The best Congress AIPAC can buy….

‘How many years can a man turn his head and pretend that he just doesn’t see’? In the case of the dictatorship in Egypt, it was 30 years. Thirty years of relentless support for a regime contrary to the very principles of the governments that supported them.

From a report in today’s HaAretz; Israel called on the United States and a number of European countries over the weekend to curb their criticism of President Hosni Mubarak to preserve stability in the region. Preserve stability? Don’t they mean preserve tyranny? Israel has been content with Mubarak’s government, they were able to control their every move. Now they are worried that without Mubarak, the ‘stability’ might change to reality. The reality of a new government that supports the rights of the Egyptian people as well as the Palestinian people rather than one that has been cooperating in keeping both of them down.

What I am saying is that America’s support for Egypt over the past 30 years was not actually support for Egypt, it was support for Israel! Egypt has been a loyal friend of the zionist state for decades, Israel has done everything in its power to garner support for them from the West. AIPAC has done everything in its power to make sure the US stands by them!

The tables are turning and the truth is coming to light.  Egypt’s greatest fear at the moment is that the truth might actually set its people free. To prevent this from happening, they shut down the Internet a few days ago, they booted out Al Jazeera. It seems their intention is to prevent the world from seeing what is going on there today. This might have been possible in the days of the Pharaohs, but not today! It’s game over for dictatorships! It’s game over for governments that supported these dictatorships! There’s a new game on the horizon, it’s called PEOPLE POWER! No one can stop that from happening and America’s incongruous Congress better wake up to that fact. They helped get the Egyptian people into the mess they are in today…. it is they that must help get them out of it!

Images ‘Copyleft’ by Carlos Latuff

The following skit from Saturday Night Live is meant to be funny (which it is), BUT…. it’s very close to the real picture. Unfortunately, too much of the world is laughing at the situation while the people of Egypt are crying out for Freedom….

Mubarak is afraid…… very much afraid!


  1. January 31, 2011 at 10:29

    Any analysis that contains a reference to SNL as a source of an informational portrayal of reality surrounding the circumstances of a pending revolution (and these kinds of analysis are ubiquitous on the Internet) -is but drivel- in the fullest extent of that word.

    I find it very telling this morning that Israel is reported in al Jazeera as supporting Mubarak. Who staged this signaling-portraiture-event?

    People are fools, and given enough time they’ll prove it to themselves by cutting off their own fingers or poking out their own eyes.

    A whirlwind of change is being fostered. That much is clear.

    Mubarak is about to descend the throne due to old age and ill-health, and suddenly as if to presage some well-calculated event -a whirlwind of change is blowing up out of the desert.

    When the dust settles from this obfuscating storm, it will do no good to go looking for your fingers or your eyes, nor to reach for your back pocket to see if your wallet is still there.

    Hosni Mubarak is a despicable creature of the possible.

    The “revolution” is clearly -only the daughter of the impossible.

    Don Robertson
    Limestone, Maine

  2. January 31, 2011 at 10:42

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by nordin pumbaya, Kelly. Kelly said: THE INCONGRUOUS CONGRESS: The best Congress AIPAC can buy…. ‘How many years can a man turn his… #flotilla #israel […]

  3. kassandra said,

    January 31, 2011 at 10:57

    What happened to Martin Indyk, did he have a Road to Damascus moment on Fareed Zakaria? He called Mubarak “dead man walking”, said the US is “behind the curve” on Egypt, and called for Mubarak to leave immediately, and much more in the same vein. Couldn’t believe my ears.

    And then there was zombie Tony Bliar calling for “managed change” in Egypt from Jerusalem, and still waving the spectre of the Muslim Brotherhood. Yeah, “managed” meaning managed by Israel. Why is the Quartet wasting their money on a salary for this undead zombie?

  4. Maurice said,

    January 31, 2011 at 11:15

    Preserve stability? Don’t they mean preserve tyranny? Yup!
    Zionist doublespeak: stability is a euphemism for tyranny. Just like «Israel’s right to defend itself» is a euphemism for «ethnic cleansing» and «peace talks» is a euphemism for «bullshitting while we multiply settlements».

  5. Redpossum said,

    January 31, 2011 at 15:07

    @Don Robertson
    Don, why is it that you show up like a wheeling vulture to dump all over the comments section of every thread on this subject of Egypt?

    Your cynical pronouncements of doom are getting highly repetitive.

    If you’re trolling, it’s not working. If you’re genuinely trying to contribute, perhaps a little tact and diplomacy might be in order, hmm?

  6. January 31, 2011 at 18:37

    […]   ‘How many years can a man turn his head and pretend that he just doesn’t see’? In the case of the dictatorship in Egypt, it was 30 years. Thirty years of relentless support for a regime contrary to the very principles of the governments that supported them. From a report in today’s HaAretz; Israel called on the United States and a number of European countries over the weekend to curb their criticism of President Hosni Mubarak to preserve stability in the region. Preserve stability? Don’t they mean preserve tyranny? Israel has been content with Mubarak’s government, they were able to control their every move. Now they are worried that without Mubarak, the ‘stability’ might change to reality. The reality of a new government that supports the rights of the Egyptian people as well as the Palestinian people rather than one that has been cooperating in keeping both of them down. CONTINUED HERE […]

  7. George A from Toronto said,

    January 31, 2011 at 21:52

    I can see in the very near future,the crazy Israelies using their nukes to teach the Arabs a lesson.It’s like rats cornered and bite back :^(

  8. hp said,

    February 1, 2011 at 02:59

    ‘How many years can a man turn his head and pretend that he just doesn’t see’?

    Funny, but in these troubling times I never seem to be able to find any words of wisdom, guidance, encouragement from the person who wrote that quote..

    Whay say YE, Bob?

  9. February 1, 2011 at 03:34


  10. February 1, 2011 at 04:34


  11. Ladybat2 said,

    February 1, 2011 at 05:56

    I just hope whom ever becomes the leader of Egypt they won’t be as bad as Mubarak or worse. I hope they won’t be just another puppet of israel and the U.S.

    Had Mubarak stood up for Gaza and not helped israel to murder Palestinian people he might not be going through this right now. He could have been a hero to Arab people every where had he not helped Israel attack Gaza. Before Mubarak was leader of Egypt the entire Arab world looked up to Egypt. But ever since Egypt took the US bribe and signed a peace treaty with israel Egypt has been nothing but shamed. So has Jordan, which I believe is not to far away from an up rising also given that 80 percent of its population are Palestinian people.

    I really believe we are wittnessing the Arab world finally uniting.

    If that happens…..


    Every Arab in his and her’s heart has always known this is the only way that the zionist regime can ever be defeated.

    My dearest hope is that is what we are all starting to see now.

    Stand up Arabs! You can do it! You have always been meant to lead.

    You just forgot how.

  12. 5 dancing shlomos said,

    February 1, 2011 at 17:48

    i think most of the arab world, esp the egyptians, hated sadat. he sold out egypt, the palestinians, and the arab world so that he could be hailed and celebrated by his white masters.

    mubarak continued egypt’s descent into subservience to israel and the west.