I’ve never considered myself to be a ‘dog person’, but three years ago an abandoned puppy decided to adopt me. He’s been living with us ever since and despite our cultural differences, it’s been a most pleasant experience…. just look at his photo and tell me truthfully that you couldn’t fall in love with this creature…
Dogs are not the cheapest of ‘friends’ to have around the house, their upkeep which includes yearly license fees and inoculations against canine diseases, especially rabies, are not covered by any medical plans. But who would ever think that an even greater threat lurks out there, worse than rabies. A new threat called rabbis!
The following was reported in the Israeli press the other day, to the amusement of much of its readership…
Dog sentenced to death by stoning
Rabbinical court rules spirit of secular lawyer who insulted judges 20 years ago transferred into wandering dog’s body


Stoning to death? That’s a pretty harsh punishment for an innocent creature. BUT… let’s not forget this ruling comes from the same body of neanderthalic thought that is prepared to annihilate an entire section of the population because they are Palestinians. These views are unfortunately widely accepted by much of Israel’s ultra orthodox community.



With all of the technological and scientific advances we keep hearing about in Israel, perhaps one day there will be a vaccine to control the spread of these rabid rabbis. We can hope 😉


  1. Deborah said,

    June 20, 2011 at 12:06

    I can honestly say it’s love at first sight of your beautiful dog. He’s so cute.

    I saw the story about the revolting rabbis a day or so ago but I have duly noted that the story isn’t doing the rounds as it would if it was imams calling for such a primitive and evil act.

  2. June 20, 2011 at 14:39

    As Brigadier General James J. David, USA ret, told me by e-mail:

    The same media that love to embarrass Muslim nations for committing ridiculous punishments against its citizens are silent when ridicule is warrant on Israeli punishments. Can you imagine the headlines if this act was committed by Iranian courts? — Or by Syrian courts?– Or by Hamas or Hisbollah?– Or by any other enemy of Israel? It would be a perfect opportunity to embarrass such country or organization and the Associated Press would be on it faster than a duck on a Junebug.

    Instead, and because it’s a Jewish court with such barbaric and primitive savagery, the press is silent.

  3. June 20, 2011 at 14:53


  4. George Wanker Bush said,

    June 20, 2011 at 17:10

    Adding to the cost of a Veterinarian’s education are the fees for the yearly Rabbis shots.

  5. Ian said,

    June 20, 2011 at 17:30

    This is why I refer to them as “BLABBIS.”

  6. howardtlewisiii said,

    June 20, 2011 at 19:21

    A 7-course meal for a starving college student or a beach bum will always be a 6-pack of beer and a puppy. But STONING a dog? Give him a job deodorizing the carpets in the Knesset. Or watering Netanyahu.

  7. Bonnie said,

    June 21, 2011 at 00:21

    I never had a pet in my entire life, but I adopted an abandoned cat, myslef.

    The cruelist thing about this tragedy, is that little children will be used, USED, to stone the dog. So the dog, will die, with the thought of betrayal even by human children.

    I pray that a Canine Guardian Angel holds him, in Love, as the little Critter makes the Transition to Heaven..

  8. Adam Neira said,

    June 21, 2011 at 00:24

    Stray dogs are a problem all around the world. Go to India and see how the canines are treated there. Too many people let dogs breed like rabbits excuse the mixed metaphor. Dogs are also domesticated animals that have thrived due to human progress. Because of my traditional stance I think it is healthy and wise to round up stray animals like cats and dogs and dispose of them humanely. The point with this story is that the Rabbis may have just said to the kids to toss some stones in the dog’s direction to get him to move on. This is a very different scenario than one out of “The Stoning of Soraya M.” The point about the reincarnation idea is bizarre and may show if true that toxic groupthink can develop in certain leadership cliques over time. It is one of the reasons I have always attempted to relate to as many types of different people as possible. I also like trying to work out people’s frame of reference and how to “connect” to them. PETA are specialists at capitalizing on a certain mindset. If they are willing to change their philosophy I will reconsider them. The fauna of the world have a special place and cruelty can never be justified. Happy to say Australia is a very advanced place in it’s treatment of animals. Just recently there was a major brouhaha regarding the slaughter of live cattle exports in Indonesia. Anyway getting off track slightly.