I have always maintained that if we do not upset, or better yet anger, the zionists, we are not doing something right. They seem mighty upset today…. as indicated in THIS Jerusalem Post article. It seems to be straight out of Mad Magazine. Although names are not mentioned, it is obvious that the writer is talking about Michael Rivero of What Really Happened and yours truly, Steve Amsel of DesertPeace. There! I named us!!

One of the things that upsets him about me is…..

While he may have e-mail contacts in Gaza, it would seem to me to be a bit condescending for him to be speaking for native Gazans, who are probably capable of portraying their own situation at least as effectively as he does, from dozens of kilometers away. What, he’s got some special insight they don’t?

Does this idiot not know that the people living in Gaza have no voice? Does he not know that the press is barred from the area?? When is the last time a Jerusalem Post reporter interviewed the ‘man in the street’ in the Gaza Strip???

And yes….. I do have some special insight! It’s called an open mind and a commitment to spread the truth about the situation in Gaza and the Occupied West Bank.

If the writer of the piece cannot see that, it is he that is the condescending one.

As for my accomplice in crime’, Michael Rivero, I am proud to share centre stage with him on this issue.

The article follows…..

Digital World: What creeps under the Internet rocks

You know how during the spring, when you start working in your garden again, you have to get rid of the detritus – the leaves, rocks, etc. – that have piled up in the winter? And you know how sometimes when you move a rock or a pile of old leaves, you uncover a community of very strange and icky looking bugs? And you know how gross you feel when you see those bugs?

That’s how I felt when I prepared this column. I’ve been turning over rocks around the Internet, trying to dig up dirt on some of the most prolific anti-Israel and anti-Jewish writers out there.

You may not be aware of it, but there’s a burgeoning mini-industry on the Internet, consisting of blogs that truck in the most despicable anti-Jewish lies out there.

Of course, the authors of these sites take great pains to point out that they’re merely “anti-Zionist,” or that “it’s a minority of the Jews who are responsible.” But their writings are straight out of the Dark Ages, with references to Jewish mass murder, well-poisoning (“Jews poison wells in the West Bank with the condoning of the Israeli government,” says one blog written by a well-known American anti-Semite), and worse – with even the medieval blood libel charge being revived.

Well-meaning, rational people – both Jewish and otherwise – sometimes attempt to argue back or present facts in the talkback forums on these blogs, only to be shot down or censored, so the only point of view permitted on the site is the one that confirms the sick views of the blog author.

The best way to fight them, I believe, is to discredit them – to show them up for the liars and hypocrites they really are. So, what I’ve done is gather information – freely available on the Internet – on several of the more prominent Internet anti-Semitic “personalities.” I’ve brought as many examples as space allows, and I have many others. But in the vast majority of cases, these Internet Jew-haters are living hypocritical lifestyles, often guilty of exactly the same thing they accuse “the Zionists” of doing!

For example, one of the premier internet anti-Semites runs his site (and home business) from the suburbs of Honolulu, Hawaii. This blogger, who claims to know “what really is happening” in the world, is a radical leftist/liberal type, whose site gets a fair amount of traffic, and seems to be a source of material for many other anti-Semitic blogs. Most of his content consists of links to “legitimate” news sites, with his commentary.

Of course, one of his favorite targets is “the Occupation” by Israel of Judea and Samaria/the West Bank (I put both terms in to ensure that the focus is on the subject, not the politics). “The settlers” are this, the settlers are that, the settlers are worse than Nazis – anyone whose perused any of these sites will get the idea.

But reading his site, I’ve never seen this fellow address his own sins of occupation – the one where he is part of the horde of mainland Americans who have occupied Hawaii, breaking treaties signed with the sovereign Kingdom of Hawaii (http://www.freehawaii.org/). Now, that may sound a bit far-fetched, especially to those of us who grew up in the US – but apparently, there are a fair number of Hawaiians who don’t think so. The main point, however, is that it would appear that someone who is guilty of occupying someone else’s land (both the blogger and his wife are definitely not of Polynesian or other South Pacific stock) is the last person who should be wagging his finger at Israelis!

Note, incidentally, that I haven’t mentioned this person’s name, or site; the reason is that Wikipedia recently banned a biography page on this guy, because he’s famous only among conspiracy theory nuts. He hasn’t been mentioned in the real media enough, and I don’t intend to help him (if you want details, drop me an e-mail).

Then there’s the blogger who, apparently operating from an apartment in French Hill, Jerusalem, supplies his readers with up to the minute news – from Gaza! Of course, all the “news” is about how evil the IDF is, how Gazans suffer, etc. Again, I am not making a political call here; Israeli policy in Gaza is certainly something that should – must – be discussed and analyzed. But not here, not by this guy, who purports to promote “peace in the desert.” He’s just the wrong man for the job!

While he may have e-mail contacts in Gaza, it would seem to me to be a bit condescending for him to be speaking for native Gazans, who are probably capable of portraying their own situation at least as effectively as he does, from dozens of kilometers away. What, he’s got some special insight they don’t?

But even more – the writer of this blog is himself apparently Jewish, an immigrant from New York, and a resident of the State of Israel for over two decades! And while we would defend the right of any member of any ethnic group or religion to take any side he or she wishes in a political dispute, it again seems a bit much for a total outsider to portray a culture and lifestyle that he has no part in. And the fact that he, too, “occupies” an apartment on land (in Jerusalem) that the Palestinians see as their own – while he purports to be helping them out – is mind-boggling, to say the least.


  1. skulz fontaine said,

    April 14, 2009 at 13:54

    Struck a nerve. Good job Steve. Now, be really careful and stay the hell out of airplanes.

  2. April 14, 2009 at 16:10

    Bravo! You’ve achieved success since the moron David Shamah is upset: as evident in the quote below.

    I continue to be amazed about such idiots who claim to be “objective” yet support the ITF (Israeli Terrorist Forces) or settlers terrorism, barbarism, apartheid and ethnic cleansing!

    “I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is to try to please everyone.” – Bill Cosby


  3. Greg Bacon said,

    April 14, 2009 at 16:40

    Your link mentioned in this paragraph, seem mighty upset today…. as indicated in THIS Jerusalem Post article. doesn’t work.

    Do you have a legit link?

  4. April 14, 2009 at 16:48

    Wow Steve, where to begin. Firstly you must be doing something right as they are annoyed, so keep up the good work! I found two other passages to be quite comical and for me much more telling. For instance:

    1. “Then there’s the blogger who, apparently operating from an apartment in French Hill, Jerusalem, supplies his readers with up to the minute news – from Gaza! Of course, all the “news” is about how evil the IDF is, how Gazans suffer, etc. Again, I am not making a political call here; Israeli policy in Gaza is certainly something that should – must – be discussed and analyzed. But not here, not by this guy, who purports to promote “peace in the desert.” He’s just the wrong man for the job!”

    Ah, so this is a subject that “should” be discussed, just not by anyone who is Jewish and against Israel’s actions. Any Jew who dares to go against the state of Israel is the “Wrong man for the job” Hence he is even angrier that you are a Jew, a double whammy:)

    2. “But even more – the writer of this blog is himself apparently Jewish, an immigrant from New York, and a resident of the State of Israel for over two decades! “

    See what a racist state Israel truly is here? Perhaps Israel should create a clause for Jews who move there, making them sign a form stating that if you live here you have to be in lock step with the Government at all times. Otherwise you are not the “right” kind of Jew. Additionally, the vast majority of Jews in Israel are all immigrants. But maybe we should take him up on his ideas and all the immigrants leave Israel, after that there would be only a handful and vastly outnumbered, perhaps they’d make peace then out of necessity.

    Lastly, Have you ever come upon a huge ant hill or mound? What happens when you kick it? All the little ants start running around in all directions in a blind panic. You see, all these blogs he refers to, along with yourself and Michael had the audacity to kick the ant hill. I say Keep kicking:)

  5. hANOVER fIST said,

    April 14, 2009 at 17:19

    Let’s start with this garbage: “..trying to dig up dirt on some of the most prolific anti-Israel and anti-Jewish writers out there…”

    Once again…for the slow readers in the room: WE THE PEOPLE do not hate people for what they ARE; WE THE PEOPLE hate people for what they DO.

    Not all jews are israeli.

    It’s like stating all Blacks are African – it’s simply not true.

    Steve Amsel…how about figuring out that dumping white phosphorous on a population probably isn’t the best way to garner positive press, maybe?

  6. hANOVER fIST said,

    April 14, 2009 at 17:22

    Let’s start with this garbage: “..trying to dig up dirt on some of the most prolific anti-Israel and anti-Jewish writers out there…”

    Once again…for the slow readers in the room: WE THE PEOPLE do not hate people for what they ARE; WE THE PEOPLE hate people for what they DO.

    Not all jews are israeli.

    It’s like stating all Blacks are African – it’s simply not true.

    David Shamah (Steve…my apologies…I just couldn’t believe this asshat wrote such a stupid bloody article!)…how about figuring out that dumping white phosphorous on a population probably isn’t the best way to garner positive press, maybe?

  7. desertpeace said,

    April 14, 2009 at 17:26

    The link works now.

  8. BiblioHistoria said,

    April 14, 2009 at 18:09

    “And while we would defend the right of any member of any ethnic group or religion to take any side he or she wishes in a political dispute, it again seems a bit much for a total outsider to portray a culture and lifestyle that he has no part in. ”

    So despite being there for 20 years you, Steve, are still an outsider. You still apparently have NO PART in the culture in which you live. Did this fellow interview you, come and see you to actually PROVE that statement? if not then he lied. But that’s no surpirse, Jews seem to think nothing of telling lies.

    So does this mean that according to this jopurnalist fellow, EVERY SINGLE newly returned jew over the last 20 years will always be considered an outsider to the jewish population for the rest of their lives?

    And so does this mean that Israel actually considers the REAL jews to be the Sabras? (sabra – israeli born jew). If you are not a Sabra then you are NOT a jew. That seems to be what this fellow is saying.

    If that ia true then Mark Regev need to be expelled from Israel as he was NOT born in Israel and he is NOT a Sabra.

    Seems to me that it is ONLY returned jews (born outside of Israel) who insist on showing up Israel’s mistakes to the entire world that are considerd outsiders.

    Mark Regev (although born outside of Israel) has never shown Israels mistakes to the world – he covers them up or makes excuses for them instead. Thats why he is an insider.

  9. erich kronberger said,

    April 14, 2009 at 18:24

    When will man realize what does to the other he does to himself . The other is the other…. the one is the other… etc. Let us forgive and live together in love and brotherhood. Life is too precious and we are all priceless. thanks

  10. Ron Lambert said,

    April 14, 2009 at 18:27

    I’m puzzled, please help me. If European Jews are descended from the Ashkenazi or Khazars, and they weren’t really bloodline Jews anyway…how can American Jews of European descent be Jews? Even most of Israeli Jewry were pogrom victims from Europe, so they aren’t really true-Jews either. In fact the closest body of true Semitic blood, going back as far as Abraham are the Palestinians and probably the old family Jews who lived in Palestine before the Balfour treaty. Am I correct here, or very nearly?

  11. April 14, 2009 at 18:51

    Bravo to both you and Michael
    Both have kept me sane in the past number of years in knowing that my concerns are shared
    And have also kept me busy lecturing my government
    Kathleen Bridel

  12. April 14, 2009 at 18:53

    What really amazes me is that the original article appeared in the first place: the quality of writing is of such a pathetic level that the Jerusalem Post must be desperate to fill its pages. The writer – and I use that word while choking back the bile that has burned my throat at the thought – has made the sophomoric mistake of failing to justify his arguments with anything less than personal attacks against his chosen targets.

    The worst thing that he could say against Michael Rivera was that Michael is NOT Hawaiian or of Polynesian descent, and this makes it hypocritical to focus on the events taking place right now in Israel. At the same time, for living in a predominantly Arab neighbourhood (French Hill) Steve Amsel becomes disqualified to discuss the affairs of the Gazans? One might think that this would actually qualify him for the reason that he has lived in that neighbourhood for over twenty years and has earned the love and respect of his neighbours – he has become part of the community and has opened his home to people regardless of their race.

    So, according to Mr Shamah, what would qualify someone to be critical of the policies of the State of Israel? Apparently he is offended when Jews speak up and I’m sure he would see criticism coming from the ‘goyim’ as outright anti-Semitism. This is the problem with Zionism and Zionists – they have to realize that there is a distinct difference between criticism and someone aiming hatred at you. They should realize that if we hated Jews – truly hated them – we would not bother complaining about their actions as the State of Israel – we (as in the world) would simply muster the military wherewithal to wipe them off the face of the earth … but that is NOT the nature of what is happening. I do not want to see that part of the world destroyed or have it erupt into a war – I want to see all of the people living there live in peace – without the criminal actions that are currently being carried out by the zealot Zionists in pursuit of their fanatical agenda.

    If the criticisms against Zionism are too much for them to take, that’s is just too bad: the shoe fits (and it is one really ugly, blood-encrusted, filthy, hideous thing) – now they have to wear it until they change their ways.

    Oh – the other thing that Mr Shamah did which demonstrates his cowardice as a writer is to use his position (ie. newspaper columnist) to take on private citizens but not actually have the courage to name them. It is a childish ploy, somewhat akin to ‘you can’t guess who I’m talking about’. Of course, some will say that the paper was afraid of libel or slander – then, I say, the article should have never been published. Why? for this simple reason: charges of libel and slander have one (ONE – 1 -) defense that is absolute, for which there is absolutely nothing that anyone can do in protestation: tell the truth. Had Mr Shamah reported the truth he could have named Michael and Steve as much as he wanted, but – he knew that the actions of Israel in Gaza – as covered by Whatreallyhappened and Desertpeace are the TRUTH.

    There is no defense against the truth.

    Wie viel ist aufzuleiden!

  13. Barbara said,

    April 14, 2009 at 19:31

    Well Steve, these guys sound about as dangerous as those critters I wrote to you about the other day. Bombast and blather but no beef or barley!

    Interesting, I go to a LOT of websites that are very very anti Israel, and they don’t get nearly as much attention. You must have a very skilled publicity manager? Or is it, they think they can with you?

    When they banned Galloway from Canada awhile back, the result was he got SO MUCH publicity that he ended up speaking to thousands and then his broadcast was eagerly swallowed up by umpteen more viewers. AND, the government made an ass of itself internationally! AND they let us all know, in the final analysis just how frightened they were off what he had to say!

    They still don’t “get” that bump up the publicity angle. Let’s not tell them that bit hmmm?

    “Of course, the authors of these sites take great pains to point out that they’re merely “anti-Zionist,” or that “it’s a minority of the Jews who are responsible.”

    Er, does this person not understand the concept of individual human beings or is he totally into the hive mindset?

    Humanists are not prone to such sweeping generalizations.

  14. Daoud said,

    April 14, 2009 at 19:33

    “…But reading his site, I’ve never seen this fellow address his own sins of occupation – the one where he is part of the horde of mainland Americans who have occupied Hawaii, breaking treaties signed with the sovereign Kingdom of Hawaii (http://www.freehawaii.org/)…”

    Actually, Mike Rivero has several times addressed this matter, and has a permanent link to an article he wrote about it.

    If this is the extent of his familiarity with What Really Happened.com, then it’s likely that he is equally ignorant about Desert Peace.

    And, regrettably, such people actually get paid to produce this nonsense.

  15. THEO said,

    April 14, 2009 at 21:31

    This reminds me of Netenyahoo’s comments about not wanting nuclear capabilities in the hands of “Messianic religious zealots who threaten to drag the world down with them” which is precisly what Israel is and is doing. And muchlike the choreographed and staged ‘terror wars’ where victims are targeted, tortured, and killed and them blamed for ‘our bad behavoir’ thus justifying breaking International laws, treaties and agreements and therefore guaranteeing the creation of more ‘terrorists’ (If you killed my kid/nephew/wife then hell yes I would be forced into ‘terrorism’) and thus perpetuating the old hatred and guaranteeing more deaths and destruction and thus profits and confiscation of land you would realize the whole ‘peace process’ has been and always will be a scam to enrich those in power and disenfranchize those whom they profess to care about and ‘help’. State sanctioned mass murder is still murder and when based upon lies and fabrications becomes war crimes. ‘We’ have become exactly what we supposedly fought against in WW2 and WW2 has been rewritten to an exclusively Jewish war that was totally unprovoked. Truth is evident in peoples actions, not what lies they say and repeat. EXACTLY like the ‘change’ we voted for in the USA that was all based on election lies yet again like we got in 2006. The big house of cards built on all these lies is crumbling and they are DESPERATE as they cling to power that is slipping away as the truth is exposed. There will be nowhere on Earth for them to hide when the truth of their crimes is exposed.

  16. April 14, 2009 at 21:33

    If Christain Sionists/Zionists were righteous, they would have nothing to fear from that proverbial exposure…….

    It is clear to all human beings that Christain Zionists are evil violent men with no morals, that the Israeli Zionists are nearly more evil with less morals then the modern democratic people of society.

    These liberal elite rulers have NO morals, and no conscience about murder……Murder is a crime before G-d.

    I thought Zionists knew that……or do Zionists (of all type) believe there is no god?

    That is the ultimate question isn’t it…….we are not afraid to fight for what we believe in, and that is Zion should be ended and those states should be made democratic again. Whole and complete societies again.

    War crimes of immense suffering have gone on there for many, many years….the Patriot Act keeps us from speaking out….tries to keep us afraid, even though none of us really are.

    So Zionists perhaps the time has come to look in the proverbial neocon mirror……You cause such suffering and strife in what, by ruining the very name of Yeshua and of truth? To what end?

    Are you deceiving them and are you winning, or in the end is the only one you are deceiving yourselves….?

    What did the arabs, the palestinians, the others do to you….that you should desire them all dead. By having such desires, are you not condoning the hypocrisy of your own words making you share the very same fate? Destruction ends in destruction, is that the fate Zion desires..?

    Next time, instead of blaming the accuser…Why don’t you look at the accused by inquiring inside your own selves.

  17. Ben Heine said,

    April 14, 2009 at 21:41

    Steve, that’s something that will draw attention on your blog and your commitment!
    Stupid when this guy says you’re the wrong man for the job! You’re the man the democratic side of Israel was waiting since a long time!
    So keep it up and be safe.

  18. TF&BN said,

    April 14, 2009 at 22:09

    I am insulted that my site was overlooked. Plenty of anti-Zionist content there too!

  19. April 14, 2009 at 22:22


  20. Matt Giwer said,

    April 14, 2009 at 22:25

    People with material critical of Israel on their websites are usually the recipients of late night death threats and their ISPs get marathon phone calls hoping to disrupt business enough to get the accounts cancelled. Those tactics are failing. There are more websites than there are jewish extremists like Marduk.
    The story needs be told. Keeping the story simple and factual makes the defense of Israel damning in itself.
    1) They chose to go to Palestine.
    2) They started going there before Hitler was born.
    3) The Palestinians had to be expelled else they would have won the first election and ended Zionism once and for all.

    Jews stole the land.The owners want it back.

    That is all there is to know about the subject.

  21. Maurice said,

    April 14, 2009 at 23:58

    So, according to this stand-up comedian, “Israeli policy in Gaza is certainly something that should – must – be discussed and analyzed” . Great! Let’s discuss and analyse the killing and maiming of hundreds of Palestinian children! You know Steve, he could be right. You may “the wrong man” for that particular job. Your job after all is helping the voiceless have a voice. You’re doing a great job. Keep it up.

  22. willyloman said,

    April 15, 2009 at 00:14

    Didn’t someone just write an article about the “What about THIS?” argument we seem to be seeing more and more of?

    I guess he would think that the best way to address this upswing in anti-Zionist aggression in the public sphere would be to try to attack the messenger; they certainly can’t debate the facts on the ground in Gaza or the history anymore.

    Last I checked, no one was bombed in Hawaii this year with WillyPete and we weren’t holding 1.5 million Hawaiians in the worlds largest open air prison in violation of international law… but I guess, maybe that’s the best comparison this guy could come up with?

  23. Susan Zahedi said,

    April 15, 2009 at 00:23

    Israeli Zionist Jews are shameless people and fortunately there are less and less people around the world who believe their lies .
    Mike Rivero and Steve you are stars and more people read your websites than the crap that is produced daily in the shitty J. Post.
    Keep up the good work and fuck the Zioist worlwide, their day will come.

  24. cook said,

    April 15, 2009 at 01:34

    steve,micheal.i always new you blokes were champions,keep pissin the bastards off,i love it.these bastards have’nt got the mind power that stev and micheal obviously have.keep up the great work,i could sit here and blow sunshine up your arse all day but you have to much to do pissin everyone else off.mate god forbid i get in your way of doing a job for all of us honest and open minded people. thank-you both.

  25. Alan Cabal said,

    April 15, 2009 at 02:33

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: anybody who hasn’t been accused of “anti-Semitism” by now is either a coward or a collaborator.

  26. Fiona said,

    April 15, 2009 at 04:56

    Well done Steve and Mike. The man sounds upset.

  27. encoreppc said,

    April 15, 2009 at 08:20

    way to go J-post, these cover up makes people digging more the truth

  28. Lasse Wilhelmson said,

    April 15, 2009 at 10:39

    We are for sure more than just 2 🙂


  29. Philomena said,

    April 15, 2009 at 15:27

    Bravo Steve and Mike. As the old saying goes, there is no such thing as bad publicity.

    Both sites are daily reading for me — if not for both of your well imformed and factual reporting on the political evils of Zionism, slow motion genocide against the Palestinians and the lobby’s murderous grip on worldwide and US politics I would have given up hope a long time ago.

    The world (and internet) is a better place due to your heroic reporting in the face of Zionism total control of mainstream media.

    I admire and appauld you both — keep up the excellent reproting. We need you like the Gazans and desert needs water. Our thirst for truth will never be quenched so long as Zionist controlled newspapers operate on the same level of deceit , racism and propaganda as did Geobble in Nazi Germany.

  30. Yisrael said,

    April 15, 2009 at 16:04

    The man Mohammed, the Prophet, they say.He abolished the taking of interests. Rapists and thieves were punished. And a lot more rules were enacted to protect the masses.
    Our leaders up till this day, are altogether the opposite of what that man preached.
    All of them are more concerned about making big bucks. They lied and lied.
    And even bringing nations into war. All based on lies.

  31. Jerry said,

    April 16, 2009 at 00:22

    You said it! You know you`re doing something right when these zionist terrorists start mentioning you in their propaganda rags.

    More power to you!

  32. Sam Bahour said,

    April 19, 2009 at 12:07

    Good work Steve. You are a welcome Palestinian Jewish citizen of occupied Jerusalem, Palestine!