Terror and murder don’t suddenly become kosher when committed by Jews.
Zionist Jews can’t codone mosque-burning in West Bank and then complain about anti-Semitism

By Khalid Amayreh
On Tuesday, 7 June, illegal Jewish settlers under the full protection of the Israeli army set fire to yet another mosque in the occupied West Bank, the fifth in less than two years. Responsibility for security in all of the villages where these attacks took place lies exclusively with the Israeli army.

The settlers’ terrorism was not, as one might think, an attack in revenge for something done by Palestinians. According to Israeli sources, the arson attack was part of the so-called “price-tag policy”, whereby Jewish settlers vandalise Palestinian property in response to the dismantling by the Israeli security forces of newly-built settler outposts (illegal even by Israeli standards) on the hills of the West Bank. In addition to burning houses of worship, the fanatical settlers have set fire to Palestinian cornfields and olive groves. They have also placed time-bombs in Arab schools, especially in the Jerusalem area. Despite the shocking frequency of these acts, the Israeli security forces have failed to arrest a single perpetrator.

Some observers attribute this failure to collusion between the Israeli occupation army, which controls every nook and cranny of the West Bank, and the settlers. It is well known that settlers and settler sympathizers have infiltrated Israel’s army and justice system, so much so that settlers feel free to commit acts of terrorism in the knowledge that they are unlikely to face arrest, prosecution and punishment for their crimes.

Although some Israeli officials have condemned the mosque-burning, it is clear that these grave terrorist acts, which could spark off a religious conflagration, have failed to raise any eyebrows in the increasingly self-absorbed wider Israeli-Jewish society; nor, indeed, among the activists of the Israel Lobby in the West. Interestingly, most of Israel’s rabbis have either maintained their silence in the face of such abominations or made tendentious statements blaming the Israeli government for “forcing the settlers to lose their patience and behave the way they did”. The less PR-savvy settler politicians, including lawmakers, blame the Palestinians brazenly for bringing the attacks upon themselves. Unfortunately, Zionist rabbis, unlike their anti-Zionist peers, invoke a thousand falsehoods and “red herrings” to justify these unjustifiable attacks against innocent Muslims and Christians.

I don’t intend to hold any Jew legally responsible for the evil committed by a few terrorist settlers. However, I believe strongly that all Jews have a moral obligation to condemn those who commit arson and murder in the name of Jews everywhere; even, in fact, in the name of Judaism. In the final analysis, terror is terror, regardless of the religious identity of the perpetrators and victims. Terror and murder don’t suddenly become kosher when committed by Jews.

I also believe that the failure of most rabbinical circles to condemn Zionist-Jewish terror against Muslim houses of worship contributes to the rise of anti-Semitism. Perhaps that is their aim, as Zionism as an ideology depends on anti-Semitism to justify its aims, objectives and methodology. Could this also be the ultimate goal of the fanatical thugs who believe that non-Jews are children of a lesser God and whose lives, therefore, have no value? Today in Israel there are respected rabbinic authorities of immense influence who advocate the worst kind of racism against non-Jews merely for being Gentiles.

Some of these figures have published religious edicts which permit the killing of “children of the enemy”, claiming that according to Halacha, or Jewish religious law, there is no such a thing as “enemy civilians”, especially during wartime. One rabbi who is especially notorious for his genocidal theology released a religious ruling stating that Jews may kill hundreds of thousands, even millions, of Gentiles in order to save Israeli soldiers. Ovadia Yosef, the religious mentor of Shas, one of the largest religious-right political parties in Israel, has declared that all non-Jews are basically donkeys and beasts of burden whom the Almighty created so that they would serve the chosen people. For the latter, read master race. I thought that this kind of language perished with the Nazis. Obviously, I was mistaken.

Such sinister statements, even from the lips of an elderly and allegedly senile clergyman, are not anecdotal or amusing and ought to be treated with the utmost gravity since they encourage racism. Imagine if you can how Jewish circles might react if a prominent Muslim leader in London, or New York, declared all non-Muslims to be less than human beings.

Not surprisingly, Muslims are not the only victims of Zionist Jewish terror and racism. In recent months, there have been several attempts by Jewish settlers to burn down churches in Jerusalem. The settlers’ religious hostility towards Christians, Christianity and Jesus exceeds by far their hostility to Islam. Some settlers, for example, believe that Jesus is the most evil being ever created and upon uttering or hearing his name recite, “May his name be damned and memory erased”. One settler leader, who is also a rabbi, once referred to Christ as “the Hitler of Bethlehem”.

Some people might think that words, even such emotionally-charged words, are innocuous. But words can and do kill. The path to the Holocaust began with words, and we all know how that ended.


  1. skulz fontaine said,

    June 9, 2011 at 16:00

    So, does the old ‘eye for an eye’ adage have application here? You know, sauce for a goose is…
    I mean damn. This crap persists and nothing changes. Of course, Amerikan media will spin this as “Palestinian terrorism provokes Israeli response.”
    IF there is a “God” somewhere, I sure hope that the aforementioned “God” will have mercy on all of us.

  2. Tarzan/Texas said,

    June 9, 2011 at 17:33

    Israeli government made a statement condemning such act, even Bibi Netanyahu himself joined the chorus of Israeli officials condemnations, but who supports these settlers financially,legally , and militarily…? !!
    they are the same people who condemned such act…
    Does any believe that Netanyahu was serious in his condemntations.
    This is not the first time such acts and more terrible ones were done against Palestinians for decades, under the support and supervision of Israeli government.
    Palestinians know better when it comes to Israeli officials sincerity about racism against non-Jews in Israel.

  3. June 9, 2011 at 20:55

    […] Yet Another Mosque Is Set Ablaze in the Name of ‘Kosher Terrorism’ ( […]

  4. Me Here said,

    June 9, 2011 at 22:09

    Unemployed scumbag settlers …. urghh they give me the sh*ts …..

  5. traducteur said,

    June 9, 2011 at 23:40

    Terror and murder don’t suddenly become kosher when committed by Jews

    Can’t argue with that. Crimes against humanity committed by Jews are crimes against humanity none the less. 1948 comes to mind, and 1967, and a lot of other events between those dates and ever since, in the form of the policy of “encouraging the goyim. to emigrate” by such means as confiscating their land, sluicing off their water, demolishing their homes, denying them employment, education and health care, machine-gunning their children, and the like.

  6. June 10, 2011 at 11:28

    YITZHAK SHAMIR:“Neither Jewish morality nor Jewish tradition can be used to disallow terror as a means of war. We are very far from any moral hesitations when concerned with the national struggle. First and foremost, terror is for us a part of political war appropriate for the circumstances of today…” Yitzhak Shamir, Israeli prime minister and a member of Jewish terrorist group ‘Lehi’, wrote this in his article entitled “Terror,” published in 1943 in Lehi’s journal, “Hazit”. AND IT WAS PRECISELY BECAUSE OF HIS TERRORIST RECORD, THAT YITZHAK SHAMIR WAS ELECTED BY ISRAELIS TO BE THEIR PRIME MINISTER: