At least that’s what Israel wants you to believe…..

Young turks_grand serai_jaffa

Jaffa, Palestine: Palestinians gather at the Grand Serai (local government offices) in July 1908, to celebrate the al-Hurriyah Revolution (i.e. the Young Turks Revolution) against Sultan Abdul Hamid and in favor of the restoration of the constitution and the holding of Parliamentary elections. (via Walid Khalidi, Before Their Diaspora).

Jaffa beach front_pre1914

 Jaffa, Palestine: General view of the city from the sea looking east, pre-1914. (Matson Collection, 1898-1914).

Jaffa clock tower pre1914

Jaffa, Palestine: Street scene in the old city next to the Jaffa’s famous Clock tower, pre-1914 (Matson Collection). 

The bazaar in jaffa 1896

Jaffa, Palestine: The bazaar in 1896.


Jaffa and its orange groves pre-1914

Jaffa, Palestine: General view of Jaffa and its orange groves, facing south; before 1914. (Matson Collection)


Harvesting jaffa oranges

Jaffa, Palestine: Harvesting the oranges. (Matson Collection)


Sorting jaffa oranges 1920s

Jaffa, Palestine: Sorting and packing citrus fruits, 1920’s.


Packing jaffa oranges

Jaffa, Palestine: Oranges being wrapped for sale. (Matson Collection). 


Jaffa oranges for export

Jaffa, Palestine: Boxed Jaffa oranges being loaded for export, early 1920’s. Jaffa oranges were Palestine’s leading export. After 1948, Jaffa’s nationalized orange groves and the established markets for their products provided the major source of income for the new state of Israel. 


Al-Ameiryah High School_staff

Jaffa, Palestine: The staff of the Government Secondary Boys’ School (al-Ameiryah High School) in 1923. Seated center is Salim Katul, author of a series of textbooks in Arabic on the natural sciences.


Orthodox elementary school_jaffa

Jaffa, Palestine: Elementary school pupils at the National Christian Orthodox School (1938).


Jaffa secondary school

Jaffa, Palestine: Carpentry class at the Government Secondary Boys’ School, 1924. The inscription over the door reads, “The least worthy of you are the least learned”.


Orthodox school band_jaffa

Jaffa, Palestine: The band of the National Christian Orthodox School (1938)


Al-Ameiryah boy scouts

Jaffa, Palestine: Wolf Cubs and Boy Scouts with camping gear, at the Government Secondary Boys’ School, 1924.


Jaffa high school soccer team

Jaffa, Palestine: The Government Secondary Boys’ School first XI (Soccer) in 1923.


Jaffa demonstration 1933

Jaffa, Palestine: Palestinians demonstrate in Jaffa’s central square against the plans of the British government to increase Zionist immigration into Palestine, 27 October 1933.


Musa Pasha Kathem
Jaffa, Palestine: British Soldiers clubbing Palestinian dignitary Musa Kazim Pasha al-Husseini at the 27 October 1933 demonstration against British policy on Zionist immigration into Palestine. Musa Kazim Pasha al-Husseini died six months later, 27 March 1934, at the age of eighty-one, having never recovered from the effects of this beating. (via Walid Khalidi, Before Their Diaspora).

Arab revolt_jaffa demo 1936

Jaffa, Palestine: The beginning of the Arab Revolt of 1936-39. British riot police clash with Palestinian demonstrators protesting Britain’s pro-Zionist policies (specifically increasing Zionist immigration into Palestine), Central Square, Jaffa, 12 June 1936. (via Walid Khalidi, Before Their Diaspora).


Stop and search_arab revolt_jaffa

Jaffa, Palestine: British soldiers search one of Jaffa’s residents during the Arab Revolt, 1936.


Jaffa palestine_punitive demolitions1

The Punishment of Jaffa, Palestine: British soldiers cordon off Jaffa’s old city in preparation for the punitive demolition of Palestinian buildings in reprisal for the Arab Revolt against British policy in Palestine; 1936.


Jaffa palestine_punitive demolitions4

The Punishment of Jaffa, Palestine: British soldiers carry out punitive demolitions in the old city, in reprisal for the Arab Revolt against British policy in Palestine; 1936.


Grand saraya truck bomb 1948
Jaffa, Palestine: The ruins of the Grand Serai (local govt offices, see the first photo in this post). A truck loaded with explosives covered with oranges was parked outside the entrance on 4 January 1948 by members of the Zionist militant organization, Lohemai Herut Israel (the Stern Gang). The resulting explosion destroyed the building and killed 26 Palestinian civilians. (via Walid Khalidi, Before Their Diaspora)

Al-Manshiyya jaffa_may 1948

Jaffa, Palestine: The ruins of the Manshiyeh quarter, after indiscriminate bombardment by the Irgun.  


Palestinian refugees from jaffa May 1948
 Jaffa, Palestine: Palestinian residents salvage whatever possessions they can carry as they flee the city. (via Walid Khalidi,Before Their Diaspora)

Fleeing jaffa harbor_may 1948

Jaffa, Palestine: Palestinians driven into the sea at Jaffa Harbor, late April 1948.  With the land routes cut off by the Haganah, tens of thousands of the citizens of Jaffa and neighboring villages fled by boat: south to Gaza and Egypt, and north to Lebanon. (via Walid Khalidi, Before Their Diaspora)


Jaffa refugees_gaza

Jaffa Harbor, Palestine: Palestinian refugees flee Jaffa by boat for Gaza, Apr-May 1948. By the time Jaffa finally fell on 13 May 1948, fewer than 4,000 of its 70,000 residents remained.


Jewish refugees resettled in jaffa_1949

Jaffa, Israel: Jewish refugees from Europe are resettled in ethnically-cleansed Jaffa, 1949.

All of the above taken from THIS post.


  1. May 16, 2011 at 00:56

    […] Read the original post: AL NAKBA ~~ REMEMBERING ‘THE LAND THAT NEVER WAS’ …. PHOTO ESSAY + VIDEO […]

  2. george beres said,

    May 16, 2011 at 05:41

    Zionists are expert at trying to re-write history. These historical photos illustrate how far from the truth Israeli words are today. Most Americans may acknowledge this, but have been brainwashed to accept Israel’s corrupt denial that it has invaded what once was Palestine. – George Beres

  3. David G said,

    May 16, 2011 at 08:35

    The Nakba was a tragedy for the Palestinians and the World. Why? Because the State of Israel, aided by the U.S., will bring about a nuclear holocaust!

    As the Arab nations become more democratic, they will tolerate the brutal, elitist, imperial Israel regime less and less.

    One day, it will be crunch time and the whole world will pay the price.

  4. May 17, 2011 at 03:17


  5. May 20, 2011 at 21:32