From Jaffa to Cairo all people power is revolutionary

Posted by Joseph Dana

As Egypt continued its revolution on the streets, the citizens of Jaffa held a passionate march thorough the city against racism and settlements. About 800 Palestinian and Israeli residents of the city marched through the streets chanting in Arabic and Hebrew against the wave of racism taking over Israeli society.

“Jews and Arabs Against the Hate and Terror of Settlers’ and ‘From Jaffa to Cairo all people power is revolutionary.” Some protesters carried Egyptian flags and many seemed energized by the events unfolding in Egypt. Despite a heavy police presence and even police helicopters, no incidents of violence were reported from the nonviolent protest.

Jaffa Protest Against Israeli Racism and Settlers. Photo: Joseph DanaJaffa Protest Against Israeli Racism and Settlers. Photo: Joseph Dana

Jaffa Protest Against Israeli Racism and Settlers. Photo: Joseph DanaJaffa Protest Against Israeli Racism and Settlers. Photo: Joseph Dana

Jaffa Protest Against Israeli Racism and Settlers. Photo: Joseph DanaJaffa Protest Against Israeli Racism and Settlers. Photo: Joseph Dana

Jaffa Protest Against Israeli Racism and Settlers. Photo: Joseph DanaJaffa Protest Against Israeli Racism and Settlers. Photo: Joseph Dana

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  1. January 29, 2011 at 23:21

    People in the streets in this time of unrest -are still people in the streets -mulling around -stirring unrest -agitating for -change-.

    Change into what?

    As bad as things are -they still have plenty of room to get much worse.


    The only way to keep from repeating that sort of history -is to deny the worth of anyone who advocates -anything-.

    Liars abound in times such as these. These liars are as common as the dirt on the ground.

    If you walk far enough in these mean streets, you will even find plenty of people proclaiming themselves to be the genius-messiah in varying degrees.


    Hunker down. Be a survivor.

    Life is good. Life is the ONLY good.

    It’s difficult to get accustomed to, but honestly -“freedom” cannot hold a candle to life.

    Life is good. Life is the ONLY good.

    All the rest is spiritual aberration and philosophical sleight of hand.

    Count your blessings.

    Lao Tse said, “Even though you may hear the cock crow on the other side of the hill, do not ever go there.”

    Lao Tse knew of what he spoke.

    In the American Midwest it was said, “Even a fool can put his own coat on, better than even a very wise and gifted man -can do it for him.”

    And I said, of all people, I said, – The moral imperative of life is to live a life that detracts not at all from the lives available to those who will follow us into this world.

    Revolution -is not in that deck of cards. The risk is too great.

    No one knows where any revolution will end up.

    Only life is good. And YOU do not get more of it -by drawing attention to yourself in -this crowd of thieves.

    Don Robertson
    Limestone, Maine

  2. Doug said,

    January 30, 2011 at 00:04

    Don, lao Tsu wrote some awesome words…but so did Ben Franklin!
    “even peace can be purchased at too high a price’.

  3. neil said,

    January 30, 2011 at 00:46

    if all is at peace,that is life and that is good.if the life is degraded somehow,then that is not full life,so does not count it maybe nearly life,but not full be at full life everything has to be at peace..

  4. January 30, 2011 at 06:00


  5. January 30, 2011 at 11:28

    There are no short wars of revolution -that end well-.

    The perpetrators of this fraud are contending this will go off like flipping a light-switch.

    And it will too. And yet another age of darkness will descend upon your paradise from here on out -for yet another lifetime into the future.

    For historical perspective -read -Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, An Indian History of the American West- Dee Brown -1970.

    You will not drown your oppressors -but in your own blood.

    This book portrays the destruction and obliteration of the most noble humans on the planet -by the very same forces these “revolutionaries” in Egypt would confront-and-empower in their reckless and blind bravado.

    The problem is the common endorsement, utilization and inherent dependency upon the social tools of empowerment behind the counter-revolutionary forces being aroused.

    In other words, your whole society supports that which empowers the -status quo- by the way it lives.

    The “revolutionaries” have no coordination, and even more telling, neither do they have the means to seduce the people -as do these powerful counter-revolutionary forces being aroused.

    They have shut-off the Internet. They will shut-off the electricity, and the trash collection and finally they will shut-off the food.

    Your people will be starved.

    Even if you kill every single one, these things will not go back on by themselves. They will be -off- for a very long time.

    When you are enticed into taking up the battle, you are subjected to the raw truth of the battle too.

    If Hosni Mubarak were really the problem, then it would have long ago behooved someone or some group to remove him as Gamal Abdel Nasser Hussein was removed -in a hail of bullets from his own security troops.

    Egypt was no better off after Nasser was gone.

    Egypt will be no better off after Mubarak is gone either.

    For things to be better the transition must be smooth and thoughtful.

    You are doing nothing more than setting a place at the table for the Devil to come to dinner. Tyranny like you have never known will visit your land by the newly-rapacious hand of this new Devil. Your yoke will be fastened even more tightly.

    Every bit of strength and confidence you muster today -will be met two-fold by greater oppression tomorrow.

    Nothing will have been changed for the better.

    If you want to change things for the better, then there is but one direction to look for guidance about -what is better-.

    Look to the past -and emulate the best of it -as best as you still can-.

    Revolution is only demanding, and even precipitating a future that will bear no resemblance to the best of the past -and yet- it will look again exactly like the worst of it.

    Don Robertson
    Limestone, Maine

  6. desertpeace said,

    January 30, 2011 at 12:22

    You are doing nothing more than setting a place at the table for the Devil to come to dinner. Tyranny like you have never known will visit your land by the newly-rapacious hand of this new Devil. Your yoke will be fastened even more tightly.
    The Devil is already at the table Don ….. the intention is to get rid of him PERIOD!

  7. January 30, 2011 at 15:35

    […] Read More Here(DesertPeace) – From Jaffa to Cairo all people power is revolutionary – Read More Here(DailyBail) – Video: Judge Napolitano – Revolution Is The DUTY Of The People – […]