I was going to write a piece today about the modern day Pharaohs but VivaPalestina wrote something instead….

As is stated in their report, ‘for the 1st time, Egypt has now openly admitted that they are under control of Israel/US.’ You will see in the video at the bottom that Jordan is as well.

Over 1,400 people (almost as many as were massacred by Israel last year) from all over the world literally put their lives on hold to stand and march in solidarity with the people of Gaza. Aside from the monies raised to purchase necessary supplies, these people gave up their holidays, a time to spend with their families, to help a segment of the ‘family of man’ that is in need.

One would expect the government of Israel to do everything in its power to stop the convoy from entering Gaza. This is THEIR siege and they will protect it! BUT…. when Egypt and Jordan back them, there are no words (except some that might offend readers) to describe the situation.

D I S G R A C E F U L !  ! !


Over 500 people from 20 countries, in 250 vehicles loaded with Humanitarian Aid, are left stranded in Aqaba, Jordan, having been refused permission to enter Egypt.  The Egyptian Government have placed 3 conditions on the convoy if it wants to enter Egypt.

1. We hand all our vehicles and aid over to UNRA.

2. We drive 500 miles back to Syria, and take a 24 hour ferry through the Suez Canal.

3. We have to ask Israel for permission to cross from Egypt to Gaza.

All 3 conditions have been flatly rejected by everyone on the convoy, as we want to cross into Gaza and hand our aid over to the Palestinians ourselves. For the 1st time, Egypt has now openly admitted that they are under control of Israel/US.

Tomorrow marks the 1st anniversary of the start of the 22 day massacre of over 1,400 people. In solidarity, we are all going to embark on a fast. We will all fast for as long as it takes for us to get into Gaza with our aid.  We are calling on people all over the world to fast with us, and with the Palestinians, who fast every day due to the illegal siege imposed upon them by Israel/US/Egypt.

Viva is calling on you to contact the Egyptian Embassy and demand that we be allowed to enter Gaza and deliver our aid with our own hands.  The contact details for the Egyptian Embassy in USA are: 202.966.6342,

Please contact them, and express your outrage at their refusal to allow Humanitarian Aid into Gaza.

More Info on VivaPalestina can be found HERE


Since June 2007 Gaza has been under a crippling blockade with few essential goods making it through. Now an aid convoy of 250 trucks and ambulances is attempting to reach the Strip to deliver much needed supplies. But a bureaucratic argument with Egypt is holding it back in Aqaba in southwest Jordan. Al Jazeera’s Clayton Swisher reports.

This is worth reading as well….. Gaza Freedom March: the siege has to end


  1. December 27, 2009 at 09:05

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by palestinian, Hisham. Hisham said: DESERTPEACE: ARAB LEADERS JOIN IN TO SUPPORT THE ISRAELI SIEGE OF #GAZA […]

  2. hans said,

    December 27, 2009 at 11:06

    There we go again, this saga proves my point you have boozoos as leaders, throw out these boozoos who just like linings of the silver kind. Do not just blame the authorities what about your so called Arab Street? Why no demonstration regarding this blatant arrogance. Ask the “Angry Arab” will he be willing to settle and help the Gaza citizens, I doubt it!

  3. craig said,

    December 27, 2009 at 16:22

    Makes you proud to be an american, huh? Why blame Egypt when it is america that won’t stand up to Israel? What america did to the indians Israel is doing to the palestinians. It’s a grand tradition, and it’s not much fun to watch.

  4. December 27, 2009 at 16:30

    Social comments and analytics for this post…

    This post was mentioned on Twitter by palestinian: DesertPeace: ARAB LEADERS JOIN IN TO SUPPORT THE ISRAELI SIEGE OF GAZA: I was going to write a piece today abou..

  5. Truthteller said,

    December 27, 2009 at 16:45

    What infiltration, Egypt? You mean that your security forces are so pathetically incompetent and weak that they cannot monitor this unarmed humanitarian convoy? What have you done with the hundreds of millions of dollars of US military aid to equip and train your security forces that they cannot handle a simple task like this?

    You, Mubarak, and you, Hussein of Jordan, are so dependent on the US, and the apartheid entity that is your neighbour, for your personal survival that you are willing to sell your country’s honour to carry out any dirty work on their behalf. You are a shame to your peoples.

    The time is coming when you will be held accountable to your people, and to their brothers and sisters in Gaza. Will the evil axis that you support then come to your assistance? I wouldn’t bet a rotting date on it.

  6. The Lone Ranger said,

    December 27, 2009 at 22:44

    P.S. I just tried to send this email to the Egyptian Embassy. It came back due to their “MAILBOX BEING FULL?” So here it is for all to see: To Whom It May Concern,Shame on you! Is it not obvious you have been taken over by the zionists?Shame on you! You are keeping 1.5 million Palestinians from receiving aid from Viva Gaza.Shame on you! Once upon a time, ever since I was a child, I wanted to visit The Giza Plateau. No more!Your lack of empathy, sympathy & compassion for a trapped population of which 50% are children joins you with the likes of Bush, Blair and Obama as certifiable war criminals.I will never set foot in your land unless you change your habit of licking colonial boots.Unless you allow Viva Gaza into your country in an expedited manner I shall remain, Forever Disgusted by your criminal leadership,