One question…. Are the ‘Rights’ claimed by the zionists justified, or are they Wrongs?

According to the zionist press, one psycho journalist in particular (Caroline Glick) they are justified…

She claimed over the weekend that “Zionism after all is the national liberation movement of the Jewish people. To say that Jews – uniquely among all the nations – have no right to freedom and self-determination is obviously anti-Semitic”.

One commenter to my POST hit the nail right on the head when he wrote…

re: Ms Glick’s stating: ‘Zionism after all is the national liberation movement of the Jewish people. To say that Jews – uniquely among all the nations – have no right to freedom and self-determination is obviously anti-Semitic.’

First off, this infers that Jews cannot be ‘free’, nor enjoy ‘self determination’ in countries other than Israel, which judging by their great success and pre-eminence in the US and in many other countries wherein they reside, is near to nonsense.

Unique to Zionism’s notion of the Jewish State is the claim that Israel belongs, and is home to, ALL Jews worldwide, no matter where they reside and regardless their citizen status elsewhere.

No other modern nation state is comprised on grounds of such specific ethnocentrism.

France does not ‘belong’ to just those who are ethnically French; Norway doesn’t claim to be home to, nor automatically grant citizen status to ALL Norwegians.

It is a neat trick however, as it automatically consigns dual nationality to Jews everywhere, simultaneously enabling and obligating them to support and defend the Jewish State, even to those Jews who have disagreement with Israeli policy and have no desire to live there.

This conference of a unique status by Zionism to diaspora Jews, and particularly to American Jews who lobby for American military and financial support of Israel regardless of its policies or its conduct towards its non Jewish citizens is that which conflates anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism.

Zionism {and Ms Glick} want it both ways, burdening all Jews with a moral obligation to defend, identify with, advocate for, and offer material support to the Jewish State; while simultaneously abrogating any responsibility to Jews for Israeli excess.

My advice is that Ms Glick should be quite cautious in making categorical statements equating anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism … because we are very near to the point where she will become correct … wherein the moral obligation to oppose Zionism will justify a rational suspicion of and a general antipathy toward Jews everywhere.

Thank God that many Jews are now beginning to wake to the realization that what Zionism now comprises is inherently wrong and does not represent them, and that what Israel does is not done in their names.

Question is, in the {ever more likely} event of a world calamity provoked by an Israeli action, will the world be any more discriminating than Ms Glick, when assigning the blame?

It was attitudes like Glick’s that allowed the zionists to establish their ‘Jewish Homeland’ after WW2. They established it on a land which they stole from the Palestinian people. They claimed this was their ‘right’… it was their first WRONG.

The world allowed this to happen for the simple reason that no one wanted to take in the refugees that remained after the holocaust. Anti-Semitism was rampant in the States at the time, equating ‘Jewishness’ with Communism. Canada at least was honest enough to make their position public…  In early 1945, an unidentified immigration agent was asked how many Jews would be allowed in Canada after the war. He replied “None is too many”. This is dealt with in a book with that very title. So, the reality is that it was anti-Semitism itself that created the state of Israel, not sympathy for the ‘Jewish National Liberation Movement’.

It was the hope of the early zionists that Jews would come flocking to the new ‘paradise’… a hope that was never fulfilled because the diaspora Jew for the most part was living a damned good life. Why would he give that up to toil the land in a barren desert? The least he could do would be to contribute tax deductible funds to help ‘make the desert bloom’.

Israel was faced with one major problem from the start…. how to deal with the actual people living in ‘a land without a people for a people without a land’. EXPULSION was the answer. Millions of Palestinians were forcibly removed from their ancestral homeland…. under the watchful eyes of the West that created this monster. Those that remained were literally rounded up like cattle and kept separate from the new Jewish immigrants.

Ever wonder why ‘the only Democracy in the Middle East’ never created a Constitution or a Bill of Rights for themselves? How could they? Those Palestinians that live in Israel with full citizenship would be covered by that very Constitution…. It would serve no useful purpose for the zionists to guarantee Rights to its citizens…. that is another WRONG.

However, the government of Israel created a Law of Return to encourage more diaspora Jews to move there…. still to no avail. In a move of desperation they launched a movement  to get the Soviet Union to ‘Save Soviet Jewry’… a movement led, for the most part, by extremists connected with Kahane. This too was a failed plan as most of the Jews that were eventually allowed to leave the Soviet Union moved to Germany or the United States. Others, mostly non Jews claiming otherwise, did move to Israel. These elements are, for a large part, responsible for the extreme right positions taken by the present Israeli government, led by one of their very own, Lieberman.

The Palestinians that were expelled or forced to flee do not have the Right of Return…. this is another WRONG.

Not only do LIVING Palestinians not have that Right of Return, DEAD Jews from the diaspora have the Right to be brought here for burial in the Mt. of Olives Cemetery while Palestinians are not even permitted to remain in their graves because their cemetery stands in the way of a new zionist museum…. this is also a WRONG.

Palestinians do not even have the Right to present their case to the world. The Western press is for the most part, controlled by zionists or their supporters. The Western governments have their hands tied by a powerful zionist lobby. Palestinian journalists are constantly harassed or murdered to keep the truth from getting out… these too are all WRONGS.

BUT…. be assured that the truth WILL get out one day and it WILL SET PALESTINE FREE.

Also read my PREVIOUS POST to see some more of the ongoing WRONGS in the name of Rights.

So keep whining Glick…. every time you open your stupid mouth our side scores BIG!


  1. desertpeace said,

    August 1, 2010 at 19:42

    Received via email from Khalid Amayreh…
    I know the theatrical, gesticulating, and raving Glick quite well. During arguments and debates, she would make childish bodily movements to make up for her shallowness of thought.

    As to her articles, they demonstrates that her tongue functions much more swiftly than her brain does.

    As to Zionism, her golden calf god, it is more than wrong. It is actually criminal and murderous. Zionism is based on four elements: Racism, Ethnic Cleansing, land theft and mendacity.

    Zionism is not really the liberation movement of the Jews; it is rather the criminalization movement of most Jews. Zionist Jews are not really liberated; instead they enslaved by a satanic ideology that lives and thrives on hatred for the rest mankind.

    Instead of giving the world noble and honest humans like Albert Einstein, Zionism gave us mass murderers and certified war criminals like Ariel Sharon, Ehud Barak and Gabi Ashkenazi. It gave us mentally sick politicians like Benyamin Netanyahu and professional liars like Shimon Peres.

    Zionism produced sick and sickening people who would murder innocent children and then claim rather sanctimoniously that they had to murder the little ones lest they grow up and pose a threat to Jews. Zionism is like a whore that asks her people to erect a memorial to glorify her chastity.

    Zionism has also transformed most Israelis from ordinary human beings into child killers, land thieves, and irredeemable liars like Glick herself. This is why Zionism is obsessed with mass lies, otherwise known as hasbara.

    Jews were supposed to be a light upon the nations. However, Zionism has made Jews not only an abomination upon humanity, but a cancer upon Jewish conscience.

    For Jews to have a real future, Zionism must be destroyed, the faster the better.

    Khalid Amayreh

  2. RoHa said,

    August 2, 2010 at 01:24

    “First off, this infers that Jews cannot be ‘free’”

    Wrong. This IMPLIES that Jews cannot….etc.

    On the substantive point, I don’t understand why (e.g.) Australian Jews have the same self-determination other Australians have, and then get an extra dollop because they are Jews.

  3. Lydia said,

    August 2, 2010 at 01:39

    History does repeat itself. The greatest Holocaust ever, was when the colonists or settlers of the new america, murdered by chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction against indigenous native indians of north america, the genocide of 120 million souls of humanity, for the settlers to steal the land and resources. America today celebrate “Thanksgiving”, by sacrificing a turkey for the blessings and thankfulness that the settlers of the past deleted this enemy.

  4. The Skeptical Cynic said,

    August 2, 2010 at 13:43

    Glick is Orly Taitz on PCP Both are sociopathic “punces”

  5. August 2, 2010 at 21:45