Sicker than sick…..
Israeli soldiers have found yet a new way to dehumanise the Palestinian people….  they have created a new dance.

It’s a simple dance….
1. Grab a Palestinian woman
2. Blindfold her
3. Handcuff her
Then you do the Hokey Pokey…..

You can watch it on video by clicking HERE

Just when you think the IDF can’t sink any lower than they are they manage to prove us wrong.

Also can be seen at Robin’s Blog


  1. brian said,

    June 26, 2010 at 09:32

    hmm Has Jula Guillard, the new Australian PM seen this>
    as she supports israel and zionism and of course, they support her

  2. Bonnie said,

    June 26, 2010 at 15:06

    Unfortunately, the same way as the AmericaN Military.

    May the God of all Creation, help us.

  3. June 26, 2010 at 15:29

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by SteveScott, xXKelly82Xx. xXKelly82Xx said: ISRAELI SOLDIERS CREATE NEW DANCE ~~ SICKER THAN SICK: Sicker than sick….. Israeli soldiers have … #flotilla #israel […]

  4. spktruth said,

    June 26, 2010 at 17:03

    Brave! You call this guy brave? He is a brave zionist apartheid supporter of the worst terrorist group on earth….zionists. Its a wonder the protestors didnt do more than yell at this little zionist fool. No matter the zionists have proven to the world they are terrorists. Yesterday, the zionist government refused to permit pain medication into palestinan hospitals. All those wheelchairs and other medical supplies are still not delivered. This is collective punishment against all Palestinans because they had the nerve to democratically elect Hamas as their government. Jimmy Carter supervised the elections which were honest and fair. The fact that ABBAS the PLO Traitor like Arafat was turned down by Gazans as their leader has made ABBAS an even bigger traitor to the Palestian people since he is working with zionists and the US to keep GAZA the largest prison of humanity in the world. Its a good thing that young jewish americans like my grandsons have studied zionism vs judasim and have turned against zionist, the government of Israel and stand with humanitarians around the world.

  5. la.verite said,

    June 26, 2010 at 23:53

    Do you know where this incident took place and by whom this video was shot?