All photos taken by Sameh Habeeb….. please circulate widely.


  1. Barbara said,

    April 6, 2009 at 00:20

    I have been working with Sameh’s photographs since the very beginning. Through some fluke I came across his site and contacted him for permission. In the mishmash some of these are from his “the day before it began” series. IE the 3 little boys on the phone with their dad, the one of the boys rough housing in the alley. They are brothers.He captured children on their way home from school, just hours before the bombing began. The extremely high quality of all his shots is beyond compare.

    These are lovely sets. Sameh is, of course, the young man in the Press jacket. He is a very decent young man, and had the mixed blessing of being skilled, as well as Palestinian when this horror began. People TALK to him so his writing is deeper than as if a foreign journalist was asking questions. And the children ALL smile at him.

    The burning heaps are from the bombing of the UN food supplies.

    Sameh is currently traveling through England speaking the truth. One of his most striking series is the one on the chicken farm which I happen to have posted sometime in late January.

    Sameh has the skill of capturing the real person in his photos, a rare gift indeed. I have a series I am still loathe to post, of a young man ~ and as Sameh photographs him, he is aware. Then, suddenly you realize, between clicks, he died. SO powerful I was immobilized for day. haunted and sleepless, for about a week.

    This is one of his sites. From Gaza: Suffering Like Gazans ~ or ~ Gaze, the Untold Story.

    As a firm believer than one picture paints more than a hundred thousand words, Sameh Habeeb is extremely prolific and his work should definitely not be ignored.

  2. michael mazur said,

    April 6, 2009 at 03:55

    That their thinking, which was formed in the Bronze Age, is determined to throw all others into the Stone Age is well attested to in Sameh Habeeb’s Victim’s Victims microcosm photo essay of what awaits us all, but here depicting the distressed people of Gaza finding their reduced to rubble infrastructure being as useful as stones were in our common forebears time.

  3. April 6, 2009 at 08:25

    Ban Zionism.

    Zionism is a clinically racist ideology run by people so insane, I don’t even know if they deserve it!

    It would be a joke if it wasn’t so sad, these people REALLY BELIEVE they are the master race over all the jews & gentiles and everyone!

    Really! Israel is a psychopathic country hog-tying its way into commanding a New World Order, and all sorts of craziness. Stop her now!!!!!!

    Israel I say is a danger to humanity and must be subdued, its government must be stopped at all cost & NO more incinerating the Iranians/Arabs or worst yet, Americans.

  4. April 7, 2009 at 04:00

    The purpose of the Gaza massacre — to make sure Natanyahoo would
    win the election. It had nothing to do with Israel’s right to self-defense.
    Besieged, virtually defenseless Gaza was never a threat to Israel’s existence.
    The few pitiful home-made rockets Hamas sent into southern Israel, where they did virtually no harm, did not justify the genocide of Gaza. But it so
    fired up enough Israelis to believe that there was real danger and only a
    strong man — a psychopathic thug — like Netanyahu could save Israel.

    If Israel wanted peace — she holds all the trump cards — there could be peace tomorrow, there could have been peace four decades ago. All she’d have to do is go back to the 1967 boarders and let the poor Palestininans have a state of their own. There’d be instant peace. But the Zionist crew would also have to pull out the beastly illegal settlements, something they do not want to do; in fact, they keep expanding them.

    Lots of psychopaths among the Zionist crew — people who are convinced that whatever they want, however atrocious, is right; never mind the consequences to other people. Lots of decent Jews too who don’t go along with the psychopaths. I recently saw pictures of a demonstration of New York Jews who bore big placards such as “End the Gaza siesge” and “No Gaza siege in our name.”

    How perverted too the Zionist’s rage at the one IDF soldier held captive
    by Hamas when Israel holds thousands of Palestinians captive in inhuman Isaeli jails!