Photos © by Bud Korotzer

Once again New Yorkers gathered to rally in Midtown Manhattan this week to protest the zioterror against the people in Gaza.

Young, old, Black, White, Gentile, Jew and Muslim…. all united for Justice!

<<< Remi Kanazi was there too 😉

Hi Remi!!


  1. pam said,

    January 6, 2009 at 14:53

    Some things never change

  2. Scarlett said,

    January 6, 2009 at 16:19

    These people — and those like them around the world — are the only thing that gives me any hope for humanity. Without people of conscience, we would wipe each other of the face of the earth. And if there ever ceased to be people of conscience, then it would be the best thing for our species to cease to exist.

  3. Tom said,

    January 6, 2009 at 17:09

    Our President elect states One president at a time as far as gaza is concerned. Why is he involved deeply in the financial crisis and stating what he is going to do.. Should that not be the same. One president at a time. I guess that does not matter when it comes to innocent women, men and children being slaughtered.

  4. Krackonios said,

    January 6, 2009 at 19:12

    If he won’t stop Israel, then Obama is already no longer our president.

  5. robertsgt40 said,

    January 6, 2009 at 20:59

    Obama is owned lock, stock and barrel by Israel. Make no mistake about it. He sucked up enough at the AIPAC meeting to leave his knees bruised.

  6. January 6, 2009 at 21:46

    […] ANOTHER SUPPORT DEMO IN NEW YORK ~~ IN PHOTOS January 6, 2009 Posted by verteta in Israel, PALESTINE, PROTESTS. trackback Full Link : HERE […]

  7. verteta said,

    January 7, 2009 at 00:05

    Two protesters braved 30-degree weather yesterday in Cranford NJ in support of Gaza.

  8. Shameful said,

    January 7, 2009 at 02:07

    Obama has already given his full support to Israel. Do you remember when he went to Israel and put on the Jewish skull cap when he isn’t even a jew? Congress is full of Jews and the United States of Judaism (USA) cannot do anything. The only solution to the problems is for people to rise up and say to their congress men that if you cannot help us, then we are taking over. Once you remove the rotten tomatoes from Congress, elect decent honest people from amongst yourselves into government. Then make them accountable to the extent that you even know what is in their bank accounts. Enforce serious penalties such that if any member of the government does anything against the interests of the country or its people, that person be tried and made an example of. This would set an example for future governments. Until you do that we will continue to see a repeat of the situation that powerful nations continue to kill innocents in VIETNAM, KASHMIR, AFGHANISTAN, IRAQ, PALESTINE and many many others while the people of the nations keep demonstrating against their governments but nothing happens because the people are weak and the government is poweful… HOORAY FOR THE GUN LAWS IN THE USA… the people CAN FIGHT BACK and take back their country from the oppressing government that has economically and morally bankrupt its nation. Heed my words or we will continue to see this happen in the future. History is there for you to see that I am right.

  9. michael mazur said,

    January 8, 2009 at 00:57

    Doomsday for Israel – Terror Inc, will only be when people start on principle to put aside, for now, the truth or otherwise of the official story of the Holocaust and become Holocaust Deniers, for it will save the countless Palestinian lives who already sense their time is almost at an end.

    This is the only gun that the world has in its hand to put to Israel’s head, but because it has no trigger it cannot be fired.

    Holocaust Denial is this metaphorical gun of disbelief, and more powerful than nukes, for its gowing spread will dismantle this powerfully armed nuclear state like nothing else will, and safely.

    Being armed with this metaphorical gun of disbelief empowers the disbeliever to regain normal analytical faculties through which is sieved every official statement, every TV `news` clip emanating out of Israel.

    Only then can one see that all these official pronouncements with added TV clips are shaped to evoke endless sympathy for a people who were allegedly the victims of unique suffering such as no others ever experienced before or since, and so every indulgence must be afforded them, no matter how obscene their behaviour to Palestinians, lest they suffer a repeat of the unique suffering we supposedly cannot begin to comprehend.