This man doesn’t seem to mind …
Palestinians do not have to imagine this, it’s been a reality for them…
Put yourself in a Palestinian’s shoes …
Their land has been occupied for decades… give them just a few minutes…

There are checkpoints preventing them from obtaining vital medical services, often resulting in death.
They are cut off from the rest of humanity by concrete walls.
All this as the world turns a blind eye to their situation.
Take a look at THIS report… a child’s view of the occupation…
Barack Obama seems OK with this situation
Are you?

Imagine If London Was Occupied by Israel


(course language used to describe a course situation)



Join the BDS Movement …. BOYCOTT ISRAEL … Watch this to see how



  1. greg said,

    May 23, 2011 at 18:17

    Our land is occupied by Israel

  2. Hu said,

    May 23, 2011 at 18:32

    Funny, I thought America was occupied by Israel?

    We have checkpoints too, they’re at airports, they scan you naked and possibly give you cancer, and they were sold for profit by a company associated with an Israeli citizen named Michael Chertoff.

    We pay billions to Israel in taxes while Americans lack health care and are denied essential medical services.

    Our Presidential candidates travel to Israel to kick off their election campaigns and take money from Israeli lobbyists. Not to mention those Mossad agents arrested on 9-11 for acting very suspiciously.

    What is your definition of occupation?

  3. Matt said,

    May 23, 2011 at 20:51

    Obama is a puppet. Even if Obama was the most antisemitic Israel hater in the world, he would be powerless to stop the occupation in Israel.

    Last Thursday, Obama said one sentence:

    “The borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps so that secure and recognized borders are established for both states”

    That one sentence created an outrage. Specifically the two words “1967 lines”. He was strongly advised by Zionist chum Dennis Ross not to say those words but he said them anyways. There is nothing wrong with that sentence because that has always been the starting point for negotiations for the last couple decades. Israel shouldn’t be surprised at all either considering they built a wall around roughly along these borders (but of course kept most settlements on the Israel side, especially the cancerous tumor Ariel).

    The backlash is laughable. It exposed the truth about Nethanyahu and his government, that they never had any intention of resolving the conflict. I might be in the minority but I think for a sitting US President that sentence (which was repeated and elaborated on in his AIPAC speech) it was a bold thing to say publicly. It shows just how sensitive these Zionist lunatics are.

    We all wish Obama, or any US president for that matter, would cut of the annual aid or force sanctions or condemn Israeli action in the UN. But that won’t happen any time soon. If these people make such an outcry over the 1967 thing, imagine the response if we did that. They would find a way to impeach the president (or worse) if we ever took this stance.

    It might also look horrible that he shot down the attempt at declaring statehood in September but let’s be rational. If nothing happens in between now and then statehood is still going to be declared and it will gain heavy international support. Remember, they already have that support from the 1988 declaration of Palestinian independence. They just don’t have a state. But Obama and the world would rather they seriously negotiate this out because it is the only peaceful solution. The alternative is inevitable war and deligitimization of Israel. I’m all for deligitimazation but I’m not crazy about the consequences (nuclear WWIII). Another thing is the Iran situation. Nobody but Israel thinks they’re making weapons. The US doesn’t even believe this, they just pretend to. But If the Palestine situation is still at a stand-still come September, Israel will most likely take the focus off of it (as they’ve done so many times in the past) by bombing the Iranian reactor. This WILL start WWIII. Period.

    Israel’s ‘defensible borders’ excuse is a line of BS. Everybody knows that. Obama knows it. In his ME speech he emphasized this and he also repeated it at AIPAC – “Israel must be able to defend itself — by itself — against any threat”. He stressed ‘by itself’ both times it was said. This means within the Jewish state, NOT by occupying somebody else’s state. This means in the 9 mile width that was defensible in 1948 but suddenly now it isn’t.

    Netanyahu has proved to the world that he doesn’t want the Palestinians to have a state. Even mainstream media like the NYT is stating this. And don’t believe the propaganda about the Jewish people upset about what Obama says. Many Jewish people want there to be a peaceful two state solution. Only Evangelical God-Fearing Catholics are the majority who are opposed. They make up the majority of AIPAC by the way, the so-called ‘Jewish lobby’ when in reality it isn’t Jewish at all. These people make up 90% of our congress and they want all the Jews to return to Israel because of the whole rapture nonsense. Sarah Palin has stated this publicly even!

    So Obama’s position certainly was not enough but the underlying message is a warning sign to Israel and Israel’s response (backed by the Zionist crazyheads) has the underlying message of “no, you don’t tell us what to do and we’re going to keep occupying”.

    Establishing a border as a starting point and then focusing on Jerusalem and the right-of-return is actually a good thing. Once the border is established, they can never take it away. They will try, but they will fail. Once that border is established, you better believe that Israeli Jews will start wondering why they live in the desert surrounded by enemies when they could live in the USA among ‘friends’. Many already are thinking this.

    So even though it does not seem that way, Obama’s speech has more benefit to Palestinians than it seems. Yes, we know that the Zionists stole the land and have been trying to ethnically cleanse it with violence. We know that Palestinian resistance is justified even though Israel calls it terrorism. We know that Israel should never expect Palestinians to recognize their state or its right to exist (Almost the entire Arab league does not recognize Israel, so what’s the big deal?). But it’s important for Palestinian’s to have a self-governed state independent from Israeli occupation and to do that I think they should “play along” with what are just empty symbolic words anyways. It might be a blow to Palestinian pride to do that, but imagine the pride that comes with a real nation. Plus, Israel will never be peaceful anyways and this is just one major step at ‘destroying’ them from within IMO

  4. Derek said,

    May 23, 2011 at 22:29

    Amen. You are doing a sterling job with your website. Its sites like yours that restore my faith in humanity.

  5. Derek said,

    May 23, 2011 at 22:48

    @ Matt: Very well put but I must say Catholics are not the Christian zionists who in reality are not Christians at all. Christian zionists are the ones indoctrinated into believing “Israel” is biblical although there is nothing biblical about this here “Israel”.

  6. Jeff said,

    May 24, 2011 at 03:59

    This made me ill.

    So stark.

    In any other part of tyhe world this basic denial of human rights is called genocide….

    In Israel if you complain against you are called anti-semite and a jew hater…

    I am neither. I just wish the UN would apply the same laws to each signatory State….

    Jeff Mills

  7. May 24, 2011 at 04:40


  8. sarah said,

    May 24, 2011 at 09:25

    Imagine if North America was occupied by White Europeans……..

  9. mark from kentucky said,

    May 24, 2011 at 22:58

    I made this video using Mark Glenn’s soundtrack as inspiration.
    I hope this will melt the coldest hearts. That oppose Palestine.