Sweden recognized “Palestine” on the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur, and on Monday the UK followed suit in a non-binding vote – now “frustrated” European officials reveal that they are ready to take their diplomatic war on Israel to the next stage.


Hopefully this is the first stop on the road to the Hague

Hopefully this is the first stop on the road to the Hague


EU mulls ‘blacklisting’ settlers convicted of crimes

European diplomats consider new measures in response to ‘high level of frustration’ over West Bank settlement enterprise.

Reuters VIA


European officials are looking at new ways to press Israel to halt its building of settlements on land the Palestinians want for a state, as frustration over West Bank construction reaches a new high, European diplomats say.

The discussions are at an early stage, but officials say the European Union may look at “blacklisting” Jewish settlers convicted of crimes from the EU and could examine the fine print of a free-trade agreement, although there is no talk of sanctions.

The measure being considered by the European Commission is to draw up a list of Israeli settlers who have been convicted of crimes and ban them from entering the EU, one official said.

“The paperwork has been done but it is frozen for now,” said the official. “It is basically a blacklist of violent settlers who have been accused of or convicted of crimes. It would prevent them from travelling to Europe.”

Such a step would probably only affect 100 to 200 people, and it might prove complicated to impose since some of those likely to be blacklisted also have European passports, but it would send a strong message that the EU means business, he said.

A series of steps by Israel in recent weeks, including the seizure of 1,000 acres of land near the Palestinian town of Bethlehem and plans to build 2,600 settler homes near Jerusalem, has angered the European Union, the United States and the United Nations, fuelling calls for a response.

Israel has regularly said its settlements are legal and an Israeli government official told Reuters on Tuesday Europe would be better off putting pressure on the Palestinians to live up to their obligations and recognize the legitimacy of Israel.

The EU has already imposed restrictions on loans to Israeli scientific institutions that operate in the West Bank and is moving ahead with plans to label products made in Jewish settlements.

“No one is talking about imposing trade sanctions on Israel,” said one EU country’s ambassador to Israel. “But there is a very high level of frustration and there are many instruments at our disposal to make that frustration clear.”

Another senior diplomat described Europe’s patience as “wearing thin”, with political sentiment shifting.

That shift was partly reflected in Sweden’s decision to recognize Palestine as an independent state this month and a non-binding vote in the British parliament on the same issue on Monday.

EU foreign ministers meet in Luxembourg on October 20, though it was not yet clear whether Israel will be discussed.

While many of the EU’s 28 member states have expressed concerns about Israel’s settlement policies, the country also has many staunch EU defenders. It is far from certain that there would be unanimous support for action against Israel.

An Israeli official said Europe was misguided. “By focusing only on one issue and only on Israel, they are not doing the Palestinians a favor and they are definitely not playing as productive a role as they could do in peace talks,” he said.

“Europe could be much more productive in its engagement if its messages to the Palestinians were that it’s time for them to fundamentally accept the legitimacy of the Jewish state,” said the official, who asked not to be named.

European diplomats and other officials mentioned several areas where the bloc could bring pressure to bear, including by strictly applying regulations contained in the Association Agreement signed between the EU and Israel in 1995.

That agreement sets out a very specific framework for free trade in goods, services and capital, presaging everything on “respect for human rights and democratic principles”.

Article 83 of the agreement makes clear that it only applies to the territory of the state of Israel, which one official said raised questions about how you deal, for example, with Israeli banks which operate on occupied land that the EU does not consider to be part of the state of Israel.

“I’m not saying we should stop dealing with Israeli banks, but it’s an issue that has been raised and some would say we need to look at it in more detail,” said the ambassador.


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EU Officials Weighing ‘Settler Travel Ban’ to Press Israel

European diplomats looking at ways to subvert trade agreement and bank cooperation as ‘diplomatic war’ on Israel ratchets up a level.

EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton and PA Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah

EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton and PA Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah Reuters


  1. October 14, 2014 at 17:54

    […] Source : Desertpeace. […]

  2. Maien said,

    October 14, 2014 at 18:29

    “building of settlements on land the Palestinians want for a state” begins the author. Has it been forgotten that the land IS Palestinian land to begin with! It is the group of greedy con-artist Europeans who are the thieves that are creating murderous havoc in Palestine and across the whole planet.

  3. joekano76 said,

    October 14, 2014 at 23:16

    Reblogged this on TheFlippinTruth.

  4. nadirnadir said,

    October 14, 2014 at 23:37

    I am very happy to listen this justce nenews and hope from deep in my heart, that palestine after all this decades of suffering by mass murdering and imhuman occupation from egoistic illigal settlings, all this killing of their children or jail them by grabbing in the night out of their homes or on their shool ways … all the children who must survive now without perents or relatives, who see there mom and dad become killed and so much more the “democratic Israel” do to and with them.
    Its far time for Israel to become a order to Den Haag.
    I also hope that there also become juged that Israel also use illigal weapons who bring if not killing and slaughtering, then it brought cancer and other sickness.
    Its unbeliveble that the world was so long knowing but only watching and sone accept this human crime as Israels “right of self defence”, so they make them self also guilty, special by support Israel with brutal weapons.
    I see this news now as a beginning of opening eyes and bring justice into a Apartheid State.
    I will go on and watch listen and more then that i will hope.
    Palestine must be accept as a free country and the occupation of gaza must end – now and forever.
    The refugies must become the right to come home and the illegal settlements must become give back to them, the right owner.
    I pray for the Palestinian, may they find a most happy Future

  5. Pat McShay said,

    October 15, 2014 at 01:20

    They are really taking a stand stopping criminals from coming to the EU. What a joke. Why were they not already doing that? As long as Israel is coddled and allowed to spit in the face of the International community time and again they will continue to defy the UN and anyone else that gets in their way. nothing should be off the table to get them in line, except that they control the US, the EU, the UK, Canada, Australia, and God knows who else. How is this allowed to happen. It is time for strong measures. Stop treating them with kid gloves for F@ck sake.

  6. Kit Holz said,

    October 15, 2014 at 08:55

    The EU could convince us by closing all Israel embassies and arrest all Jewish war criminals.

    Funny – when Mr. Kerry asks in Cairo the international community to donate money for the destruction in Gaza. The American thug who delivered extra bombs to do so.