
This week the US Congress gave a big boost to the International anti BDS Campaign.

On Wednesday, Congress passed another piece of anti-boycott legislation, potentially even more important in its impact, as part of a trade deal with the European Union’s Trade Promotion Authority. 

Essentially, the amendment states that if EU countries want free trade with the US, they can’t engage in politically motivated boycotts against Israel, including areas that came under Israel’s control in the Six Day War.

Needles to say, zion reacted favourably to this move as is reflected in their ‘battle’ as it moves from headlines in their press to the Editorial Pages. Below is how the English language mouthpiece of the Israeli Government, The Jerusalem Post views the situation in today’s Editorial.

BDS battle

BDS logo. (photo credit:BDS)

BDS logo. (photo credit:BDS)

The US has a long history off working to dismantle economic boycotts against Israel. In response to the Arab League Boycott starting in 1948, Congress enacted legislation in 1976 and 1979 banning US companies from participating. The US Commerce Department still maintains an office to ensure that American companies live up to the law.

In the mid-2000s, when the US negotiated trade agreements with Bahrain and Oman, both Arab countries acquiesced to the American demand to drop their boycotts against Israel.

On Wednesday, Congress passed another piece of anti-boycott legislation, potentially even more important in its impact, as part of a trade deal with the European Union’s Trade Promotion Authority.

US President Barack Obama’s call to swiftly negotiate a trade deal with the EU’s TPA presented a unique opportunity to US lawmakers interested in fighting sanctions directed at Israel.

An amendment introduced by Rep. Peter Roskam (R-Illinois) and co-authored with Rep. Juan Vargas (D-California), Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Maryland), and Sen.

Rob Portman (R-Ohio) was attached to this year’s Trade Promotion Authority bill with the EU.

Essentially, the amendment states that if EU countries want free trade with the US, they can’t engage in politically motivated boycotts against Israel, including areas that came under Israel’s control in the Six Day War.

From an American perspective, the amendment is good because it promotes free trade. American companies such as Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Intel that are heavily invested in Israel out of purely economic considerations could find themselves in legal battles with the EU. The American economic growth and the American jobs generated thanks to ties with Israel would be put at risk. US firms should not be forced to choose between Israel and Europe.

Fighting boycotts against Israel does not only make good economic sense for the US, it is also the right thing to do.

Using bigoted tactics – economic sanctions, diplomatic gestures, rejection of research, and development cooperation – to pressure Israel to cave in to Palestinians’ demands is wrong.

Firstly, it places the blame for the ongoing conflict solely on Israel, while the Palestinians are portrayed as the victims of circumstances completely out of their control. The reality is much more complicated, which is precisely why the two sides must ultimately reach an agreement through mutual compromises and dialogue.

Secondly, sanctions that single out Israel create an atmosphere of prejudice and animosity. It should come as no surprise that in EU countries today the lines between blatant anti-Semitism and Israel-bashing are blurred beyond recognition. The distance between indicting Israel for purposely perpetuating the “occupation” and outright delegitimization of the State of Israel is not great. After all, since 1967, consecutive Israeli governments, both on the Left and on the Right, have supported maintaining settlement blocs such as Ma’aleh Adumim, Ariel and Gush Etzion. Were they all illegitimate? EU sanctions and the BDS movement have created a noxious atmosphere in which support for Israel is considered a crime. Even The Jerusalem Post, a newspaper that strives to report fairly and evenhandedly on the most contentious issues and provides a platform for a wide range of opinions – including those on the Right – has been accused of inciting to violence.

Our only “crime” is that we are avowedly Zionist in our outlook.

Because of this “crime” reporters have faced vicious attacks on Tweeter and other social networks by cowards who hide behind the anonymity of the Internet.

Just recently, an anti-Israel tweeter distributed a photoshopped picture of one of our reporters in a Waffen SS uniform.

That’s why the US’s consistent stand against boycotts, reaffirmed this week in the amendment to the Trade Promotion Authority bill, is so important. This sort of legislation counters prevailing anti-Israel trends and combats the tendency to conflate the State of Israel and all who support it with evil. The reality is that Israel has much to contribute to the world, if it is given the chance. Removing the threat of sanctions will do precisely that.



  1. legal eagle said,

    June 26, 2015 at 17:32

    Maybe time to start including US made products in the BDS movement. The US is actively supporting an apartheid state with un inspected nuclear weapons. That is guilt by association.

  2. jojo archers said,

    June 26, 2015 at 17:33

    So what is the diff when Rayham Emanuel admitted that no Democrat candidate in 2008 would receive money for electioneering if they are not 10005 for Israel and Jewish cause.

  3. June 26, 2015 at 17:38

    Zionist attackers hide behind the anonymity of the Internet while Israel has a legion of people spreading disinformation on the Internet? Oh the irony.

  4. desertspeaks said,

    June 27, 2015 at 07:10

    IsraHELL really really dislikes anyone telling the truth about their murderous genocidal regime! The zionazis are hell bent on removing any and all Palestinians from a land that their invisible friend in the sky allegedly promised them!
    The IsraHELL THEFT goes even further than Palestine, it includes the complete take over of Syria, Lebanon, most of Iraq, all of Jordan, Northern Saudi Arabia, and north eastern Egypt!

  5. June 27, 2015 at 14:00

    […] Read more: This Blog is Now Illegal on Both Sides of the Pond […]

  6. Benny Morris said,

    June 27, 2015 at 15:36

    Boycott the racist clowns of Zion. Divest those thieves and then sanction them to death. I look forward to the Palestinian flag flying from the Knesset to represent all the people in a proper democracy, rather than their stupid Mogen David that only represents the wishes of those fascists running an apartheid state.

  7. RN said,

    June 27, 2015 at 16:37

    Think of yet another dangerous precedent being set. Now it is illegal to boycott a business or a country? In other words, if you don’t like the criminal activities of some organization and so you CHOOSE not to do business with them you are breaking the law? Is there ANYTHING that ISN’T illegal or can be interpreted as illegal?

  8. R Davis said,

    June 28, 2015 at 07:43

    The European Union has fallen apart all but the shouting.
    What we are seeing & hearing & reading is THE SHOUTING. is a great place to see what fool the European Union leaders are making of themselves & nwhat a fiasco their whole apparatus is.
    It just goes to show – the bigger they are the harder they fall.
    Israel is not any less a fiasco wating its turn to topple over.

  9. June 28, 2015 at 13:35

    Reblogged this on amnesiaclinic and commented:
    We are all Palestinians now.