It’s an approved crime to murder a 10 year old Palestinian child in cold blood…..

Abir Aramin, murdered by Israeli forces four years ago as she was heading home from school…. one of over 100 Palestinian children killed by Israelis in 2007.

Click HERE to see many other photos of the victims.

It’s also approved to board a ship bringing humanitarian aid to the besieged Gaza Strip and brutally murder 9 of the (unarmed) passengers on board…..

Approved also is shooting out the eye of an American (Jew) protesting the above….

Emily Henochowicz lost an eye at a protest at the Qalandiyah checkpoint – she was struck by a teargas grenade

The list of approved crimes is endless. No charges were ever levied against any of the criminals involved in the examples cited above.


The following was reported yesterday;

Israeli soldier jailed for stealing one pita

JERUSALEM – An Israeli soldier was sentenced to 20 days in jail for stealing a piece of pita bread from a Palestinian vendor in the West Bank town of Tulkarem, military sources said on Monday. 

The incident took place in front of his fellow soldiers at a military checkpoint near the city.

The soldier expressed his regret and has since paid the vendor the price of the bread — one shekel (30 US cents).

Reported AT

Sam Bahour added the following…

Now I’ve heard it all!
Remembering Gaza: the dead, the living, and the living dead.

Can we put a price on the lives that were stolen?


  1. December 28, 2010 at 10:44


  2. NotAnObot said,

    December 30, 2010 at 05:52

    Why don’t a thousand ships and boats show up on Palestinian shores — all at the same time.

  3. spktruth said,

    January 2, 2011 at 19:24

    Why doesnt WikiLeaks deliver the cables they have on Israel. They gave them to the corporate press who refuses to deliver them to the world. Many believe that WIKI is a Mossad operation because they did this rather than just put them out. If Wiki Leaks is a responsible press organization as I believe they are, they surely arent naive enough to believer the zionists owners of NYTimes, Guardians, Der Spiegel an Lemonde would begin printing any information that proves what a brutual apartheid corrupt nation Isarhell is. The excuse by these media organizations is that “people around the world are not interested in those cables”. Oh yes we are, in fact we demand WIKI to put them out, or continue to be linked with Mossad.