Image ‘Copyleft’ by Carlos Latuff


  1. David said,

    April 24, 2009 at 14:06

    I just read yesterday that also denouncing Zionism is at the core of anti-Semitic.The list keeps growing every day as to what you are not permitted to say about Israel.

  2. David in Toronto said,

    April 24, 2009 at 19:53

    Considering that they have been getting away with this for over 60 years- Considering that the United States Government should call itself The United States of Israel-
    And considering that the Zionists control the media in the entire western world.-
    This is going to be one very tough nut to crack!
    Congratulations, Desert;peace- you are right out there in front, and you are leading the charge! (Bring it on!)

  3. kimwssmith said,

    April 24, 2009 at 20:00

    It sure would be nice if the Taliban got hold of just one nuke and put Fascist Israel out of out misery!

  4. danoj said,

    April 24, 2009 at 20:51

    kimwssmith, I doubt any Talib could get hold of a nuke and if he did he wouldn’t know how to use it. I visited Afghanistan in 1995. These simple people could hardly control the traffic, sparse as it was then.

    When the American plans came in 2001, they began to chase their tanks after planes flying thousands of feet in the sky and fired at them!!! They also did not know any thing about even comouflaging their war battered tanks and they were wiped out within hours. (the tanks) The Talibaan themselves were either killed or imprisoned and the group was effectively nuetralised. The people who are fighting for freedom in Afghanistan don’t even call themselves Talibaan, they are mujahideen-common citizens and not religious students-who have had enough of the wanton bombing and killing that the US carries out in their country.

    America has made Talibaan some superhuman force that can some how attack and conquer America-without planes, tanks or even proper armour????? For God’s sake those people didn’t even have proper shoes leave alone the rest.

    The people in Wana-where these superhumans are purported to be hiding have death raining on them by skeletel drones and they cannot do a thing about it. How can they invade Islamabad? Where is the Pakistan army?

    The same army that even India fears. Are they just going to stand and look on.

    But if by Talibaans you mean the guys who blow up markets, schools and mosques then thats another thing. Because those are US hoods posing as Talibaans. Talibaan would never blow up their own people, nor their own schools and never never any mosques. But like the former ISI chief Hamid guls says, Pakistan lost Wana in the Afghan war to the CIA. CIA paid agents control Wana and they run events there as America dictates, Pakistan army or its secret agents have no say over the region.

    Americans like Adam pearlman grandson of a prominent Israeli lobbyist-who pretend to be converts to Islam call the shots and call it in such a way as to put Islam in the blackest of lights.

    These so called Talibaans commit the crimes and the drones come and bomb innocent civilians, ethnic Pashtoons, who are Americas real targets-Adam pearlman and his henchman Masud and others have not been scratched by these drones or come close to it and they never will be even though they hold their jirgas (conferences) right there in the open. Obviously being US assets they will not be harmed.

    These bombings achieve two things for the US, bomb thier leaders, who might interefere in American plans for the region and drive recruits to the American backed fake Talibaan. Who angry and frustrated over the brutal bombing of their villages become willing suicide bombers to be used un wittingly in more anti Islamic propaganda.

    I hope some one murders this pearlman and claims a bounty. I’m sure a lot of Americans will be willing to pay it because he is the man who called for muslims to murder American women and children. Guess they (The CIA) could not find a local to give this Fatwa so they got a jew to give it.

  5. notreally said,

    April 24, 2009 at 21:36

    That was very anti-sematic kim. I’m going to report you to mossad

  6. Igno said,

    April 24, 2009 at 21:46

    “It sure would be nice if the Taliban got hold of just one nuke and put Fascist Israel out of out misery!”

    No it wouldn’t. That’s a horrific thing to say.

    The best case scenario is that (eventually) Israel will collapse under the burden of it’s own innate flaws – and vanish from the page of time.

  7. April 24, 2009 at 22:29

    It was once called the SHITTY LITTLE STATE. With the fresh episodes of horrendous crimes that word is not expressive enough to describe ISRA-HELL.

  8. bob said,

    April 24, 2009 at 22:34

    Ok, so people comply and don’t say anything that is ‘so over the top sensitive’ to those moral sensitive types. Fine … a spade is still a spade if you don’t refer to it by name.

    So? Israel is still doing wrong and knows it.

  9. April 24, 2009 at 23:54

    the easiest way to crack it is not to be afraid of being falsely labelled an “anti semite “. Just point to individuals committing crimes and don’t worry about allegations of “anti semitism”

    They are not used to people standing up to them

  10. dogismyth said,

    April 25, 2009 at 02:35

    Oh boy Kim. Surely you jest. What about the many children and innocent folks that would die. Do you understand the ramifications of your words, and the inciting nature of these words?

    You must think solutions….peaceful ones. But apparently you have a reactionary and underdeveloped brain. Go join your comrades.

  11. Alex said,

    April 25, 2009 at 03:37

    Very few Jews are semites to start with. In fact I doubt if even 15% of Israelis have a drop of semitic blood. So how can anyone be “anti” against them when they are not semites?

    On the other hand almost all Palestinians and Arabs are semites, because they speak semitic language, and their origins are from the Land of Shem, which is almost whole Middle East.

    In other words if you are an “antisemite”, that means that you’re against Arabs, not the Jews, who could belong to any tribe on Earth

  12. in retrospect said,

    April 25, 2009 at 10:48

    Even Jews are denouncing Israel’s war crimes. Can a Jew be charged as anti-semitic?

  13. DChristie said,

    April 25, 2009 at 13:34

    Let’s stop cowering at the threat of being called an “anti-Semite”, shall we?

    First, it’s a misnomer as 95% of Israelis are about as “Semitic” as Leif Ericson.

    What “Semites” have ever been known to come out of Poland …eh? Ridiculous.

    Secondly, if being against mass murder, kidnapping, ethnic cleansing, rank-raw race apartheid, war crimes, medieval military colonialism and fraud is “anti-Semitic”…well then –

    You’re goddamn right I’m anti-Semitic,…. And proud of it.

    So now, what are you going to do about it, Zionist pussy?