No one denies that Israel is quite advanced in many fields, including medicine and electronics. But the critical question that we must raise in the face of these self-absorbed megalomaniacs is whether producing even the best possible drug to treat a given disease justifies or rationalizes the adoption of decidedly evil policies against fellow human beings.

The Poison Apple of the World THE EVIL OF ZIONISM


Yes, Israel does manufacture good medicines, but also produces cancer rather profusely
The world welcomes the good drugs but rejects the malignant cancer!
By Khalid Amayreh
The Israeli hasbara (propaganda) machine often gasconades about certain Israeli products in several fields, especially medicines and electronics.  The message these self-worshiping supremacists are trying to convey to you and me is that without these “vital” products, our health and very survival would be precarious.
The ultimate message, explicit, tacit or subliminal, looks like this: It is futile and self-defeating to boycott Israel and stop buying her products; otherwise your life would be made extremely hard.
Well, no one denies that Israel is quite advanced in many fields, including medicine and electronics. But the critical question that we must raise in the face of these self-absorbed megalomaniacs is whether producing even the best possible drug to treat a given disease justifies or rationalizes the adoption of decidedly evil policies against fellow human beings.
Let me be a little blunter. Would the hypothetical discovery by the Nazis of a medical breakthrough in the treatment of cancer, for example, have mitigated their nefariousness or given them a moral certificate to justify their diabolic actions and behaviors?
I am not suggesting at all that there is a perfect analogy between Nazi actions and behaviors against; inter alia, Jews in the course of WWII, and Israeli actions and behaviors against the Palestinians.
None the less, many honest and conscientious people, Jewish as well as Gentile, have described Israeli crimes against the Palestinians as evil and Nazi like. I remember that two Israeli Jewish authors wrote a book two decades ago tiled The Israeli Holocaust against the Palestinians;
Hence the bottom-line question.  If the Nazis would have been dead wrong in utilizing their products like the automobile industry ¸which undoubtedly benefited humanity, in promoting their deadly fascism and hateful ideology, then why for heaven’s sake should the world buy the Zionist argument that Israel should be allowed to destroy the Palestinians  in fulfillment of an equally evil ideology because otherwise the world would only have itself to blame, given Israel’s “indispensability” to humanity.
To conclude:  As the world didn’t demand that Germany stop manufacturing good cars and other products following the collapse of the Third Reich, No one is demanding or would demand  that Israel stop manufacturing good medicine for the benefit of mankind. We actually encourage Israel and all other countries to keep the good work in this regard.
However, humanity is demanding that Israel stop immediately, once and for all, its manifestly criminal treatment of the Palestinian people.   Needless to say, this despicable treatment, unless irreversibly terminated sooner than later, will remain an indelible badge of dishonor on the forehead of Israel and Jews everywhere.


  1. Eric said,

    January 31, 2018 at 20:22

    “advanced in medicine and elecronics.”

    Yes, after, they steal them from the U.S.!

  2. ghana said,

    February 1, 2018 at 02:38

    The chances of the advances coming from corporate spies and intelligence theft by the Naziraelies is highly probable. Vegas has it at 2 to 1!

  3. APPAF said,

    February 1, 2018 at 03:49


  4. Khalid Amayreh said,

    February 1, 2018 at 15:04

    Trump & Pence are the proverbial Monkey and Israel is the proverbial organ grinder. So why speak to the monkey when you can speak with the organ grinder who decides the piper’s tone!?

  5. February 3, 2018 at 05:18

    […] DESERTPEACE: THE POISON APPLE OF THE WORLD // THE EVIL OF ZIONISM {Does America love Zionism even i… […]