Those who look the other way are accomplices to Israel`s crimes in Gaza
By The Daily Star

The latest slaughter in the Gaza Strip is generating the predictable claims and counter-claims about responsibility for the loss of innocent lives. The Palestinians say a mother, her four children and another youth were killed by Israeli tank fire, while the Israelis insist that explosives belonging to militants were accidentally set off. As is generally the case, though, whatever the immediate cause on this specific occasion, these and the thousands of civilian deaths that have preceded them are the result of the impunity with which the Israeli government is habitually allowed to run roughshod over Arabs.

The United Nations Security Council has passed literally dozens of resolutions condemning the Israelis for using disproportionate levels of force and/or urging them to abide by earlier decisions aimed at reducing tensions and reviving the peace process. Each of these has been watered down, though, usually at the insistence of the United States – out of fear that America will use its veto as a permanent member of the council to shoot down anything that might actually punish the Jewish state for its actions and lack of remorse. Thus the will of the international community is thwarted, the principle of collective security is trampled underfoot, and the Israelis get away with murder and various other crimes: They can colonize occupied land, starve civilian populations, hold thousands of people – including hundreds of women and children – without either charging them or recognizing them as prisoners of war, and kill scores of innocents with either malice aforethought or criminal negligence.

The worst the Israeli government can expect when it has been up to no good is a reprimand from the Security Council, but the free ride has been going on for so long that Israeli officials tend to take offense even at that. And why not? Like a spoiled child, Israel has learned that there are no repercussions when it misbehaves. In fact, when its depredations cause its enemies to take revenge, it frequently profits from the exchange in the form of extra military hardware and economic assistance from Washington.

While the Americans certainly deserve plenty of blame for this situation, it has also been made possible by governments around the world that are too timid to speak out. From Arab monarchies to European republics, the great majority of them have failed and even betrayed the Palestinian people by looking the other way. It is as though the capacity for outrage has become atrophied in capitals around the world. Or perhaps they have misinterpreted all those calls for “restraint” from the Security Council to mean that they should not speak out when a scoff-law regime oppresses an entire people. Whatever the reason, the silence is itself a form of complicity in serial criminality, and those who practice it should be ashamed of themselves.


  1. Thomas Mc said,

    April 30, 2008 at 15:34

    All it takes for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing.

    – Edmund Burke

  2. Edward Cep said,

    April 30, 2008 at 18:37

    It is with great despair and pain to read and see what is going on in the mideast. Yes, America is as much to blame as the Zionists. The Zionist have managed to corrupt many political individuals in the USA, and thruought Europe. For a few pieces of silver they sold thier character and country.
    Allahu Akbar

  3. May 1, 2008 at 11:10

    Thursday, May 1, 2008

    Stop Whining About the Holocaust


    It is now more than 60 years after the Holocaust.

    And, apparently, the best that the village idiot of Jerusalem/Chief Priest of the Israel, Ehud Olmert, can do is to whine that ‘those who deny the Holocaust deny Israel’s right (sic) to exist’; see:



    Just as those who disinterpret the Doctrine of “resurrection” as the physical raising of a dead body from the grave (the Pharisees) are no less evil than those who deny the “resurrection” altogether (the Sadducees); so, too, those who merely whine about the Holocaust (while refusing either to understand it or to allow it to be understood—it’s referred to as being “a dog in a manger”), are no less evil than those who deny the Holocaust altogether.

    Nor is it merely a coincidence that those who whine the loudest about the Holocaust are not only perpetrating horrific evils against the Palestinians of Gaza; but are also, simultaneously, laying the groundwork for an even greater Holocaust, as very clearly Prophesied in Daniel 12:1.

    In fact, the chief concern of those Jewish religious ‘authorities’ who merely whine about the Holocaust, rather than understand it, is the preservation of their own power.

    In fact, by refusing to understand the Doctrinal significance of the Holocaust—over the past 60 years, there has not been even ONE significant change in either orthodox Jewish or Christian theology with regards to the Doctrine of “resurrection”—the Jewish religious ‘authorities’ are paid to be no less evil than those who deny the Holocaust altogether.

    Mi cha el (Daniel 12:1, Sura 2:98, Column XVII of 1QM)

    Sarah–>Aaron–>Elijah–>Daniel–>John the Baptist–>Mohammed–>Elizabeth Anne Cecil
    Posted by Michael at 6:53 AM

  4. jeanie bein said,

    April 1, 2009 at 15:11

    i work for the corrupt government. so create the problem, have reaction, then have clients see me for 125.00 a hour. I have weak minded people work for me because of the $$$$