After ISRAEL demolished their homes

Where are the international human rights organization to see the suffering of Palestinian citizens in Gaza?

It is winter in Gaza and according to the UNITED NATIONS, 50,800 people are now homeless and have no access to the basic necessities of life.

400,000 people are without running water

Most water, sewer, and power facilities have been completely destroyed or rendered inoperable.

Israel has proven to be so completely unaccountable


  1. irish4palestine said,

    March 3, 2009 at 14:13

    Unaccountable to Palestine and unaccountable to the world. The only nation that is allowed to act without impunity as the world watches, truly amazing

  2. pam said,

    March 3, 2009 at 17:01

    Powerful nations have never been held to account, Israel is having trouble adjusting from a Victim Category to a Power Category. It is a difficult transition and we should all show our deep understanding for their problems- the think the US should set aside some TARP funds for counselling. They could employ US psychologists specially trained for the job-another couple of billion won`t make much difference to the American taxpayer

  3. herman said,

    March 3, 2009 at 18:08

    If saudi princes would stop shitting in golden bowls and use this billions for HELP then there wouldnt be such pictures

  4. Iain Yuile said,

    March 3, 2009 at 18:37

    Well i hope my Prime Minister Stephen Harper is just so darn proud of
    himself for his unqualified support of Israel. My heart bleeds white for
    Stephen and his fellow travellers.

  5. Matthew said,

    March 3, 2009 at 20:49

    Israel exposed its true self in Gaza. a vicious, terror state.It is a state obsessed with a need to dominate its neighbors and deluded by silly notions of Jewish Supremacy Of course, no state such as this can long endure.The world hates Israel as it would any moral abomination. See how it clings to war as its only organizing principle. Israel is spiritually dead. From the looks of recent political developments in Israel, it is a state already in the midst of disintegration.. Good riddance Israel!

  6. Fiona said,

    March 3, 2009 at 20:56

    Iain Yuile,
    You and me both, brother. Sigh….. .

  7. Cristal said,

    March 3, 2009 at 21:04

    Shame on harper, ignatiff and the rest pappets.!

  8. March 4, 2009 at 03:45

    Shame on the entire New World Disorder which will fall into the black hole no matter what it does…..

  9. March 5, 2009 at 09:23


  10. miki said,

    March 7, 2009 at 04:54

    the world is watching,we can make it all better, Pam I love your idea,but you know what,how many do speak Arabic? the Palestinian kids needs them as well