A hundred and sixty three years ago Karl Marx raised a false flag in his Communist Manifesto claiming that ‘a spectre was haunting Europe’…. the spectre of Communism. It was eventually to become a flag that flew over much of Eastern Europe almost a century later.

Today a flag flies over Israel… a real one this time… the flag of McCarthyism. It manifests itself by turning any hopes of Israel ever becoming a Democracy into a fascist state. Aside from the racism which is supported by the political party in question, but also by trying to destroy any form of dissent against its evils.

Using the excuse of ‘protecting’ those guilty of committing war crimes against the people of Palestine, they have called for an inquiry commission to investigate cooperation between ‘anti-zionist’  groups and local organisations. In other words, a good old fashioned witch hunt reminiscent of the Cold War days in the United States.

Keep in mind that this ‘initiative’ comes from the party led by Israel’s fascist Foreign Minister, Avigdor Lieberman.

“The activity of these Israeli organizations severely harms Israel’s legitimacy in the international community,” the MK said. “The cooperation between international and Israeli organizations aimed at harming the IDF, its soldiers and officers must be investigated and stopped.

“The activity of these organizations, which is funded primarily by anti-Zionist international organizations and even by foreign countries, constitutes a significant part of the delegitimization campaign against the State of Israel,”

Israeli terrorism is what must be stopped…. NOT those trying to stop it!


Initiative: Probe funding of extreme Left in Israel  

Yisrael Beiteinu says has majority to establish parliamentary inquiry commission to investigate cooperation between international ‘anti-Zionist’ groups and local organizations

The Yisrael Beiteinu party announced Monday that it has submitted a request to establish a parliamentary inquiry commission into the funding of Israeli organizations accused of working to prosecute IDF soldiers and officers abroad.

According to a report published by the Yedioth Ahronoth daily, Yisrael Beiteinu said a majority of Knesset members support the initiative.

Party member Fania Kirshenbaum said the committee would be tasked, among other things, with identifying the funding sources of these organizations.

“The activity of these Israeli organizations severely harms Israel’s legitimacy in the international community,” the MK said. “The cooperation between international and Israeli organizations aimed at harming the IDF, its soldiers and officers must be investigated and stopped.

“The activity of these organizations, which is funded primarily by anti-Zionist international organizations and even by foreign countries, constitutes a significant part of the delegitimization campaign against the State of Israel,” she said.

Among the organizations the Knesset plans to investigate are B’Tselem, Breaking the Silence and MachsomWatch.

The Knesset is expected to vote on the matter on Wednesday.




  1. Mental said,

    January 5, 2011 at 00:26

    What do you mean Marx raised a false flag… doesn’t make sense.

  2. Mental said,

    January 5, 2011 at 02:47

    I think it was a red flag LOL

  3. January 5, 2011 at 05:18

    […] from the book “Anatomy of Fascism” (Robert O. Paxton) It’s Barak’s fault A Spectre is Haunting Israel BDS, Israel, Palestine, Zionism   apartheid, Censorship, hasbara, Human Rights, Israel, […]

  4. January 5, 2011 at 14:28

    […] normally publishes opinions just left of centre. Perhaps this is a result of fear stemming from a Bill which most likely will pass in the Knesset today, a proposal by Yisrael Beiteinu to establish a […]