Or … at the back of the bus, on the other side of the street …. only in ‘The Only Democracy in the Middle East 😉
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A leading nationalist-Zionist rabbi has written a treatise claiming that home is a women’s place, and “not the domain of social activity,” thus reflecting further radicalization among religious Zionists.

Leading Israeli religious Zionist rabbi: A woman’s place is in the home

Leaflet promotes the opinion that too much education for women would ‘harm the quality of life of the nation.’

By Chaim Levinson
Rabbi Zvi Tau
Rabbi Zvi Tau Photo by Michael Yaacovson

A leading nationalist-Zionist rabbi has written a treatise claiming that home is a women’s place, and “not the domain of social activity,” thus reflecting further radicalization among religious Zionists.

Rabbi Zvi Tau, president of Har Hamor Yeshiva and a leader of the more extreme orthodox trend among the national-Zionist public, wrote the treatise for internal use. The leaflet promotes the opinion that too much education for women would “harm the quality of life of the nation.”

Austria-born Tau was for many years a student of Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda Kook, and one of the heads of the Merkaz Harav, religious-Zionism’s most prestigious yeshiva. In 1997 he turned his back on the yeshiva and created the Har Hamor yeshiva, but is still considered one of the leading rabbis of the movement and a notable supporter of the concept of nationalism, which considers the state of Israel holy and opposes refusal to follow orders in the IDF.

Tau publicly supported former President Moshe Katzav, who was imprisoned for rape, and called on him, at the time, to refuse to resign.

Two months ago Tau wrote, for internal use, a treatise called “who created me as he willed,” a quote from the prayer said by women every morning dealing with the proper place of women according to the Torah. Tau’s position is radical, often more than orthodox concepts.

Tau writes that men and women have different roles. Indeed,it seems that the woman is discriminated against but it isn’t so, he writes. Women, according to Tau, have more emotional power, while men are more cerebral. This division is needed because of the world’s limitations, since it is unable to contain full realization of both emotion and mind. Women, due to nature’s needs, were not meant to occupy themselves with “the depths of science and morals,” but rather with carrying, giving birth to, feeding and raising children. Rabbi Tau claims that this is woman’s “natural vocation, and God created within her the necessary talents and an inner orientation for these issues,” which negate the possibility of “commiting oneself to the depths of science.”

Tau adds that the worldwide trend of allowing women equal education, and striving for equality, can only guarantee short-term profits. In the long run this trend “will harm the quality of life of the nation and society, since the true female character will not be realized and will be missed by the world. Society and the nation should rather be built on perfecting the special attributes imprinted in women.”

Tau continues to explain that children born to couples including women who devote themselves to their career will be “weak and flaccid.”

So what can women do? Rabbi Tau answers: “Home is the natural habitat for women to express their special tendency … not the domain of social activity. At home, without the bustle … is where a woman can fully live her life.”



  1. irishdane said,

    July 31, 2012 at 11:37

    I dont think modern women would agree with Rabbi Tau.

  2. desertpeace said,

    July 31, 2012 at 12:02

    Neither will those who work to support their husbands so they can sit and ‘learn’ Talmud 24/7

  3. Tanya said,

    July 31, 2012 at 21:24

    Yes, but in Israel, the state supports men who want to study Talmud 24/7, so the women can stay home, cook and clean and look after their many, many children.

  4. Tim the tyrant said,

    August 1, 2012 at 00:51

    When women today are taught sex is to be tolerated, the home doesn’t look a that bad. Since at least Wilson’s time, women seeking power don’t care about things important to men like companionship and intimacy. The schism created by others that women should be completely independent blurs the their natural role. This article is very short sided, a women’s role is to support and up hold their man, not bring him down, no wonder California suffers a 70% divorce rate, and no wonder why men are no longer prone into the suffrage of the “institute” of marriage. Christian conservatism is also killing relationships. Worked for a church for 2 years and witnessed too many instances involving classes for women that would hopefully teach them the value of their relationship instead of talking trash about their husbands. The main complaints of men are that the feel a lack of appreciation and need. So given these facts and statistics, men and women are now divided amongst each other and its a “what can I get materially from this relationship”. Dare you to find the contrary.