Prepared by Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD
by Ahlam Shalhout

I was taken to a foreign land.
A land believed to be full of promise.
I was told it bore fruits with the sweetest of nectar.
Its soil so rich with olive branches of peace.
Where the streets were paved with golden orange groves.

The nectar though sweet to my tongue
Brought tears to my bowels.
The peace bearing olives were pressed
To make oil of bullfights. Ole!
The Israeli minister of Environment joined the previous defense minister to
quit the Zionist regime’s government because it is becoming more extreme.
With the addition of bar bouncer colonial settler Avigdor Lieberman (has a
house in an illegal colony here in Bethlehem), the fascist government is
now in good shape to take Israel to the next inevitable stage along. The
same trend-line that Nazi Germany took step-wise in the 1930s. It is no
wonder that so many more people are now drawing parallels between the two
regimes with similar exclusivist ideologies (Nazism and Zionism). Thousands
of Israeli Jews from Israel Shahak to Israeli General and Deputy Chief of
Staff Yair Golan have already made the comparison to the consternation of
the Zionist leadership. Ken |Livingstone's truthful statement taht JHitler
supported Zionism early on is well supported by facts (see my own writing
on the subject with quotes here. 

Pioneers to draw parallel of actions of Nazis and Zionists and speak out
for justice for the native Palestinians were Holocaust survivors both
inside “Israel” (like Shahak and Davis) and outside like Hajo Meyer and
Hedy Epstein. Hedy just passed away and I knew her for almost 20 years as
one of the most principled dedicated and hardworking individuals. I
hesitated to ask her to join our wheels of justice bus tour in 2002 because
of her age (then in her 80s) but she did not hesitate in accepting and she
was just marvelous. She spoke out with authority and knowledge about the
ethnic cleansing and the massacres committed in Palestine by Zionists. She
also joined the boats trying to break the siege on Gaza. When she was in
her late 80s she was strip searched and poked by Israeli security forces at
Lod (renamed “Ben Gurion”) Airport. Please browse her website here to know
more about this remarkable woman.

1 Comment

  1. May 29, 2016 at 23:41

    […] Gebrochene Versprechen, zerbrochene Träume … […]