestine. The Lobby and their ilk in the United States continues to pull out the ‘victim card’ when it comes to events in Israel, thereby making sure that their side gets maximum press coverage. Ironically, this is not enough to satisfy those that seem to thrive on the ‘victim’ status. See that in this short YouTube presentation….


  1. Amerikagulag said,

    March 24, 2011 at 16:43

    They need a false flag in order to destroy Gaza nce and for all and to continue with their quest for the ‘greater israel’.

    “If Israel were lying on the side of the road somewhere, every dog in town would roll in it.” – Les Visible

  2. Elias said,

    March 24, 2011 at 20:56

    Peace Process? You’ve got to be kidding. Let’s talk military occupation, home demolitions, colonization, ethnic cleansing, systemic discrimination, racism, apartheid, settlements, and THEN maybe the discussion about so-called peace can start. This isn’t a conflict between to equals. It’s David vs. Goliath.

  3. Eddie said,

    March 24, 2011 at 21:02

    Collective punishment is fair for GOYIM but collective guilt for crucifying Christ is not fair.

  4. JonnyX said,

    March 24, 2011 at 22:21

    The biased media in my country?!? Oh, they were shocked and appalled that such a thing could happen, and were very willing to publish Israel’s claim that it was done by the Pals. The timing of the event is so suspicious, however, that anyone who knows of Israels history of false-flag events definitely believes that it was a Mossad bomb. They have never been hesitant about killing innocents, even when they are the same “race”.

  5. Mike J said,

    March 24, 2011 at 22:27

    Amerikagulag nailed it. This is an Israeli false flag. Your first clue is that the Israelis and their media cohorts immediately pin the blame on Palestinians with absolutely NO evidence NO investigation and NO trial.

  6. March 24, 2011 at 23:38