New it’s NOT ….. but here it is

Pretty pathetic I must say

Here’s the reason behind Ahed’s actions…

Here’s what the ‘wrongful right’ sees as new ….

Another Ahed Tamimi violence video revealed

Tamimi seen in video attacking soldiers and Border Police officers with fists and kicks.

The Ad Kann organization published a new video in which terrorist Ahed Tamimi is again documented attacking soldiers during operational activity less than a year ago in Nabi Salah.

At the beginning of the video Tamimi appears blocking a border police officer’s field of vision while he was taking aim from a prone position, and then attacking Border Policemen and IDF soldiers with pushes, fists, and kicks.

About two weeks after the documented incident, Ad Kann filed a complaint with Binyamin police against Tamimi demanding a criminal investigation: “In the video you can see Tamimi attacking Border Police and IDF soldiers again and again without the security forces stopping her, so she grew bolder and began to attack with fists and even kicks,” the complaint states.

“Tamimi’s criminal actions are getting worse, and the time has come to act on this matter. Therefore, we ask you to order the necessary measures against Tamimi and other persons involved.”

A plea bargain was recently signed according to which Tamimi would be sentenced to eight months’ imprisonment and fined NIS 5,000. After the deal, Ad Kann sent a request to the Military Advocate General to cancel the plea bargain.

“We were surprised to hear about the lenient plea arrangement that was presented today after contacts between the parties that were conducted in secret,” the organization’s request stated.”This organization has long been operating in radical organizations involved in violent riots and attacks on IDF soldiers. The plea bargain is puzzling and unacceptable, since unequivocal documentation was presented and the evidence speaks for itself.

“The Tamimi family and its supporters interpret enforcement authority indulgence in the wrong way. This was the case when Ahed attacked IDF soldiers over and over without intervention, and so it was in the courtroom, when one of her supporters attacked a military prosecutor in an unprecedented manner.”

Despite this, Ad Kann‘s request to cancel the plea bargain was rejected by the Military Advocate General.

The organization, which in recent years has exposed radical left-wing organizations, has launched a crowd-funding operation at the GiveBack website to continue its activities. “They have the money from Europe – we have you,” says the fundraising page.

Ad Kann Director Gilad Ach said: “For years anarchists and Palestinians who receive funding from them have been physically attacking IDF soldiers while the soldiers’ hands are tied and unable to respond. Beyond the attack itself, these incidents severely impair the IDF’s deterrent capability, the soldier’s morale, and the fighting spirit.

“A year ago, in May 2017, we filed a police complaint about Tamimi’s repeated attacks on IDF soldiers, but unfortunately the enforcement authorities chose to ignore it, which increased motivation among the attackers.

“A plea bargain serves the same trend and will only increase the attacker’s appetite and cause soldiers to deduce they have no backing, especially when all the evidence is clear and there’s no legal need for a plea bargain. The Military Advocate General Office’s response from recent days raises the fear that the State Attorney’s Office is not determined to bring the soldiers’ attackers to justice.”


  1. GUZE` SPITERI said,

    April 22, 2018 at 19:26


  2. DDearborn said,

    April 22, 2018 at 21:59


    Israel is currently on the forefront of digital content creation. In short, the technology to create a complete digital short film from scratch which is visually indistinguishable from a real live recording (without access to the original) is not just possible, it is being done a on a regular basis. Therefore, the use of “Video” as “evidence” as in this case, is no longer definitive proof of anything. To effectively deploy such weaponized video technology is still requires considerable time, and is complex and costly enough that is not yet available to the general public. State players on the other hand, can deploy this type of technological subterfuge at will….

    “Video” of this nature being used to justify military retribution to parties assigned arbitrary implied guilt by association (also a war crime) is not just unconscionable, it also constitutes a war crime in of itself……

    Considering that Israel has in all likelihood carried out more false flag operations over the last half century than other country in the world, this video isn’t “evidence”, it isn’t even good propaganda……