Image by Ismael Shammout

By Hussam Ayloush, the Southern California Executive Director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)

As a father of five children, my heart breaks every time I hear or read about the brutal death of any child, Palestinian or Israeli, Muslim, Jewish, Christian, or of any background. A child represents innocence, joy, and mercy.

When Israel imposes, for more than three years, a complete siege on the Gaza population of 1.5 million and turns it into a large ghetto or prison, it certainly harms children.

When HAMAS responds to that siege by sending primitive home-made rockets into Israel, it surely endangers children.

When Israel carries out collective punishment on the Palestinians by dropping tons of huge missiles and bombs into densely populated residential areas, it most definitely kills children. So far, close to 30 children have died as a result of these bombs and hundreds more have been maimed and disabled.

Every time an Israeli child is harmed, the whole world mourns, and rightly so. The whole world is informed of that child’s name, his or her parents’ agony, and the tragic circumstances that caused this death.

However, when a Palestinian child is harmed, no one in the world seems to care. No one is told of his or her name. No one is informed about the pain of the parents, siblings, and grand parents who loved him or her. The zionist propaganda machine has succeeded in dehumanizing Palestinians. Palestinians are portrayed as terrorists, murderers, radicals, or sub-humans. That way, it becomes much easier not to care about such a people, no matter how many of them are turned into refugees, how many of their homes are demolished, how much of their land is confiscated, how many of them are imprisoned, and how many of them are killed or wounded.

The Palestinian people, the indigenous people of historic Palestine (today’s Israel and Palestine) are, like all people, a nation that wants freedom on its own land. And they have continuously shown the world their willingness to sacrifice everything they have to live with freedom and dignity.

And, yes, dead Palestinian children (as well as living ones) have names and their parents love them too.

Below are the photos and names of a few Palestinian children killed in the last few days.
Haya and Lama Hamdan killed by an Israeli missile.
Haya Hamdan finally put to rest (probably not in the way her parents envisioned).

Little boy, Yahya Hayek, under rubbles. Our U.S. government recently supplied Israel with a fresh supply of heavy-duty missiles called bunker busters. It seems the Bush administration wanted to assist Israel in the humane and swift killing of Palestinian children without prolonging their pain.
Yahya Hayek’s grandmother was asked to identify the body of her grandson. He was among the fortunate ones whose body was still identifiable. She will send her thank you note to the Israeli leaders for their kind and humane gesture.

A boy shot by Israeli soldiers in a demonstration in the West Bank

A father weeps the death of his five daughters, including a 14-month-old toddler.

At the funeral of one of those five girls, Deena Baalousha

What’s Deena thinking now? Her beautfil angelic face tells a million story. Is she wondering why the world allowed Israel to starve her and her four sisters for three years and then watched as the F-16 sent the missiles to take their lives?

Deena can finally rest in peace in her own piece of land. This must be the peace that Israel keeps talking about.

A young Palestinian man carries a little boy who died before making it to the hospital. I am sure he has a name too. I am sure he has, or had, parents who loved him too. It might come as a surprise to many Israelis, but Palestinian parents name their children and love them too.

His crime is that he is not Israeli; so no one would care.

Three killed boys; three less targets for Israel.

Photos: Aljazeera Satellite Television and other news outlets


  1. December 31, 2008 at 18:37

    […] If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to our RSS feed. Thanks for reading!Pictures you won’t find in the New York Times […]

  2. ghaleb said,

    December 31, 2008 at 18:59

    Please tell WRH about a propaganda story they are cerculating.
    This is the propaganda link:,7340,L-3648058,00.html

    In fact the UN has explained they meant to count Women and children, and not to include Men who are Civilians. hence it should read 25% are women and children.

    Here is what the UN has actually said:
    Sixty-two of those killed, we believe… are civilian casualties,” “That simply encompasses those who are women and children. It does not include any civilian casualties who are men – even though we know that there have been some civilian men killed as well.”

    and this is the link to this:

  3. Ray O Hobe said,

    December 31, 2008 at 21:55

    As a father of 3 children, I feel moved, sad, angery and vingeful at all of the Israeli crimes on to the palestinian civilians, not just that of todays savage war crimes on gaza, but that of last year and the year before just like that of the years past, I stell remember when little Mohamed was shot to death as his father try to sheild him from israeli fire, or that little girl crying and looking for her family that was blown apart on a gaza beach, and all of the children that was killd in palestine,iraq and lebanon, by this zionist/american savage beast.

  4. edward said,

    December 31, 2008 at 21:57

    The whole world is not blind and deaf. Many see this. It must fuel our righteousness and not our hostility. The way to defeat them is not to lash out at them with hate, but to surpass them in our wisdom. In the near term we can only persevere. For those who have died, innocents and fighters alike I grieve. For those who live on, may this strengthen your resolve to resist.

  5. December 31, 2008 at 22:46

    Please sign my petition and pass it on



    Artificial Insemination used for Immigration & Paternity Fraud and the complete removal of this child’s rights to a father.

    Baby X has been stripped of his rights to have a father, by the State of New Jersey and Bergen County Courts, by a malicious plot involving NJ Bergen County Family Court and the corrupt Judge Edward Torack, Dr. Tanmoy Mukherjee, of the Mount Sinai Hospital/Reproductive Medical Center of New York.

    Baby X is a victim of a sinister plot by the ruling class to destroy Black Families and Men using the false flag of Child Support system and Women’s Rights. Baby X was created during unauthorized artificial insemination by Dr. Mukherjee and a Black Woman facing deportation for defrauding a university in New York City. In order to avoid deportation, Dr. Mukherjee and The Mother of Baby X conspired together to take and illegally use the semen of a Black Male US Citizen in order to perform an artificial insemination, and create an anchor baby. They also conspired to victimize the said Black Male with the responsibility of Child Support without his consent to an IVF.

    During hearings at NJ Bergen County Family Court, Baby X’s Father was able to present a copy of Baby X’s Mother’s immigration records (which should a history of immigration fraud conducted by Baby X’s Mother) and get Baby X’s Mother to admit, under questioning, that she had the child via Unauthorized Medical Experiment/IVF.

    Immediately after clear evidence was presented in the court, that Baby X was created by an via Unauthorized Medical Experiment/IVF for the purposes Immigration Fraud, the Father was completely banned from all courts and all judges – by the corrupt Judge Edward Torack of NJ Bergen County Family Court.

    The court ban against the Father to Baby X includes the denial of the following rights:

    1) Ban against a “Request for a DNA test of all parties”
    2) Access to appeal & any other judges/courts
    3) Ban against visitation between Baby X and Father X.
    4) Any modifications to Child Support, including a decrease in income
    of Father X
    5) Any ruling on evidence pertaining to immigration and paternity fraud in the case.

    The end result is to totally strip Father X from any rights to the child except to shut up and pay. He did not have a right to say when where and how to have a baby, and he did not have a right to have any representation in court. And therefore the State of New Jersey has stripped Baby X’s right to have a Father!

  6. December 31, 2008 at 23:39


  7. wendywasp said,

    January 1, 2009 at 00:38

    Israel is damned. God help Palestine.

  8. su said,

    January 1, 2009 at 08:09

    As a mother of 6 I cannot imagine what it must be like to lose 5 of my children.
    In looking at these photographs something inside me died.
    What happens to one,happens to all.
    We are all being massacred here – where is Allah?

  9. January 4, 2009 at 20:59

    Words cannot convey the shame I feel as an American. My expression would be best through a graphic. I suggest as in the following product image the use of shoulder patches like the yellow star of David worn in the past. Shame.

  10. christy shoumali said,

    January 7, 2009 at 04:47

    At this moment i am ashamed to say that i am an american. I am married to an palestinian.With recent events going on in the middle east, i watch my husband glued to the telivision with tears in his eyes of his people dying, and there is nothing we can do to help. Over 700 palestinians have died while our american goverment keeps supplying the the israeli weapons! These palestinians people, my family, are wonderful loving individuals. Remember american television only gives you a portion of what is truly going on. My heart cry’s out for them.

  11. awais said,

    January 15, 2009 at 06:14

    i hate israiel by bot of my hearttom

  12. awais said,

    January 15, 2009 at 06:17

    i feel ashmed to say my self muslim on silent of muslim community.

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