Image by Ismael Shammout
When I read the following I had flashbacks to a time in the USA when certain states had it written into law forbidding a white person from cohabiting with a black person…. the same was true under the apartheid regime in South Africa….

Well, in its capacity as the apartheid capital of the world today, Israel is following suit….

The Israeli army attacks a village near Bethlehem and kidnaps a man and his Jewish wife

The Israeli army invaded the village of Hussan located near Bethlehem city in the southern part of the West Bank. During the invasion on Thursday morning the soldiers kidnapped a Palestinian man and his wife that is from Jewish origins.

Mohamed Hamamerh, 25, met his wife Melissa, 23, several months ago when he used to work at the settlement of Bitar Illit, an Israeli settlement built illegally on the land of Hussan village.

When the young couple decided to get married, they came to Bethlehem city were Melissa converted to Islam. They were married last month during a large wedding at Hussan village, Hamamerh’s family reported.

The settlers of Bitar Illit attacked the village of Hussan, demanding that Melissa was kidnapped and forced to get married, which the family of Hamamerh denies.

The village told media sources in Bethlehem that the settlers threatened to send the Israeli army to get Melissa out using force, which was done today. Witnesses said that the army surrounded the couple’s home and then kidnapped the two, and took them to an unknown location.

The Hamamerh family said that the settlers are using the army forces as a tool to force their son to divorce his wife.

Translated by: Ghassan Bannoura –



  1. Rick said,

    June 13, 2008 at 18:02

    Imagine if Iran was Israel, it would have been blown off the map.

  2. Rise Again said,

    June 13, 2008 at 20:45

    What an absolutely sick and paranoid, joke of a place that is.

  3. lennybruce said,

    June 13, 2008 at 21:25

    How sad and how repugnant. This week is the 41st anniversary of the Loving v. Virginia decision when Mr and Mrs Loving had their conviction for interracial marriage unanimously overturned by the US Supreme Court. How sad that Israel still lives so far in the past on most human rights issues including this one. But to send in the army to kidnap this young couple… that goes beyond my capability of understanding.

  4. Matt Giwer said,

    June 13, 2008 at 23:13

    Why is anyone surprised about this? It is the natural consequence of Judaism. This is what Jews are like when there are no restraints on their behavior. As this is all we read about Israel and as these reports originate from Israeli Jews there is no way to misconstrue the meaning nor to question the jewish approval of such actions.

  5. June 14, 2008 at 05:42

    […] Read more how IDF controls who gets married to whom here. […]

  6. Tom said,

    June 15, 2008 at 09:14

    Zionist Israel is a jewish fatasyland. Makes one wonder if WD was jewish.